
Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Must Have Loved You Before Series - Sweet Light

Wow, I'm SOOOO tired tonight (pre-publishing, remember- hehehe). I....think... ..I'm... ..gonna.... .fall.... ..asleep right here. Here's the next part of the series. It's almost done. I think there's only like 2 more left after this one. That means I need to get back to designing more freebies - LOL.

Before I totally nod off, just wanted to show you guys an update of the "100 Days Gone Promotion". Here are still coupons left for grabs, if you haven't commented on the post HERE. Also, I sent off coupons today for everyone I had on my list. If you left a comment, and didn't get one, maybe you didn't leave an email address. Click HERE to go to the list to see who had one sent to them, and who needs to leave me their email. Just leave a comment on that post with your email. Wow, am I even making sense (I'm SO tired - LOL!)

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I Must Have Loved You Before Series - Every Minute

First off, had to say that Tom had a GREAT party last night. We're finally all done with kid birthday parties for our family!!! Pfew! 2 in August, 1 Sep, 1 Oct, and 1 Nov. What a run :) And, I actually had cake and ice cream at the party - woohoo! It was SO tasty - LOL! Here's Tom blowing out his candles. And me clapping in the background. hehehe.

Fresh Fruit Friday is HERE!!!! I made 6 WordArt packs this week, and am releasing 5 of them! Yes, I know, I was SUPER busy this week, yet productive too! We'll see if I can keep it up - hehehe. I do have to say thanks to my CT for helping me come up with the quotes. Amazing how much faster the designing process goes when someone else is doing all the leg work - LMBO!!!

Remember, the first week, all my Fresh Fruit is 20% off. That means that you can score a WordArt pack for only $2.00. Great deal, eh?

And here's a FABULOUS layout done using my Christmas Phrases WordArt pack - by Minna. Isn't she FANTASTIC!!!'

OK girls - Here's the low down on the coupons :) While there have been 86 comments, there were only 68 people comment. AND, 12 of those who left comments left absolutely no way for me to get ahold of them. So, I'm publishing my list of comments HERE. Give it a look, and see if you are listed and if I can get ahold of you. Some of you have blogs listed. Those are the next step up from nothing - LMBO! If you could leave an address instead, that would be SO helpful. Just go ahead and leave a comment on the post with the big list :) Clear as mud? Good! hehehe.

Here's the next part in the Series. Hope you guys are enjoying this! Be sure to send me the links to all of your fabulous layouts! I'm SO excited to see what you all come up with!!! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

just look back to a previous post - they're all the same in this series :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Must Have Loved You Before Series - Loved You Before

I had a busy day yesterday. I went over to my friend, Maren's house. Her in-laws were coming for a visit, and she was panicking that her house wasn't clean. So, Jimmy, Joe (he was not feeling well enough for school), and I headed on over to help out a friend! We vacuumed, washed dishes, organized, folded laundry, hung clothes, hemmed pants, swept and mopped floors, cleaned bathrooms. Wheeew! Her house looked FABULOUS when we were done. Amazing the work that you can accomplish when there's 2 of you working together! That's what friends are for, right?

She took a picture of me in my new outfit that we'd bought the night before. Some of the local boutiques were having an 80% off sale on Tuesday night, and I found this AWESOME outfit. The boots, the jeans, the brown shirt, and the black/white shirt, all together, was $38. That's not too bad, eh? So, what do you think? Those jeans, by the way, are a SIZE 6!!!! I never in a million years would have believed that I could wear a size 6 in anything! Goodness :) Click HERE for more info on my diet.

This was me at xmas in 2007. What a difference a year can make - hey, that was my WordArt from last week, wasn't it? I should make a page of myself - LOL! Someone wanna scrap one for me ????

Wow, just gotta tell you guys, Minna, from my CT, is SUPER AMAZING! When I woke up this morning, I found this AWESOME layout in my inbox. Isn't she SUPER FANTASTIC???!!! Thanks, girl! LOVE it!

My niece, Taylor, had a b-day party last night. Tom's b-day is the same day, but his party is today. So it worked out perfectly. They had the party at McDonalds playland. It really was great. The kids got food, and candy bags, and cupcakes. And they got to play at the playland. They thought it was AWESOME. The kids really had a great time.

Here's the next installment in the series - I didn't really like how this layout turned out - it's just not working for me - oh well. They can't all be great - LMBO! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file. And, leave some love if you like my work.

FONTS: See previous previous post :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

100 Days in the Army!!!

Yep. Here's the day it all started. The day I packed up all my possessions, and either left them in a friends garage in Ohio, or packed them in this homemade trailer, dropped my husband off at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), and drove clear across the country to stay at my parents house. Seeing my husband drive off to Fort Knox, Kentucky was one of the hardest things I've done. But I did it.

My mom and I drove across the country in a 1990 Suburban, towing a home made trailer. 2500 miles. With 5 children. In 4 days. With no air conditioning. In the beginning of August. That was hard.

I watched my 2 year old wonder where his Daddy was. Throw fits because he wanted his old house back. Wonder where all of his toys were. Where his old backyard was. Where his old Nursery class (from church) was. Wonder why he was in a new house with new rules. That was hard.

Cram 5 kids into one little room, in a full bed, 2 cots, and a play pen. Then move 2 kids into tents, then eventually the garage. Field complaints of "you don't love me because you make me sleep in a tent", and "I hate sleeping in this room with all these boys". Trying to keep 5 people's clothes in one little closet, with no dressers. That was hard.

I went without talking to my husband for 9 weeks. 63 days. I saved an old voicemail from him, and listened to it whenever I got lonely. Not having a loving shoulder to cry on. Not having him here for me when things got tough, that was hard.

Making all the phone calls, dealing with all the bill, handling all the problems, being a single parent (essentially), that was hard.

I've found, though, over these hundred days, that I am tougher than I thought. I didn't die. I didn't have a nervous breakdown. I didn't quit. I'm still here. It's still hard, but I'm doing my best. We've actually had a TON of good times. I've learned a lot. I feel proud about what my little family is doing for our country. Most things that are important are hard. That's were the most opportunity for growth comes. "That which does not kill you makes you stronger". And I'm becoming ARMY STRONG.

Anyway, to honor my 100 days, I'm going to give you all a treat! Just be one of the first 100 people to leave a comment and you'll win a prize! And what might that prize be? Well, look below to find out!!!

comment #1-5 : 50% off coupon
comment #6-20: 40% off coupon
comment #21-50: 30% off coupon
comment #51-75: 20% off coupon
comment #76-100: 10% off coupon

Now, here are some guidelines: CT and Managers can't play. You girls get TONS of stuff for free already :) AND, only one prize per person. No multiple comments :)

So, when you leave a comment, make sure you leave a way for me to get a hold of you :)

OK, girls! Thanks for helping me celebrate what a GREAT accomplishment our family has done! We've been in the Army for 100 days!!!!!

I Must Have Loved You Before Series - Ageless Feeling

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM!!! Today is my 2nd child, Thomas', birthday. We're having a family party for him tomorrow. It's also my niece, Taylors, birthday. She's having a party tonight at McDonalds, and we're gonna go to that :)

Speaking of Tom. He came home from school yesterday, sad. He lost his class election. Then, to add injury to insult, McCain lost too. Poor Tom. I thought he was gonna cry. His comment, after the fact, was "Well, at least we both lost together". hehehehe. There ya go, Tom :)

Are you guys still watching for my special 100 days thingy? Yeah?

So, guess what, girls? You get double WordArt today! One for WordArt Wednesday, and one from my series! Aren't you lucky!!! Here's my WordArt Wednesday Week 20. Holy cow! Week 20!!! Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, you have to be logged into the gallery to get the WordArt.

This request is from Fenn. She lost her dog a few weeks ago. I thought that there would be many of you who could use this one too. :) Hope you like it!

Here's the next part in the series - I think this one is my favorite :) I just LOVE how my layout turned out . Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

see previous post - LOL!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Must Have Loved You Before Series - Love You

It's election day - have you voted yet?

What a busy night we had last night (do I say that every day - LOL!). I jogged this morning (I'm up to 2 miles now!), in the rain, with the little boys. They play while I run laps at the park. On one lap, I noticed that they both had their coats off, and one had is rubber boots off, and they were swinging their coats in a low circle, dragging it into the puddles as they swung them. Nice.

I had to run to the store and get my oldest, Jacob (6th grade), colored pencils and dividers. They were needed yesterday. Nice. I bought those, then dropped them off at his school.

I went to the grocery store, and got some food, and developed some pictures for my hubby. I'm sending off a package to him today, and needed to get that done.

I designed 4 WordArt packs for this Friday's release. I showered (hey, that is SO list worthy!), AND put on make up (again, with the list worthy!). I had an appointment at 4:30 pm, then we had a pizza party for Tom (the 8yr old) afterwords.

We went to Abby's Pizza (YUMMY!!) as a family, and met the team there. We had yummy Hawaiian pizza (it's my favoritest!). Well, I had a big salad, with a 1/4 piece of pizza. Tom sat with his team and had a good time. The little kids had funny "pretending" to play the video games - LOL!
Tom with his coaches

After the party, my Dad rented Speed Racer, and watched the little kids while my Mom, Jacob, and I went to his choir concert. Jacob did a great job :) I'm posting the concert on my personal blog, so if you're REALLY bored, and want to watch a 6th grade choir concert, go give it a look. There WAS a kid who passed out on the last song. (It's at the minute mark 8:04) - I'm just saying - hehehe. That was kinda exciting - LMBO!

Here's the 4th piece in this WordArt Series - I sure hope you guys are liking it! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Love - ALS Script
You - Dream Orphans

Just so you know, I used the same fonts for ALL of the WordArts in this series :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

I Must Have Loved You Before Series - Timelss Place

Hi guys :) Well, it's Monday again - the time just seems to FLY by! How is it possible that it's ALREADY NOVEMBER! We're that much closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas - woohoo!

So, tomorrow is the big day - are you all going to VOTE??? Oregon has a mail in election, so we already voted at our house. I dropped off the ballots for my mom, my dad, Captain America (my DH), and myself. Yeah for us!!! Oregon is SUPER obsessed with this election, and there's political ads everywhere! Every other commercial on TV. Signs everywhere. I'll sure be happy when it's over. I hope we win - but just make sure you go out and VOTE!!!

We decided to move the big kids into the garage. The back door of my parents house leaks when it rains hard (and we've officially hit the rainy season), so the back door needs to be shut until at least late April or early May. Goodness! Anyway, I can't really have them walking all the way around the house to get inside. They'll get drenched on their way to and from the tent. Plus, that tarps gonna only hold for so long. So, we moved their cots into the garage (it's a 1/2 garage - the other half was converted to the family room).

The garage is a step up from a tent in the backyard, right? LOL!

One more thing before I get to my freebie today. My DH has been gone for SO long - sigh - and while we get to talk every day on the phone, it's still a LONG time for him to be gone. Be on the look out for a SPECIAL deal I'm gonna be having to mark the 100th day of us being apart - at least someone ought to get some happiness out of this all - LMBO! Just a heads up (so, don't pick this week to go on vacation from your interent - hehehe)

So, I made a new video for my Loved You Before series. I really liked it! I used pics from when I saw my hubby in Kentucky. I made it using Kami of Ziggle Design's kit, Efflorescence . It's SO cool! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it :) Anyway, here's the new video -

And, here's the next WordArt in the series. Click on the WordArt below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work!

Fresh Fruit Friday (yes, I know I'm late!!!)

But better late than never, right? hehehe. Here's my 3 newest packs - hope you like them!!!

I promise I'll show you this weeks stuff before next Sunday - LMBO!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Must Have Loved You Before - Sing You To Sleep

What a long Saturday! Tom had his last flag football game, and Eme cheered at her last football game. Thank goodness. No one has sports for the rest of the year! Woohoo! Eme MAY go out for basketball cheerleading, but that's not till January. I think I can handle it by then - or lets hope :)

So did you all have fun on DSD (Digital Scrapbooking Day)? I went to the orchard, and did a speed scrap, and a crop. It was kinda fun! I got 2 layouts made - that's not bad - heheheh.

So, here's the next installment for my new favorite song :) And yes, I know that the video has some typos in it - I'll fix it as I release them. My plan is to make a brag book, and then make a movie with those layouts, instead of just the WordArt. That should be pretty cool. Some day when I have nothing else to do I'll work on that - LMBO!

Click on the image below to to go my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)