
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Possibilities Happen

Well, my parents left for Utah today. They're doing an early Thanksgiving with my sister and her family. My grandma is going with the too, and they're dropping her off at her sisters house in Idaho. I HATE traveling in the car, so I'm fine with staying home :) LOL! I know they'll all have a TON of fun, though :)

My oldest, Jacob, is still sick. Did I tell you he's sick. I think he has the flu. Puking, fever, extreme tiredness. The other day, he woke up to puke at about 7:30am, then went back to bed. He didn't wake up until 4pm. HOLY COW! Then he went back to bed at 6:00 pm. That's how you know that they're really sick. Poor kid. Anyway, he went to school Monday, was sick Tuesday, sick Wednesday, 1/2 day Thursday, and I thought he was better today, but they sent him home after 2nd period. Oops. I guess he's still sick. Older kids take being sick a lot harder than younger ones, have you noticed? I sure hope he's better today :)

Got to talk to my hubby last night. They were done with their field training (yeah, it's army camping - LOL), and got a weekend pass. It's so nice to be able to talk to him for hours and hours, even if we don't say anything important. It makes life feel a little more normal to be able to talk about random, non important stuff with your spouse. So girls, don't take that for granted. It would be something you'd miss if it was taken from you :)

This WordArt request is from Jo Ann. This is a silly thing that her 7 year old grand daughter said, and thought it would make a cute WordArt. Well, what do ya think? I think it turned out dang cute - LOL! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG fiel, and leave some love if you like my work.

Possibilities - Elise
Happen - eight fifteen

Friday, November 21, 2008

God Made Cousins

So it's Friday already :) How do the days just keep slipping by? Less than a week till Thanksgiving - goodness!

My parents are going to Utah this weekend to visit my Sister, so the kids and I are gonna get the house to ourselves. And yes mom, we'll keep it clean and safe - LOL! Captain America should have the weekend off too, so we should get the chance to chat a lot, too! Woohoo!

We had a TON of fun at our Enrichment meeting (Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment Meeting) last night. It was a dinner, where people brought either soup, pie, or rolls. YUMMY! My friend Maren made the BEST tortillini soup. I'll HAVE to get her to give me the recipe, so I can give it to you guys, because honestly, you'll LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

After dinner, we had a little program, where we learned about Thanksgiving, and had a few special musical numbers. I got to sing a song with a group of 4 others. It was really pretty. Especially since we didn't practice before hand, and we did parts - LOL! But, it's a primary song that we sing ALL the time at church, so it was pretty easy. It's "Love One Another". So pretty.

The part that stuck out in my mind the most out of the presentation, was when the lady said that she was so glad that we had Thanskgiving before Christmas, because focusing on our blessings helps us be in the right spirit for service at Christmas time. How true is that! I really hope that I take opportunities this year to serve others. Sometimes when you're feeling down yourself, the best way to pull yourself up is to lose yourself in service.

After the program, we had pie, then had an ornament exchange. We were all supposed to bring a Christmas ornament (either homemade or inexpensive), with a favorite Christmas saying/story/poem/experience/thought on it. So, I got a few Dollar Tree ornaments, digiscrapped a few tags (which I had developed at the store), and tied them on. SO CUTE! But, I ended up with the BESTEST one. My friend, Maren, does Stained Glass, and made an ornament of baby Jesus. OMGosh - it's SO cute! I'll get a pic tomorrow. But, it was sure a GREAT evening.

This WordArt request is from Rose, who has 2 children, and her sister has 4. She thought that this saying would be PERFECT for their families. And I bet it'll work for a lot of your photos too! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

God, Made - Felix Tilting
Cousins - The King & Queen

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Beautiful Baby 2 - Look at Me Now

Be prepared, this is a VERY long post - LMBO!!!

First off, I have to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you who send good hormones my way. Johnny came yesterday, so I'm all happy, and my hormones are getting back to normal. Heck, the next time I need something, I'm gonna have you guys help me out - LMBO!!!

AND, I ate ice cream last night. Just had to be honest. So, for all of you trying to be good to get my coupon, you can cheat once - LOL! I know, I know, I resist the cinnamon rolls, and eat the ice cream. To each his own weakness, I guess - LOL!

OK, you guys! I thought I was SO ahead of schedule. I had 5 new WordArt packs done for this week, and 4 for next week. I was all set. Then, I found out (see, I don't pay attention too well all the time - LOL!) that we're not releasing new products on "Black Friday", but having an AWESOME sale. SOOOOOO, I have 11 new products to release on Friday. Yep, 11. I've been SO productive - hehehe.

I'm REALLY excited about my SIMPLE line. They're pretty, if I do say so myself. hehehehe. I'm not vain, or anything - LOL! And, the collab with Annick Philibert was SO much fun. She's got great stuff! And, she's a SUPER nice girl :) So, below is my 11 new WordArt packs - have fun checking them out :) They officially release on Friday, but you can pick them up by following the links below. They're on sale for the first week for $2.00 each.

Click HERE to go to the Doodly Christmas WordArt Pack
by Slurpeegirl13

by Chia

by Minna

by Schnockflee

Click HERE for the Reading WordArt Pack

And, here's that second part in the Beautiful Baby WordArt. Again, the request came from Beckie. Hope you guys like it :) Click on the image below to to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Me - ATCitadelScript
now - BigMummy

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Share Laughter

OK, I just want to say, I need to hang out with different people. My current circle of friends don't menstruate, and it's KILLING me - LMBO!!! My mom, aunt, and grandma are post menapausal, my friend Maren's had a hysterectomy, and my 2 friends I do preschool are both pregnant. My body doesn't know what to do!!!

I know this is what you all want to hear - my cycle - hehehe. Some people call it Auntie Flo. But, the best was one of my college roommate, Heather Basso. She and her friends called it "Johnny". They'd say "Johhny is at my house", or "Johnny came to visit". Funny, eh? All the boys wanted to know who that Johnny guy was, and how he got so lucky. Ha!

Anyway, "Johnny" last came on Oct 2nd. What is it now, like Nov 18th. Aaaagh! The PMS is gonna do me under. Hehehehe. And no, I'm not prego. DH took care of that in May of '06. Hehehehe. I know, I know, too much information.

So, just please send me good "hormone" thoughts so that Johnny can come, and life can resume as normal - LOL!

Oh yeah! I have to show you these FABULOUS Cinnamon Rolls that I made today. Yeah, I know, tempting you with desserts when we're supposed to be going without them. But I just LOVE to bake. And, I didn't eat them. But I sure did smell them :) hehehe.

(Hey, it looks like someone licked that first cream cheese roll - what's up with that!?? Jimmy.....)

Cinnamon Carmel Rolls

2 pkgs dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water
2 cup scalded milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp salt
1/2 cup shortening
4 cups flour
2 eggs
about 3 more cups flour
2 tbsp soft butter (or more - LOL!)
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp cinnamon (or more)
some Nutmeg (optional)
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

In a small bowl, sprinkle yeast over warm water. Let stand.

In a large mixing bowl, stir hot milk, sugar, salt, and shortening.

Let cool slightly, then add eggs, flour, and yeast mixture. Mix well.

Add remaining flour, mixing my hand, until dough begins to leave sides of bowl.

Turn dough onto lightly floured board, keand until smooth, elastic.

Place in greased bowl, turing over for thin film.

Cover with damp cloth and let rise in warm place until double.

Punch down, turn over, and let rise again until amost double.

Roll 1/2 the dough into oblong 9" by 18" on lightly floured board.

Spread with butter and sprinkle with mixture of sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Roll up tightly, beginning with wide side. Pinch edges of roll to seal.

Cut in half. Cut each half into thirds. Cut each third into thirds. (That'll give you 18 cinnamon rolls)

Mix butter and brown sugar in small bowl, then spread on the bottom of a 9"x13" baking dish.

Put cinnamon rolls on mixture. Cover, and let rise until double.

Bake 25-30 minutes at 375 degrees F.

Makes 3 dozen

Just make sure that you don't overcook these rolls. If they get TOO done, they're dry and nasty. So just watch it closely.

OK, so when they come out of the oven, let them cool only slightly. I lined a cookie sheet with
tin foil, then turned them out onto it, so that the yummy carmelized part was on the top. AWESOME! The other batch, I turned them so that the carmalized part was on the bottom, then put some AWESOME cream cheese frosting (cream cheese and powdered sugar to taste) on the top. Yeah, SO good. I didn't eat any, but I did take a bite, taste it, then spit it out. I know, I'm pretty pathetic. It tasted good, though - LOL!

It's WordArt Wednesday again! This request is from one of my CT, Jaimee. It's from the movie, Mama Mia. Haven't seen that one yet. Anyone else seen it? Good, bad, otherwise?

Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the PNG zip file, but remember, you must be logged into the Gallery in order to get the download :) Thanks! And as always, leave some love if you like my work.

available in the download :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beautiful Baby 1

So I went through my closet last week. Wow, that felt good. Anything that was too big, I got rid of. And not just put in a box in the garage, either. GOT RID OF. I invited my friend, Maren, over, and we went through the closet piece by piece. I tried EVERYTHING on. Anything too big went into a donate pile. She took what she wanted (about 5 BIG piles of clothes), and I bagged up the rest for the thrift store (5 large trash bags full). Now, all the clothes in my closet fit. What a great feeling :)

Then, yesterday, I went to Marens house, and we went through her closet. I got a few new things, too! She was making room for the new stuff I gave her. How fun is THAT!!! Gotta love new things, even if they're just "new to me". Hehehehe.

This WordArt request comes from Beckie. This was a song, right? LOL! This is a 2 part-er. Look for the 2nd half on Thursday :) Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Beautiful - ATCitadelScript
Baby - BigMummy

Monday, November 17, 2008

In My Arms

Hey girls :) How was your Sunday? We went to a picnic for a new family in our ward (congregation). It was pretty fun. Nice new family. They're from Wyoming, and he's a dentist. 2 little kids (3 and 1, or something like that). AND, I didn't eat any of the desserts - LOL! Salads, yes. Hot dog, yes. Bread with spinach dip. Yes. But sweets, no. Hehehehe. Aren't you proud of me - LOL!

I got to talk to Captain America a lot this weekend. It was REALLY nice :) He's gonna be gone this coming week, so he won't be around to chat very much. OK, so it's not camping, but I don't know what the army calls it - LMBO! They're going out in the field. Field, camping, works for me!

This WordArt request is from Linda. She's expecting, and thought this saying would be PERFECT on some of her maternity pictures. I, too, agree that it would be great on maternity layouts, but I also thought that it would be good on so much more. I think it would be good on a layout with a pic of my sweetheart! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Arms - Scriptina
in, my - Selfish

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby Face

My kids, my parent, and I went to a health fair today at the Middle School. It was mostly uneventful, but I think the kids had fun. They were giving paper bags with handles to everyone, so we had somewhere to store all of the handouts and such. Lots of food guide pyramids, a few drawings, some pencils, apples and oranges at one table, water and granola bars at the Costco table, and some guy at a jump rope table.

Jump rope - yep. Can't remember the name - Jump for Life, or something like that. Anyway, he had good handouts at his table, so we went to chat with him a while. My mom asked him about what his booth was all about, and he said jump ropes. He asked her about jumping rope, and she said "Well, I can't jump, because then I'd pee". I thought the poor little guy was gonna die of embarassment. I guess no 55 year old women have ever explained to him the facts of life and bladder control. As we age (and have kids), the bladder control goes out the window. Hehehehe. I got a good chuckle out of the whole exchange :)

So do you guys do Amish Friendship Bread? It's AWESOME, eh? My friend Maren gave me a starter bag a while back, and we made it with vanilla pudding. It was pretty tasty. She made hers with pistashio pudding and pistashio nuts. AND chocolate chips. It was FABULOUS!!! So, when I made my 2nd batch today, we used walnuts, chocolate pudding (fat free, casue it was all we had), applesauce (instead of oil), and a WHOLE bag of milk chocolate chips. Yep, definitely not on the diet.

So I'm pledging to you all know, that I PROMISE I won't eat another dessert until Thanksgiving. There. It's out there for everyone to see, and I'm gonna be good. I didn't diet so long to put back on the lbs. Since I officially got done dieting a few weeks ago, I've been adding a bit of junk food back in, and I think I've added a "bit" too much :)

So, who's with me? No sweets until Thanksgiving??? Come on, it's only 12 days. Then, we can all eat a big slice of Pumpkin Pie with cool-whip on Turkey day. I think it'll be FUN!!! But only if you all do it with me - hehehe.

I had an even better though! How about this. Whoever meets my goal (LOL, you like that, MY goal) of having NO sweets till Thanksgiving day, gets a 50% off coupon from my store. What do ya think? Is that worth it? So it's gotta be on the honor system. Email me after Thanksgiving, and let me know if you did it or not. And I'll send you off the coupon code. I know you all can do it :)

And if you're super skinny, and don't need to go without sweets, you still should, just so you know what use heavier/used to be heavier girls have to go through - LMBO! So, if you wanna play, just post here! Hey, we have to have SOME accountability, right?

OK, enough about that. Here's your freebie for the day. Just so you know, I designed this for you at 12:30am. Yeah, I was a bit behind on stuff. I got to talk to my hubby for HOURS and HOURS last night. He was on yahoo messenger, and so was I (I'm elegantwordart, btw). There's a video part, so he got to see the kids and I. We didn't have sound, and he didn't have a camera, but still, he got to see us. I think that really helped him out, to see us. Anyway, I just got off the phone/computer with him, and now I'm doing my post, then I'm going to bed. I'm SLEEPY!!!

So, here's the WordArt. I can't remember if this was a request or not. Let me go check real fast :) Yep, it's from Beckie. Hope you like it, girl! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. :)
Baby - Dulcimer JF
Face - ChocolateBox