
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happiest Place

This WordArt request is from Brenda. Click on the image below to go to to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Happiest - Jeffirana JF
Earth - JiveTalk

Friday, January 9, 2009


OK, another really quick post. I'm making this freebee for you at 1:45 am EST on Thursday night, and the silly internet at the hotel is SNAIL speed. Goodness. I'd planned on putting on pictures, but they're not uploading, so you'll have to wait till I get back to Oregon (sorry mom!). They actually turned out fairly well, despite camera issues.

Ha! I came back and tried again, and actually got a few to post. I do have video of him graduating, and of him taking his oath, but that will have to be a project for another day :) Here's a picture of him, after graduation, infront of the Officer Candidates School arch. Isn't he cute!

And here I am, pinning the bar on his uniform. After they're commissioned, and graduated, they have someone pin their 1st Lt bar on their uniform. Originally, his dad was gonna do one shoulder and I was gonna do the other shoulder, but since his parents coudln't make it, I got to do both shoulders. We had a friend take a few pics of us pinning on the rank.
Graduation went AWESOME, and my hubby is now a commissioned officer in the United States Army. He's a new 2nd Lieutenant, low man on the totem pole in Officer land, but IN officer land, none the less - hehehe. I think they decided that they now outranked 74% of all soldiers in the army. Hehehehe.

Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Felix Titling
StephanieMarie JF
Underwood Champion

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Always Be Mine

OK, girls, quick post today! We're getting up at 4:50 am to be ready to leave the room at 5:15 am to be on post at 5:50 am for a 6:00 am jog. Yeah, am I ready for this? Um, Captain America bought me a new jogging outfit yesterday, so I guess I am - LMBO!!! It's really cute :) Black and purple. hehehe. There's 160 ish guys in his company, and a lot of them bringing family/friends, and we're all jogging a mile together. Should be pretty impressive. AND, he assured me that they were going slow. OK, is slow to an army stud the same as slow to poor ole me, who took Thanksgiving to Christmas off of exercise and diet? I'm hope I don't die - LOL!

My sweetheart graduates today, and is a Commissioned Officer in the United States Army. Hooah! Ft. Bliss, here we come :) LOL! Be sure to leave him a nice congrats, and I'll pass it along - he reallly did a GREAT job, and I'm SO proud of all of his hard work and sacrifice. Way to go, babe!!!

Here's a quick freebee for ya today. It's a quote from the Movie/Book, Twilight, by Stephanie Meyers. One of my favorite new series, by the way :) This request is from Cara, and I'm sure you can all use it! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Be, Mine - Hursheys
Always - Inkburrow

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Are You Talking to Me?

So, I made it go Georgia!!! My flight left from the Eugene Airpot at 2:35, so I just had time to get Joe on the bus at 11:33, drop Jimmy off at the babysitters, and have my Aunt and Uncle drive me over. About 15 minutes before the bus got there, I thought I lost my wallet, but found it at the last minute. That's the last thing I needed - hehehe. But, I found it, so it was all good.

I chatted with a really nice guy who was an officer in the Air Force before our flight left, and designed all the way to Denver. I made some Birthday Ages wordart packs. They're pretty cool, actually - LMBO!

I was able to get my bag (they put my carry on under the plane because it was full) back, grab a sandwhich at the deli, and board the next flight to Birmingham. Yeah, I ususally don't like to cut it that close, but it worked out this time :)

I landed in Birmingham 10:15pm CST, and was on the road in my rental car by 11:00pm CST. It was only 9pm my time, so I did ok. It was raining, and dark, but I managed to make it the almost 3 hours to Columbus Georgia, AND find my hotel. Any of you who know me will agree, that's quite a feat - LOL! I only got turned around 3 times, and was able to quickly course correct. That's always a good thing.

I got to my hotel room at about 3 am, and my hubby, who had already checked in for the night, was just getting up and getting ready to head to base. CRAZY! Who gets up that early. Soldiers, I guess - LOL! They had a drug test. I guess those are important too - hehehe. I went to sleep, and he was back at 4:30 am, slept till 7:00 am, and was gone again by 8:00 am. Well, I slept in till 11:15 am (but only 8:15 my time). Boy was that nice.

He came back to the hotel at about noon, and we got ready and went to lunch at Red Lobster. That's fancy for us - LOL! I had Shrimp Salad, and Clam Chowder in a Sourdough Bread Bowl. We also had some Coconut Shrimp appetizers, and an Apple pie / ice cream thingy for dessert. TO DIE FOR!!! I love food - LOL!

Then, we headed to Staple to fax our ORDERS to the housing department. OH YEAH!!! I almost forgot to tell you that we got our ORDERS!!! We're definitely going to Fort Bliss, Texas!!! We'll be there all through BOLC II and BOLC III, and stationed there after that too. Usually newly commissioned 2nd LTS stay at their first Permanant Duty Station (PDS) for 36 months, until they make captain, or so I've been told. So that's 3 years in El Paso! Woohoo!!! I'm SO excited.

We HAD to stop at Wal-Mart (hehehe), because my deoderant broke, I was out of contact solution, and I didn't bring my body wash. All important things - hehehe. I got a new sleeveless jacket thingy too. It's pretty cute. White, puffy, and a furry hood. OK, it sounds kinda funny, but trust me, it's NEAT!

After Wal-Mart, we headed over to Trader Joes. It's a store that all the Military guys buy their uniforms, and such at. Or something like that. My man really knows how to show a girl a good time - hehehe. He dropped off a shirt to be dry cleaned, and we looked around for a while.

We headed back to the hotel, and quickly got ready for the dance. It started between 5:00pm and 5:30pm. The place was pretty nice, but the building next door (HUGE brick building!!!), had just recently burned down (2 months ago), so it kinda had a "bombed out" feel to the place. I was like "WHERE are you taking me?" when we pulled up - hehehe.

Wow! The ball was FANTASTIC!!! Everything I hoped it would be :) We really did have a fantastic time :) I met all of Captain Americas friends (yeah, so many that I only remember like 3 people - LOL), we had a GREAT speaker, had FANTASTIC food (gotta love salmon!), and STRAWBERRY shortcake (YUMMY!), and I even got a slow dance. All in all, it was a PERFECT night :)

This is Captain America's roommate and his wife. They were AWESOME! I could have easily been her friend. They have 3 kids, and have been married about as long as we have, if not longer. They are getting stationed at Germany. Lucky! LOL!

Look at how fancy the tables were (yeah, it doesn't take much to impress me - LOL!) We got to keep the fancy silver flosted glasses. They said their class, and something else on them. Kinda like the glasses you get to keep at prom.

And YUMMY Strawberry Shortcake. It was so moist and GOOD! Dang good :) LOL! yes, I know, pathetic. Fancy dance, and I'm taking pictures of food - hehehe. Keeping it real :)

Tomorrow, there's some kind of meeting from 9-12 on post for the families. It had some kind of Acronym, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is, and Captain America's already asleep. But, they're gonna tell us all about being a military family, and stuff like that. He's gotta be on post at 8:45 anyway, so he'll just drop me off, then afterwords, we'll eat lunch there, and go to the PX. I just LOVE the PX. Ha! I want to find some little Army souviners for my friends who are watching my kids.

It's WordArt Wednesday again, and if you look carefully at Scraporchard, you'll see that last week (or maybe it was 2 weeks ago, can't remember), we used my 12 Days of Christmas as Word Art Wednesday Week 26 or something like that. Well, this week is Week 26. OK. Ha! Just go with it :) LOL!

Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the ZIP file. And remember, leave some love if you like my work.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thoughts With You

So it's Tuesday. I'm prepublishing, because it's only Sunday for me - LOL! But, I should be in Georgia, with my sweetheart again! We're going to the BALL TODAY!!! Can you tell I'm just slightly excited! Once you get married, have kids, and get old (LOL!), you no longer get to dress up in fancy clothes and go to parties. Well, NOT ANYMORE!!! I'm so excited for my first Army Ball. I'll let you know if it was everything I was hoping for :) hehehe.

This WordArt request is for Simply Sarah. I thought that it would be nice for sympathy cards. Anyway, use it how you see fit :) Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thoughts - HelenaScript ES
are, with, you - Felix Tilting

Monday, January 5, 2009

God Qualifies

Well, I spent a little while last night packing. I printed out my flight/rental car/hotel information, as well as mapquest maps to and FROM my hotel to the airport. Hehehe, I don't reverse the route too well my myself - ha! And Mapquest does it SO well, I might as well let them - hehehe.

I leave tomorrow at 2:30, so if anyone wants to see me off, I'll be there - LMBO! My Aunt or Uncle are gonna drive me over, and I found friends to watch my kids the 5 days I'll be gone. My mom will get the 3 big kids ready for school, and drive them there as usual. They leave around 8am. Then, my Grandma and/or Aunt Sue will come over and take the 2 little kids to my friends' house. Joe will catch the bus at 11:30, and Jim will stay and play. The school aged kids get back to my Moms at 4, which is also when she gets off work. My friends will just drive Jimmy back home, homework, dinner, and bed. And repeat the next day - LOL!

So, thanks to Ann, Maryann, April, Erin, and Rebecca for watching my kiddos for me! Don't know what I'd do without friends like you guys! You ROCK!!!!

AND, on a side note, for all of you who sent me Christmas Cards, be patient with me :) I'm not lugging all of my Christmas Cards with me to Georgia, so I'll have to get to that project when I get back - hehehe. Just be patient with me, and know that I didn't forget about ya!

This WordArt request is from Naomi. I thought it was a great saying! And SO true :) Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

God - Stephanie Marie JF
Qualifies - Felix Tilting

Sunday, January 4, 2009

To Grandmother's House

So we took Captain America to the airport yesterday. While I knew that I would see him in only a few days, I still kinda felt like someone was taking a piece of my heart away. I'll miss him dearly, and can't wait to see him again on Tuesday. Hurry honey, and get done with trainings :) This new army wife is growing impatient (LOL!).

Here's a family pic that we took right before we left Florence. Aren't we cute!

Ha! We matched, and we didn't even mean to - LMBO!

Awe, aren't these pictures just....sad! Poor kids. They were really sad to see their dad go. They AREN'T gonna see him on Tuesday, so they were pretty sad about it.

And I just love this one of Tom and Captain America. So sad!

So after Captain America left on his flight (2:35pm from Eugene), my kids and I, and my parents and my neice, headed to Wal-Mart. My mom got her hair cut (my Christmas present to her), and we shopped. I decided that I needed a new suit case for my trip. Mine was small, and I just need more clothes than I can fit in it - LMBO!! They're big, and red, and COOL! It was a 6 piece set for $44. Gotta love Wal-Mart. I also got some storage bins for my kids new Christmas toys. AND, I got a whole bag of M&Ms. Yeah, that's on the diet. I drownded my saddness in chocolate. I'll chocolate de-tox today. Yesterday was the last day of chocolate for a while.

Speaking of eating the WHOLE bag of chocolate.... I bought a new dress for the dance. I've gained about 8-10 lbs over the holidays, and my formal dress is a bit snug (well, it won't zip - LMBO!). So, I bought a new one - hehehe. I decided my choices were - not eat for 4 days; or buy a different one from the thrift store. Yeah, I bought a new one - hehehehe. It's REALLY pretty. It's a reddish color, and has black velvet trim on the top. I'll take pics later and show you all. I'm gonna take them both with me, just in case I shed a few lbs before Tuesday (hehehe), and can fit back into it. But, I think that at the end of the 3rd Officer training we have another ball. So I'll use it then. Ha!

After Wal-Mart, we headed to the Mall. I had a $25 gift card to "The Gap". I decided that I'm not a Mall person. I found a sweater at the Gap, and with my gift card, it was only $1.99. Who pays that much for clothes? Holy cow! Sticker shock! I'm DEFINITELY as Wal-Mart/Thrift Store girl. While those clothes were really nice looking, I coudln't see paying that much for clothes. Wow!

After the Mall, we went to dinner at Chilis. Yeah, I LOVE Chilis. I got the Quesadillia Explosion. YUMMY! Heheheh, yeah, this is the reason that I had to get a new dress - LOL! After Chilis, we headed for a McDonalds nearby, to let the kids play in the 3 story playland. We got a soda, so we were technically "customers', and let the kids play.

All in all, it was a good day. I sent part of my heart away to Georgia again, but I'm looking forward to getting it back on Tuesday. Sigh. Such is life for an army wife. What's the saying? They also serve who sit and wait. Something like that.

This WordArt request comes from Renee. She thought it would be nice for Christmas pictures of her kids at their grandparents house. Like from the song, "Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go". So, even if you don't call your grandma "grandmother", this one still works, because it's a quote from a song. You get the point - LOL!

Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks, girls!

Grandmother's - Acroterion JF