
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Babe Inside

Well, I had a pretty productive day yesterday. Got the kids out the door at 7:30am to school (I'm a mean mom and make them walk the 2 giant blocks to school. It's good for them. It's not like it's raining or anything - hehehe. Instead of going back to bed, which I REALLY wanted to do, or playing "Mafia Wars" on Facebook, which I wanted to do even more, I sat on my computer and answered email. Let me tell you, it was tough - hehehe. I have about 300 in my inbox. That's a lot of emails. They're all ones that I already read, and said, "I'll get back to this". 300 times. Nice, eh? How's that for procrastination. I think the oldest was from December. Can't remember now.

Anyway, I worked on that till about 1pm. I took breaks to swich out the laundry, but I was pretty much answering emails the whole time. I got it down to 170. Not too bad. Another day like that, and I'll be done :) I did make some time to shower (ha!) and play on Facebook a litte, then headed off to Wal-Mart.

Captain America had scored us a LARGE dry erase calendar at work, and we needed markers and something to hang it up with. So, off I went. It's a lot different going out by yourself then with a small child. (You know, I think I perfer the company). I got the pens, and the hooks, and also found 2 super tops (clothes). One was black, and one was turquoise/green. Super cute. They're designed to wear as a long shirt with leggins. So I got a cheap pair of $5.00 leggins to go with them.

I bought a new toliet paper roll dispenser too. SOMEONE had ripped the last one from the wall. Nice, eh? I don't know which annoyed me more. The fact that my kid ripped it out of the wall, or that whoever installed it did a CRAPPY job. It looked like if you bumped it, it would have fallen out anyway. Here's a pic of the new one that I got. I hope no one decideds to use it as a weapon.....

And here's a pic of the shelving unit over the toilet that I bought. This isn't my bathroom. I wish - LOL! Isn't it gorgeous! LOVE those colors :) I just found it online, and it looked similar to my shelf.
I also bought hangers so I could finish off my closet. I have a TON of clothes - LOL! I'm gonna get that organzied once and for all today.

I hurried home, put the stuff away, just in time as the kids got home from school. I changed into one of my new outfits from Walmart, because I was SO excited to try it on - hehehe. I forgot to take pictures, but I think I'm wearing th same thing today (LOL!), so I'll have one of the kids tae a picture of me.

The kids had time to grab a quick snack, and hop in the car, and head off to post. Jacob had a doctors appointment. Or first time at the "Army Doctor". It went pretty well. We had an appointment, and they stuck to the time pretty good. I've been to some doctors where one sits around for hOURS, waiting for ones turn. One time in Chicago (Joliet), I waited 2 hours for a doctors appointment. Yeah, that was fun. 2 hours in the waiting room with 3 little kids. Sigh.

That same doctor, 2 years ago, referred Jacob to get his, um, junk looked at. Apparently one hadn't descended yet. The next step was surgery. But, then we moved to Ohio to Boy Scout Camp, then 3 months later to a rental, then 9 months later to Oregon, then 6 months later to El Paso. Needless to say, we didn't establish a doctor in that time - LOL! But, good news! They've both dropped, and are where they should be. Isn't motherhood of boys glorious! I've learned WAY more than I EVER wanted to know about, um, junk. hehehehehe.

The doctor also checked his feet. He's been having troubles with his ankle/heel when he tries to run. He doesn't like to run for that very reason. She didn't see anything wrong with the heel, but said that the shape of his feet were off. Not a fallen arch. Don't remember what it would have been. Anyway, she referred him to a podiatrist, and he'll probably end up with inserts.

Then, afther that appointment, we had 15 minutes to get to the immunization clinic before it closed. Jacob, Thomas, and Emeline both ended up with 2 shots. They were such troopers. Didn't even flinch. The "army dude" was INCREDIBLE at giving shots. I want him every time my kids need shots. He just JAMMED that needle in their army, no wimpy easing it in. Honestly, I think that's why it didn't hurt. Because it was fast and over with. I was impressed. And I've seen my share of shots over the years. The last time the big kids had to get shots, I'm fairly sure there was screaming and tears. LMBO!

We had a nice relaxing evening at home that night. The people came to buy the king bed. I've gotten rid of the full, the twins, and the king now. One couch is gone, and someone's supposed to be here tomorrow to get the other one. That just leaves 2 baby beds to go. Woohoo for! I think I made $95 so far. Sure, that doesn't even pay for 1 of the new mattresses (we bought 3 twins with box springs, a full futon, and a king with box springs- yeah, that adds up fast!), but it sure helped. Better than paying the dump to take it, which is what our first thought was :)

I talked to Captain America last night. He'd gotten most of the stuff out of the storage shed (holy cow! how much more can there be???), and was having a friend come back over after Captain America had left to either a.) donate it; or b.) burn it; or c.) keep it; or d.) give it someone else. Thanks, Merle, for doing that for us. We definitely DON'T want to make another trip back there. 2 is enough for us - LOL!

This WordArt request comes from Jo Ann. Isn't it hysterical??? Too funny! I was feeling like quite the 'babe' yesterday, wearing my new clothes. Woohoo for Wal-Mart clearance!!! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

Babe - akaDora
Inside - 2Peas High Tide

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shape Our Character

So my friend Maren introduced me to Mafia Wars on Facebook yesterday. Sigh. I played it for WAY too long (anyone wanna join my Mafia - hehehe). I started off the day so good, too - hehehe. I didn't get any designing done. I did organize the laundry piles in the garage, though. Throw away. Donate. Sewing fabrics that need washed. Clothes/towels/bedding that needs washed. I did about 7 loads of laundry yesterday, and didn't even dent the pile. Small steps, right?

So these pics are of my garage. I sure hope that Captain Americas not expecting a miracle when he gets home, because there's no way that it's all getting put away and organized. It's a project a little bit too big for me.

OK girls :) I designed this one last night after midnight, so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, but it's done, it's posted, and I'm glad - LOL! Why is it that doing NOTHING will wear you out faster than doing something. LMBO!

Captain America got to St. Louis yesterday at about 4am. He slept for a few hours, then headed off to Ohio. Jimmy was staying with Captain Americas parents/brothers there in the St. Louis Area. Originally Captain America's dad was gonna go with him on this leg of the trip, but I think I heard something about him hurting his back. Hope you feel better, Paul!

Last I talked to Captain America, he was in Cincinnati. It's gonna be a long trip, I can tell - hehehe. I don't know what day he's supposed to be home now, with the schedule all thrown off :) Oh well. More time to get the house cleaned and put away, right?

Someone came over yesterday and bought the twin beds. They're all gone now :) I still have the king, though. Someone supposed to come and buy it today. If they don't want it, the twin bed people will buy it. Who would have thought that people would buy such things. hehehehe. One mans trash is another mans treasure, eh?

Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account ( was giving me problems last night) to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

Shape - Al Sandra
Character - Felix Titling

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hey all! I had a productive day yesterday :) I returned all the household stuff we "borrowed" from the Army (did you girls know that they do that - how cool is that?? A lending closet for household stuff when you move - card table w/ chairs, cots, plates, silverware, cooking stuff). I also took back the Coffee table and end table to Big Lots. We found different end tables and a coffee table at WalMart. Only $25 and $19. Not too bad, eh?

Big Lots gave me cash back, since I used my Debit card to pay for the items the first time, so I was walking around with a wallet full of cash. Sigh. I hate using cash. It goes WAY too fast. I also went to the Commissary (army grocery store) to pick up a few things. The prices there are lower than even WalMart on food, I've decided. I usually pay $6.50 to $7.00 for a bag of Splenda, but the Commissary had it for $5.00. Apples at WalMart were $1.39 a pound (and they looked real nasty), but the Commissary had them ALL flavors for $0.89 - $0.99 a lb. And they looked really good.

I picked up a few things, and went to the "self checkout". I didn't know this when I first went there, but you're supposed to tip the baggers. I'm not crazy about that. There's even signs on the wall (I noticed them this time) that says that the baggers work for tips only. So, I figured that if I did the self checkout, I'd by-pass the tipping. I know, I'm cheap. But, I figured that if I'm driving across town to save a few bucks on groceries, I shoudln't waste the savings on paying someone to do what I can certainly do for myself. But that's just my take on it. No offense to those who work as baggers at the Commissary. I'm sure lots of other patrons will let you bag their groceries.

I think I finally have all of my tax info. I'm SO not looking forward to doing them this year. I usually do them myself, and enjoy every minute of it. I know, I'm a freak. LOL! But, I think tonight is tax night. I'm gonna look at mine, and work on my mom's for a while. So MOM, call me tonight, and we'll play!!!

I missed Lost last night, so I'm gonna watch it today. I SO love that the big networks post their programing on the internet. It's so handy with my crazy schedule. I also need to go back and watch Medium, Chuck, Fringe, Life, and Lie to Me. Hmmm, maybe I watch a little bit too much TV...... nah!!!!

Woohoo!!! I have 6 new WordArt packs in the store this Friday. BUT, I'm giving you all the links to the store a day early. Aren't you lucky??? You betcha! Ha! Kami from Scraporchard and a few of my CT recommend and that I try a new style of WordArt. More grungy and typewriter-ish. Not quite sure if I captured the look they were gunning for, but I liked how they turned out :) I'm liking the grungy style :) Hope you guys do too!

Remember, the first week, all my new products are 20% off. So, each of these WordArt packs are $2.00. Click on the image below to go to my "secret" store - LOL!

And, since I'm made SO much grungy WordArt for sale, I thought I'd make you guys one as a freebee. Here ya go! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

Fonts -
Underwood Champion
Ascent 2 Stardom
bulkyRefuse Type
AL Professor

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Smile Sister

So, remember the first day that we went hiking, and hadn't bought our new camera yet? Well, Captain America was able to get a few pics on his cell phone, and he emailed them to me yesterday. You now where he was, right? Driving. And texting, apparently. Sweetheart, pay attention to the driving! If you're reading this, put your phone away, and drive - LOL!

Anyway, here we are up at the Franklin Mountains.

See that big stick that Jacob is holding in the pic above? Well, it came off of that plant that Captain Americas near in the pic below. We'd find them all long the way, and the kids thought they made perfect walking sticks.

Here's Captain America, obviously off of the trail. He wanted us to take a picture up there. No, I said - hehehe. It's too dangerous for little kids. So, he climbed up and I took a pic of him :)

Isn't it a pretty view!

I was just FACINATED by the cactus. I'd never seen them in the wild before. I guess Captain America was taking pictures of me enjoying them - LOL

Here's 3 of our fearless hikers :) Look how BLUE that sky is for February!

Oh yeah, here's that pic of Jimmy and I after we climbed back up the hill. See how he's sitting on my purse. It was KIND of like a baby backpack, in the loosest sense of the term - LOL!

We didn't get as many pics of the hike we did the other day. Again, no real camera. I had it this time, only it was at home. I also forgot my purse, so putting it in there woudln't have helped. Sigh. I think I need a personal assistant. Yeah, that's what I need. Then I won't NEED to remember stuff. They'll do it for me - LOL!

Here's Captain America, pushing the stroller up the BIG hill. It may not look steep, but believe me, it was :) This road only goes to the park at the top of the mountain, so it's not that traveled, and there were a TON of walker/runners on it. Pretty safe, if you're watching out.

And us at the top, getting water and snacks.

AND, my sweetheart and my 3 year old left yesterday on their trip back to Ohio to get the rest of our junk. I was SO excited to get pics throught the day of the journey. It was pretty fun :)

Jimmy and Buzz (no idea where this is - hehehe)

This message was entitled 'Look Ma, No Hands". Nice, sweetheart! KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL! hehehe! (that was hysterical laughter, could you tell - LOL!)

And, some scenery

Watching a movie on the road. I packed him Scoobie Doo and the Vampire, Care Bears Nutcracker, The Bee Movie, and, um, one more. These are his MOST favorites. Well, Cars is the REALLY most favorite, but it's lost. And Shrek 3, but it's broken - alas!

I'm guessing they stopped at the Golden Arches for lunch - hehehe

In New Mexico? Must be :)

And I'm guessing he got a new CAR Lightning McQueen. I didn't send him on the trip with that one - LOL! Thanks, Sweetie, for taking good care of my little boy. He's gonna remember this fun trip with his Daddy for sure!

I'm sure Jimmy was loving being on Route 66, just like in Cars!

LOVE this pic :)

So, those were my picture updates for yesterday. Hopefully I'll get some more today :) And what did I do with my 7 1/2 hours of freedom? Well, I laid in bed after the kids went to school and watched Monday night's episode of "The Bachelor". Can't believe he sent home Jill. I thought he really liked her. But, I really liked all 3 girls, so I'll be happy with whoever he pics :) It was nice to now that I could watch my show, and that no one was TRASHING my house in the mean time - LOL!

I did do some productive stuff today. I cleaned my bedroom. There were piles of papers, and clothes, and unpacked stuff all over it, and now's it's clean - it makes me happy :) I did a TON of laundry, and put it away too. The upstairs hall is clean and clear, as is Jimmy and Joes room. I even organized downstairs a little bit. AND, I got some designing time in too. Woohoo!!!

I did call today to set up Dr. appointments for us. Jacob has an appointment on Friday, and Tom and Eme has immunizations, which are a walk-in appointment, so that's easy. I have an appointment in March. Get this. I call into the appointment center, and get a guy on the phone. I tell him that it's been 3 1/2 years since I've been to the Dr. and need an appointment. He says, ok, I"ll set you up for a physical. I get to thinking, thhat's not really what I need. I tell him, shouldn't I have a "well-woman" exam?

Do you want a pap smear? he asks. What? You don't ask a girl that - LOL! No on WANTS a pap smear. I don't sit at him, thinking, Hmmmm, you now what? I really WANT a pap smear. He should have asked "Do you want me to schedule you a pap smear". I guess the really embarassing part was that I said yes, I want a pap smear, then said "Well, I don't really WANT a pap smear, you know, no one wants on of those'. Oops, I created an akward situation for myself - LOl! But, it's all scheduled. Woohoo for me :)

This WordArt request is from my new digifriend, Andrea. I just LOVE meeting new people out there in cyberspace. I know Mom, you can't go out to lunch with a cyberfriend. but I still like my cyberfriends. I'll find some IRL (in real life) friends soon. I promise. After I get my house organized - LOL!

Isn't this saying hilarious! My mom has it on a little plaque hanging in her library. TOO funny. Andrea had it on a pillow (or was it her mom that had it on a pillow - can't remember now - hehehe). I also made one for brother, and one for family. So, head on over to Scraporchard, and pick up this weeks WordArt Wednesday! Click HERE to go to the Orchard, and remember, you have to be logged into the Gallery in order to download the ZIP file :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sweet Sorrow

How was your President's day yesterday? Did you do something fun? Did you get the day off work? We spent the morning at home. Captain America took the truck in to get it's brakes looked at, and they needed fixed/replaced. Something like that. I didn't even ask how much that set us back - sigh. But, he was gone for like 4 hours doing that. Slow car place - geesh! The kids and I did a little bit of cleaning (I FINALLY found my silverware drawer in the boxes in the garage!!!) and organizing, then played for a while.

When he finally got back, we headed out on our canyon hike. It was GORGEOUS. And guess what? I FORGOT my camera. Can you believe it! I almost started crying - hehehe. But , I pulled myself together, and we still had a TON of fun. It was about a 2 mile walk (I think), and was good for the kids. They're getting a bit soft, and need more exercise. It was pretty steep on the way up, but a piece of cake on the way down - hehehe.

The BESTEST part was signing Army Cadences all the way down the mountain. Who knew my boys could sing so loud? ha! Our favorite one was "Got Me Lookin' Like Gomer Pile". It's SO catchy. Even Jimmy (3) was singing along - hehehe.

As we were headed back home (it was already dark), we noticed that the on-ramp from the highway was blocked, and there were police everywhere. As we drove past our exit, and headed towards the next, we saw a car down below that was totaled, and flipped on it's top. I don't know what happened, but it didn't look good. Dang! I hate car wrecks.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my blog on Friday!! You really made my day :) What nice comments, even if they were solicited - LMBO! I'm shameless, aren't I :) I know I can always count on you all for a pick-me-up! hehehe.

So, I said that I'd post the winners on Valentines day, but clearly, today is not Valentine's Day. But we did buy some clearance Valentine's stuff last night, if that counts. No? OK, sorry. I was a bit of a slacker. But, I've picked the winners, and here they are. Did you notice I said winners??? You know me, I can't do anything small. I decided to give away 1 $10.00 coupon, 2 $5.00 coupons, and 4 $2.50 coupons. There were 51 comments, so your odd of winning were 13%. Not too bad, eh? Much better than the lottery, and this one was free. Sure, it's not a million bucks, but it IS my WordArt pack. Comparable, right? ROFLMBO!!!

So, the winners are:

$2.50 coupons:
Bobbi-Lyn (email me, girl!)
Prinzess (I left you a comment on your blog)
SAHM (email me, k?)
Amy Lightfoot (I left you a comment on your blog, too)

$5.00 coupons:
Simply Sarah (it's in your inbox!)
Ginnieg (email me so I can get you your coupon)

$10.00 coupon:
breeoxd (I left you a comment on your blog :)

Congrats to everyone who won :) Hopefully you'll go get your prize, and make some FABULOUS layouts with them, then upload them to the Scraporchard gallery, so we ALL can see your works of art! Woohoo!

So, because my hubby is leaving today on his final (it had BETTER be the final one - hehehe) trip to Ohio to get the remaining from our storage shed (friends' garage - LOL!), this quote came to mind. Captain America and I both thought, hmmmm, "sweet" sorrow? What's that about. But, it's by Shakespeare, and Juliet says it to Romeo as they bid goonight to each other. It's sorrow because they are not going see each other that night, but sweet, because they are both excited for the next time they will see each other.

So, see, it's fitting! Captain America is leaving today, and I won't see him till next Tuesday-ish. But I'll be SO glad to see him when he gets back home. Part is such sweet sorry. Exactly - hehehe. I'm good, eh? LOL! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

Sweet - AL Libretto
Sorrow - 2peas old type

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mud Puddle

I had a nice Sunday yesterday, how about you? Church was good, my lesson went GREAT, kids were mostly well behaved. I was on day 3 of my diet (no cheats in 3 days - woohoo!) and was down a few lbs. That always puts one in a good mood - LOL!

After church, we just sat around as a family and watched movies. It was GREAT! We watched Lord of the Rings, Return of the King first. I didn't realize that Jimmy (3) and Joe (5) didn't really now the story. I guess we watched it a lot when they were babies. Shame on us - hehehe. Those kids need education on Tolkien - LOL!

So, when I went to put the little kids to bed at 8pm (they got to stay up an hour later because of no school on Monday), I found a HUGE mess in their rooms. Sigh. They'd found the styrofoam from my new printers box, and crushed it all over the bedroom. Then, they took all the little storage boxes from their new shelves, and dumped them all over the room. And a giant box of misc. toys as well. And, for good measure, they took all of their pants from their box (yeah, we don't use dressers, we just use storage boxes - LMBO!) and strewn them all around the room. Nice, eh?
Apparently ABOVE is why they needed all of their pants out. They needed to stuff their clothes to make themselves fat. Nice. I woudln't have thought of that one. I find that chocolate and cheesecake are MUCH more effective and fun :)

SO, we sat down and cleaned it all up. Again. We got a trash bag for all the styrofoam, and I put all the little toy boxes out on the floor, and started each one with a "sample" toy so they knew how to sort them. They actually did a pretty good job of cleaning, with me sitting in there and directing. It only took about 15 minutes to get it spotless again. I have a feeling it's gonna be a nightly routine. Oh well. I guess, at least, they're playing with their toys.

After I put the little ones down, I was headed back to my room, and noticed a mess in the bathroom. and Jim.... had gotten into a bottle of Shampoo/Conditioner, and emptied the bottle ALL OVER THE BATHROOM. Luckily, we have tile in there. Still, do you know how much mess that makes? I think, once they squirted it out, they rubbed it in with a towel, or something. And, being the desert, it's really dry here, so of course, it dried. I didn't know what it was a first.

I tried mopping, but the mop instantly got all soapy. I tried wash rags, but that was the same problem. I finally gave up, and decided it was a job for another day :) Not a Sunday project - LOL! That's what I told myself, anyway :) I guess there's no more family movie time on Sunday. Too much "unsupervised" time for the 3 and 5 year old. I'll be so happy when they're 7 and 9. But then, I'll have a 15 year old, and I'm SURE they come with their own set of problems. But girls, are they this messy? Please tell me no :)

OK girls! I have a TREAT for you today :) Well, I think it's a treat - LMBO! Nothing like tooting my own horn :) The other day, I went back and looked at some of my first WordArts, and I must say, I cringed. Really? I made those! Sigh. Well, at least I'm getting better - hehehe. So, here's my first ever WordArt that I offered, way back in February of 2008. I LOVED the quote, and was quite proud of it at the time.

Not bad, for my first one. So, I wanted to see what difference a year would make with my WordArt-ing skills (ha! I'm making up all sorts of new words - LOL!) So, what do you think? Like it better? I sure do :)

And, if you like this one, you're gonna LOVE my new products for Friday. 5 WordArt packs (or more, if I get some designing in this week, which I should), all with this grungy type feel. I just LOVE trying new things :)

So, click on the image ABOVE to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

Mud, Puddles - AL Scratched
Splatters - WC Rhesus B Bta (OT1)
All rest - AFT Font nonmetric BT

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Family Founded Upon Jesus Christ

How was your Valentine's day??? Was it good? Did you have fun??? I spent the morning working on my Sunday lesson (sharing time), and once I got it all planned, and typed up, and such, I went to install my printer, only to realize that it was broke. Sigh. So guess what I got for Valentines Day - LMBO!

But, before we went to .... yep, you guess it, Wal-mart, we went on a family outing. We drove up to the Franklin Mountains State Park and went on a little hike. We hiked down a little trail and then back up again. It didn't look like that far in distance, but it was a smidge bit steep, and the little kids needed to go slow. It was fun looking at all the desert vegetation. I'd never been that close to a wild cactus before - I was so intrigued by it - hehehe. Remember, it doesn't take much to impress me - hehehe.

Jimmy needed carried back up the trail when we left, and boy was it a long way up - hehehe. I started off giving him a piggy back, then I decided that if I let him sit on my purse/bag, kinda like a sling. It made it where I didn't have to "carry" him with my arms. It was a long climb, though. Now I know why people overweight don't hike. Carrying 40 extra lbs up that hill just about did me under - hehehe.

After the hike, we went to Wal-Mart for dinner. What a romantic Valentines Dinner, eh? Wal-mart with 5 kids. Ha! But I lOVED every minute of it. We bought one of their giant sub sandwhiches, 2 chicken cesear salads, and went to sit in the In-store McDonalds. Then, we got drinks, fries, and sundaes from McDonalds (well, not me, cause I'm ROCKIN' my diet - ha! Just chicken salad for me).

We got the new printer (printer/scanner/fax by cannon for $39.99) and I broke down, and got a different camera. I SO hated the old new one. It took crappy pictures, was big and bulky, and the battery didn't hold a charge for very long. AND, sometimes it would malfunction to the point that I'd have to take out the batteries and start over again. Nice, eh? BUT, I lost the receipt, and Wal-Mart wouldn't take it back without one. Something about if you have an item over $100 ish you need a receipt for a return. Sigh. Expensive lesson. I'll be more careful with receipts in the future.

But, I hope that this new one works out for me. It's a Panasonic DMC-LS80. 8.1 MP with a 3x zoom. Not a great zoom, but the pictures seem to be pretty good. Only time will tell :) It's tiny, though. Now I can fit it in my purse/pocket when I go out, so hopefully I get some more pictures :)

Oh yeah, on Friday, I went to register with my Tricare (army) health insurance at the hospital. Boy, was that a process. First off, when you go there, you have to show your military ID's to get into the parking lot. The guy at the gate told us that the Tricare place was over that the VA hospital (connected with the main hospital). We parked, and I went in. Captain America sat in the car with a sleeping Jimmy.

The little old man at the front desk said that I was in the wrong place, that the Tricare office was in the main hospital. He showed me a LONG hallway to walk down, and said "Just go through those doors that say "Authorized personal only", follow the corridor, and it'll take you to the 3rd floor of the main hospital". Great. That's NOT what I wanted to do, but I followed his directions. I don't know why it bothers me so much to be in "off limits" areas. Something about being an obsessive rule follower, maybe - hehehe.

So, as I walked, I was trying to memorize the way back, because I knew I'd have to come back that way to find Captain America. So I got to the 3rd floor, and asked more directions. Down to the first floor, and follow the signs to Tricare. The ladies in that office were pretty nice. I filled out about 4 pages of paperwork (I have a TON of kids, remember - hehehe), and then went back into another office where the lady filled out some more paperwork to fax into the main headquarters.

She gave me a paper with the number for the appointment phone line, and I thought I was all good to go. Nope, she said. I was now registered with Tricare, but now I needed to register with the Army Hospital and Ft. Bliss. That was back up on the 3rd floor. Nice. At least it was near my "shortcut" though the ER.

So I went to another office, and took a number. They got me in pretty quick. There was a TON of info to enter into the computers. It took about 30 minutes or so. It may not sound like a long time, but it was a long time to sit and give someone info to enter into a computer. But, when she was done, I was in the system, complete with blue cards. Not sure what they were for, but I have blue cards for each person - hehehe.

And, I'm proud to say that I manuvered that hospital like a pro. I didn't get lost once. I have NO idea how I managed to get back to my truck, but I sure did. Surely someone up above was steering my feet in the right direction - LOL!

As we were leaving for home, I tried calling the appointment line to set up appointments for us all, only to learn that it closed at 3:45. It was 4pm. It woudln't be opened again until Tuesday. Nice. I guess we'll wait till then to get an appointment. But, at least we're in the system now. That's the hard part.

So I debated about giving this one away today as a freebee. I, personally, LOVE it! I used it in my Sunday lesson today on a hand out. (It's the Primary scripture that goes with the theme for 2009 - My Eternal Family) But, I know that some of you out there don't "do" church, but a lot of you do. So, I decided to give it out, as a nice WordArt for your "faithbooking". That's what it's called, right? See, my lack of Scrapbook experience is showing through. You'd think I'd have picked up on a little bit more over the past year - LMBO!

Anyway, here it is :) I hope you like it and can use it - I thought it would be GREAT on pictures of the fam going to/coming from church on Sunday. Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Family - AL Professor
Founded, Upon, Christ - An Unfortunate Event Dewarped
Jesus - AL Aunt Marie