
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nature WordArt Pack :)

So, what do you think? Do you have some AWESOME nature photos you can use these with? All you girls living in the mountains? How about you near the forests, or lakes, or farms, or anywhere! What a beautiful world we have - every place has it's natural beauty. Don't you think!!!

Well, I'm letting you all have the chance to snag this WordArt pack VERY EARLY! Heheheh. It's not releasing at the Orchard until next Friday. But, while DH was busy taking the last load of our stuff to the storage shed, I was designing. But, if he asks, I WAS CLEANING!!! Ok, everyone got their story straight - LMBO!!!

New Beginning

While I'm not sure if I know this song (I probably would recognize it if I heard it), I thought that the lyrics were nice. And, I was rather fond of how the WordArt turned out. Don't you like it? I thought it would be good on moves, new friends, first day of ______, or starting something new.

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

New - Stephanie Marie JF
Beginning - Dialtone

Friday, July 25, 2008

Big Blue Sky

So how many of you have to watch this movie COUNTLESS TIMES a day too? Anyone? Ha! It's my 2 year olds FAVORITE movie. Disney's CARS. Don't get me wrong. It's a fantastic movie. Even has a Brad Paisley song (LOL!), but after watching it daily, it gets a bit old. I think I can quote any part from memory. I guess, though, there's worse movies to watch over and over. Hehehehe.

I thought this WordArt would be fun with layouts of kids playing outside, with the blue sky. Or, just pics of the sky. Lots of possibilities. Don't ya think?

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

And The Winner Is.....

Melissa from Indianapolis, IN!!! You've won a Custom WordArt from me!!! Congrats, girl! I'll be emailing you shortly!!

2 People In Love

Yes, I know, we're on a Brad Paisley roll. Sorry about that, if you don't like Brad Paisley. Hehehe. I thought this would be PERFECT for family reunion layouts! Just think, if Grandma and Grandpa hadn't fallen in love, the whole family wouldn't be! It would also be good on family pictures :)

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. :)

All, because - Al Sandra
All rest - Pharmacy

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gas Sale

With Shauna's recent trek from Hawaii to Jersey, Mel's relocation to Arizona, and Bethany's move to Oregon, we're spending a lot of dough at the pump this summer and we're sure you are too!! We feel your pain!! ROFL!!!

So...... that's right!! The Orchard Girls want to buy you a gallon of gas!!

From now through Thursday, July 24th-

Spend $10 or more in the Orchard and receive $4.07 off your entire purchase!!!

Click HERE to go to the Orchard and start saving :)

All I Really Need Is Love

Hi all! I'm checking back in today to see how everything is going! Our move is progressing..... this is the day that we should have been leaving the house, but because of our 4 day extension, we have more time to do things! We're about 90% packed. I think we're gonna try and load the trailer today and see how much will fit. I hope it ALL will, but that may be wishful thinking - LOL! Then, the hard part, of deciding what to leave. Not fun :)

Just to let you know, at current rate, I only have WordArt done through Friday or Saturday. If I find some time in the next few days (unlikely, though), I'll put some more on. If not, DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!!! LOL :)

OK, you guys, I know this is a little different than my normal WordArt style, but I thought it was cute. And besides, I can do something a little different now and again, right?

Click here to go to the Scraporchard Freebie Gallery, to download the WordArt. Happy WordArt Wednesday!!! (can you believe it's already week 7!!!)

It's in the download :) LOL, this is me being lazy, and not looking it up again - Ha!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Little Moments

OK, the link is fixed - sorry for the confusion :) Life is CRAZY here at the Harty Household. Apparently, some KIND person at MEPS decided that we needed a few extra days for our move, but then FORGOT TO TELL US!!! We found out last night that our start date was pushed back by 4 days (mon, not thursday). So, all our plans were messed up, and needed fixing. We not have an empty house, and are still here. But, I think we're back on track now. Welcome to military life, eh? Ha!

This is a GREAT Brad Paisley song, if you haven't heard it :) Gotta love Brad! He's the man - LOL! I thought this would be PERFECT on so many layouts! But mostly for everyday situations. Those are the little moments I live for :)

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Little - Rambler Script JF
Moments - PeriwinkeRegular JF

Monday, July 21, 2008

Endless Love

I can remember listening to Lionel Ritchie as a kid. He was awesome for singing along! And I LOVE to sing along :) Hehehehe. Love WordArt is always good, because we all love someone :)

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!!!


Endless, Love - Stephanie Marie JF

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Falling In Love

I think this is my favorite Elvis song. LOVE IT!!! My mom is a BIG Elvis fan, so this one's for you, Mom!!! Hope you like it :) And, I bet that you all can find some great pictures to go with it too!

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download my PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Falling, In, Love - Hyrule