
Saturday, April 11, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

OMGosh it was a LONG day yesterday. I was up again at 6:30 (must have something to do with the fact that I packed the curtains. WAY too sunny in the AM). I had a few hours to gather up the "don't pack" stuff to one room (we pulled stuff out that we used the night before) before the movers showed up at 9am. It only took the 1 1/2 hours to get it done. Crazy, eh?

Our stuff was loaded into a semi, full to the top. After the movers were done loading, a few of them helped me "walk" our trailer from the side yard into the garage. That way, I could load it, and shut the garage door, and do what I needed to do before we left. Smart idea, eh?

I loaded and pack for the new few hours. At 12;30, we left the house and went to Wal-Mart. The movers had packed my broom, and I needed a cargo net for my trailer (ours died last weekend). We had lunch at McDonalds, and walked around Wal-Mart for about an hour looking for the stuff we needed (new toliet paper holder for the downstairs bathroom, dry wall fixer for the walls, and paint for a door).

After Wal-Mart, we headed onto post. Our lease signing was at 2pm. The lady wasn't ready for us. She said that there had been SO many people not showing up for lease signings, that she was only drawing up leases for people who called to confirm. Yeah, like I knew that. But, she got it done for me. Only took about 30 minutes. Doesn't sound too bad, but that's 30 minutes with 5 kids and a box of giant legos in a TINY office, waiting on papers. The kids did remarkably well.

After signing the papers, we headed over to the new place. The lady didn't have the keys ready for us, but she'd called someone from maintanence to come and get them off of the lock box for us. We got to the house, and waited for about 30 minutes for his to show up. We did get a chance to meet the neighbors. They seemed VERY nice. They've been here about a year. Her hubby was enlisted for years, then got out, then came back in as an officer. She was here with the kids while he was in trainings last year, just like me :) They have a college aged kid, a high school girl, a 4th grade boy, and a 3rd grade girl (who's smaller than Eme - hehehe).

Finally, the guy came to give us the keys. He showed us around the house, and pointed out all of the GREAT features. OMGosh, the house is AMAZING!!! It's SO SO SO much better than the other house, and you all know how much I LOVED the other house. I'm taking pictures today, and will have some up tomorrow. It has HUGE vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, thick soft carpet, ceiling fans in almost every rooms. Wow. I SO love it :) Anyone wanna come help me decorate????

After we checked out the house, we headed back to our old (well, relative term - ha!) house. We (well, more like I) cleaned and packed. I started upstairs, and went from one room to the next, cleaning and closing up the doors. After the upstairs was done, I moved downstairs. Kitchen, living room, library, Eme's room, bathroom, garage.

We loaded up all the boxes into the trailer, and the truck. It was PACKED. I sure hope that all of this JUNK I brought for the weekend was necessary. If it just sits in a box until Monday, I'm gonna be mad. The movers could have taken it away for me - hehehe.

We were ready to go by 8:30, but I was having a hard time getting the trailer out of the garage. I got it hitched up ok, but it kept trying to clip the side of the garage. Finally, I unhooked it, straightened it out, and re-hitchd it. I know, cheating, but I was desparate.

Our new bungie net wasn't as good as our old one, so I had to tie a rope around our stuff too. I wasn't too confident about the trailer, so when we left, we only drove 35 miles per hour. SUPER slow, since most of the way the speed limit is 55. Hehehe. The cars behind me didn't appreciate it, but I know they'd much rather have me go 35 than get a vacuum on their windshield - LMBO! When we stopped at the Ft. Bliss gate, the check point guys sure got a good laugh. They kept stareing at my load. I know they were jealous. They TOTALLY wanted my trailer. ROFL!!! One of them even turned to watch us drive off. Ha!

When we got to the new house, I'd decided to just park on the street. And then, for some crazy reason, I thought that I should try and back the trailer into the garage. I KNOW?? What was I thinking. Well, I'm proud to say, that after 20 minutes of manuevering, I DID IT!!!!!! I was SO excited. I don't know how I managed it, but my trailer is parked inside of the garage!!!

We unloaded the truck, and part of the trailer, and put in Twilight. Jake and Tom fell asleep watching it, and Eme stayed up to watch it with me. I only got about 1/2 of the stuff we brought unloaded, and only about 5% put away. But, I think I did enough for one night.

My internet is supposed to be hooked up today from 9-11 (you know how that goes, sit and wait). Luckily, someone in the neighborhood has wireless, and didn't password protect it. It's only one bar, but it seems to be sufficient to make this post. THANK YOU, kind person :) While I don't leave my internet unprotected, I'm glad that YOU DO!!! hehehe.

Oh yeah, and I'll post Easter Bunny pictures soon, too. Remember, the Easter Bunny comes to our house on Saturday morning. Luckily, I saved the Easter box from the movers. And it only had 2 baskets in it. What's up with that? What would I only have kepts 2 baskets? Weird. I bought 3 more at Wal-Mart, and a chocolate bunny to replace the one I "stressed ate" the other night - ROFL!!!

You know, I know that I did this WordArt before, but since the internet is spotty tonight, this is what you get - LMOB! I know it's not exactly the same. :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)


Home - Fanzine

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why So Serious?

Pfew, the day is OVER!!! Next time the movers come to pack the house, I'm definitely asking someone to watch Jimmy. Well, hopefully the next time the movers come to pack the house, he's not 3. 5 would be great. 6 would be even better - hehehe. He was SO excited to see all the guys, he just kept running under foot. He wanted to show them all of his stuff, and see what they were doing.

He kept asking me to go upstairs, which was his way of trying to get rid of me. That way, he could go socialize uninterrupted. You're gonna have to try hard than that, Jimmy, I know all your tricks - hehehe.

I was up at 6:30 am, showering. I have to do that every once in a while - ROFL!! Got the kids up at 7:00am, and out the door at 7:30 am. Jimmy and I quickly moved stuff to the "safe" room, and cleared out the trash. I was a bit parinoid about the mover packing my trash - LOL! I think I got it all, though.

They showed up at 9am, with TONS of boxes and 5 guys. I'd bought sodas and waters for them, and had it in a cooler for them (aren't I nice - hehehe). The started on the kitchen/library/garage. The garage seriously took all day. The walk-thru guy thought we had less stuff than we did. They didn't bring enough packing materials, and had to go back at one point and get more. I'm telling ya, my garage is LOADED with junk.

I ordered pizza for everyone at noon, and by 3:30 they were done for the day. ALL my house was packed. I'm telling ya, after moving 15 times by myself, movers is DEFINITLY the way to go. The guys were nice, friendly, respectful, and very good workers. I coudln't have been more pleased.

We ate leftover pizza and leftovers from the cooler for dinner. I think the taco meat I had on my taco was bad, though, because about 20 minutes later, I was starting to feel nasty. Jacob wanted me to come downstairs and watch Dr. Who with him (which I usually JUMP at the chance), but I laid in my bed and took an hour nap instead. VERY uncharacteristic of me. I don't sleep during the day. Can't get my mind to slow down - ha!

When I woke up, I could tell there was a migraine on the way. SO, I forced myself to eat an apple, and took a pill. MIRACLE pills, if you ask me.

By this time, it was 7pm, and I re-hooked up the TV, and the kids and I watched Survivor. Love that show :) I was feeling much better by the end of it.

I put the little kids to bed, and Jake and Tom and I watched CSI and then the new one on CBS, Harpers Island. Did any of you watch it??? Spooky! I thought Tom was gonna pass out! He and Jake assured me they wouldn't have night mares from it. I only had to make them close their eyes a few times. I really wish they'd have less "skin" on shows. Geeze. Who wants to see bare bodies? Not me. I like clothes :) Anyway, I think I've found something to watch on Thursdays at 9 now :) As long as the big kids watch it with me, so I don't get too freaked out - LMBO!!

The movers should be back today at 9am. They're loading up the truck, and it'll sit in the truck over the weekend, and they'll deliver it to our new house on Monday.

Today is lease signing day. 2pm on post. I think I have all my paperwork together. Copy of Captain Americas orders, money, and our most recent LES. I hope that's all I needed - LOL! ID, maybe that was the other thing. I'm pretty excited to see what the inside of the house looks like!

It's Friday, so you know what that means??? New products in the store!!! Woohoo!! I have 5 new WordArt packs, 2 that are "smile" themed, and 3 that are a new "style" for me. Remember the Unbelievable WordArt that I did a few days ago? Well, it's tht style. hehehe. Click HERE to go to my store to pick up some fun new WordArt - remember, it's only $2.00 a pack the first week :) AND, I'm putting up a few of the AWESOME layouts that my CT made with this weeks WordArts - Aren't they FABULOUS!!!

Platinum Butterfly



Platinum Butterfly

Um, yeah, this one was mine - LOL!



This WordArt request comes from Martha. Seriously, you guy, I just opened up my email, and looked for the first message with the word request in the subject, and did that request - hehehe. BUT, I do love this saying from Batman, and use it a lot - LOL! In fact, my 5 year old had (well, had) the poster hanging on his wall with the Joker and this saying. I know. Creepy in a 5 year olds bedroom. Am I raising a serial killer? Sure hope not - ROFL (yes, mom, I know that wasn't funny).

Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. (not working)


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Metal and Wood Alpha - Brown

Dang, I'm tired. As I'm pre-publishing this at 10:30ish last night, it's been a CRAZY day. Started off the day at 6:30 am, when I woke up before my alarm. I tried to snooze a little more, but really I just laid in bed for 30 minutes - hehehe.

Got kids off to school by 7:20, and poor little Joe stayed home. No more puking, at least, but he was a bit feverish. Wouldn't eat. Wouldn't drink. Just laid on the couch all day. He was so pitiful looking. Poor little guy.

I spent the morning cleaning and organizing, so that the moving company guy wouldn't think that we lived in total filth. He came at 9:30. He walked through, and took notes as to what kind of boxes and such they needed to bring, getting an idea of how much junk, er, stuff we had. I got a few questions answered, and he was on his way by 9:40.

We headed off to the big kids school at 10:10ish to sign the school transfer papers. I post dated them the 9th, and they're gonna get sent home with Jacob tomorrow (today). That took a little while, since I had 4 kids I was doing it for.

After that, we headed to the park. I needed out of the house for a bit. I made Joe sit in the stroller the whole time. And, he didn't even really complain. That's how crappy he felt. Jimmy had fun playing with his buddy, until, for some reason, Jim threw sand in the kids face. I made Jim sit with me until he was ready to apologize. It was like 15 minutes. Holy buckets, that kids stubborn!

We didn't stay long, since the wind starting blowing so hard, we were getting pelted with sand. REally. It was bad :)

After about an hour at the park, we headed off to Wal-Mart. I need a new ink cartridge for my printer so I could make a copy of Captain Americas orders and his LES for our Lease Signing this Friday. I also needed ice for the coolers (which we forgot).

Joe fell asleep in the truck, and slept on the couch the rest of the afternoon. My mom had sent an envelope in the mail full of Easter cards (and dollars), and when the big kids got home from school, they wanted to go to Wal-Mart and spend their dollars. And buy the ice we forgot earlier. So, after dinner, we loaded up in the Surburban, and headed off to Wally World.

We also had to exchange some pants for Jacob. His new school has a uniform of Kakhi or navy slacks, and forest green or white Polo shirt. I got him pants the first time at Wal-Mart, but they didn't fit. So, we exhanged them for a larger size. 38x29. Holy crap. Someone needs to go outside and play just a little bit more. Dang!

We were in the toy isle for about an hour, or so it seemed - hehehe. Jacob picked out some gooey stuff that makes a flatching (that's how we say fart - hehehe) sound, a sticky hand, and some silly putty. Thomas picked out some Playmobil guys, the Knights. They're SUPER cool. Joe picked out some too, only the pirate ones. Eme got a tiny baby doll, and a little stuffed easter bunny. Jimmy picked out a Thomas the Train book. I spent my easter dollars on a new working copy of Shrek. Jimmy trashed our last one. And he just LOVEs shrek. It was only $4.00, and my mom had sent me $5 for Easter, so I came out $1.00 ahead - hehehe.

Once home, I realized that I still hadn't bought ice. Dang! So, I dropped off the kids, put on a movie for Jimmy, left Jacob in charge, and headed back for the ice. I was home in 20 minutes, with 3 HUGE bags of ice for tomorrow.

I let the kids hang out for a while, and I cleaned and organized. I got all of the clothes and suitcases in the right places, and picked out the kids' sunday clothes too. I went through my closet, and decided what I was letting the movers pack, and what I was taking myself.

I put the kids to bed, and kept going. I went through the kitchen, and packed all of the opened/perishible foods. I swept the floor really good, and got all the trash cans emptied. I organized the bathrooms pretty good, and unhooked the electronics.

In the morning, before they get here (around 9 I think), I'm gonna unload the fridge/freezer and load the coolers. I'm gonna get all my tolietries out of the bathroom, along with the kids' I'm gonna save my pillow (I can't sleep with any other one - LOL - I take it EVERYWHERE with me if I'm going overnight). And my laptop. And my shower curtain - LOL! That's an important one - hehehe.

I got a lot done today, I think. At around noon, I could tell that a migraine was on it's way, so I took some of my WONDERFUL medicine, and it seems to be gone. But when I sit down and am still, I can tell that it's trying to creep back. I think I need more sleep. Or less stress. Anyone wanna borrow some stress? I'd be willing to share - ROFL!

Well, since I was SO SO SO busy yesterday, you get my new Alpha as a freebie today :) hehehe. Aren't you glad that I procrastinated doing my WordArt. So, hopefully you're good with this, and won't be TO sad that you didn't get a WordArt - LOL! I just LOVEd how this Alpha turned out. LOVE that metal action. Good job, Atomic Cupcake! Love ya!!!

Click below to go to my accounts to download the ZIP file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Educated Mind

OK mom, here's the pics from the Awards Assembly. They suck. I couldn't just post them, so I scrapped (well, if you wanna call it scrapping - it sucks too - LMBO!) them. Gym's aren't the best for cameras, but you know that - hehehe. So, here it is.

Ha! And I even used my WordArt for today in it - hehehe. Aren't I sneaky - LOL!

Well, I had a kid come down with some sickness or another yesterday evening. Remember my BEAUTIFUL new comfortor set? Yep, he did. He PUKED all over it. It soaked through it, my sheets, and to the BRAND new mattress. Sigh. Young Joseph, whatever will we do with you?? Don't you realize that today is my ONLY day for doing laundry??? The movers will be here tomorrow to take away my Washer/dryer. No more puking. Or at least make it to the toliet (Really, he's good about making it to the toliet - except for that one time with the comforter).

But, before the puking started, Jimmy and I got a lot of running around done yesterday. We went on post, and did a little shopping. We were out of cereal, and yogurt, and apples, and diet soda (yeah, it's a necessity - LOL!). After a quick stop at the commisary, I drove by our new house (of course!), and then went searching for the school. It was just down the road, out the Post Gate, and around the corner. Apparently the MP's (Military Police) open a gate in the back fence of the post to let the kids on/off post at school time. That's SO handy. And not too far away.

Anyway, we found the school, and got the registration packet. The elementary school wasn't gonna give me the packet until I brought in the shot records, but I just looked at the lady like she was on crack, and said, "I have 3 of these packets to fill out. Can't you just give it to me now, and I'll bring it back in later". She gave me the 3 packets. I don't know what she thought I was gonna do with them. Weird.

Anyway, Jimmy and I came back home, and then remembered that I was supposed to UPS a package to Captain America. Dang. So, we ate lunch, and headed back out. UPS store, then on to Wal-Mart. Remember, you all were supposed to remind me to go to Wally World and do some Easter Bunny shopping. Good thing I remembered on my own, because no one else reminded me - ROFL!!!

I bought a $3.50 plastic storage box, and distracted Jimmy in the candy isle and threw in chocolate bunnies, peeps, and some jelly bean type things. Then quickly put the lid back on it. The check out lady was very accomidating too. She kept the stuff in the box as she scanned it. Now THATS helpful - Thanks for going the extra mile for me - :) Now, I just have to make sure the movers don't pack the Easter stuff. That would be bad - hehehe.

Oh yeah, the Easter Bunny comes on Friday night/Sat morning at our house. Anyone else have thta tradition, too??? We try and keep Sunday free for remembering the REAL reason of Easter, that of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and do all of the Bunny part on Saturday. PLUS, my kids aren't begging to see what the bunny left on Sunday morning while I'm trying to get them ready for church. It's worked out really well in our family. I don't even know which house we'll be at on Saturday morning, but I hope that box comes with us. Keep your fingers crossed for us! hehehe.

My mom/sister/dad/brother in law just got Unlimited Texting on their Verizon plan (which we have too), and I'm SO excited about it. I know, I'm lame. But I just LOVE to text on my new phone with the keyboard thing. I think it's my anti-social (and anti-phone) phobia coming out. I can email/text/write till the cows come home, but you get me talking on a phone, and my blood pressure goes through the roof. ha! I'm so weird.

As I'm pre-publishing this last night, little Joe Joe is sleeping in my room, and he's run to the toliet at least 6 times in the last hour. He's SO SO SO skinny, I'm afraid for him to puke this much. Poor little guy is gonna waste away to nothing. Why oh why coudln't I have gotten his genetics. I sure hope he feels better tomorrow. I hate it when kids are sick and hurting :( And I definitely don't need to catch it, especially since the movers will be here tomorrow.

This WordArt request comes from Heather. I really thought it was a great quote, and could be used in "School" or education layouts. So, just click on the image below to go to Scraporchard's gallery to pick up the zip file. Remember, you need to be logged into the gallery in order to get the download :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Come On, Get Happy

Well, I promised my mom that I'd put some pictures on here today, but, um, well, I don't wanna get up and go get my camera - LMBO! Sorry mom. Soon. I'll put them on soon.

Yesterday was a long and busy day. I finished reading New Moon, called all my utilities and cancelled/transfered them (yeah, that took FOREVER), did a little laundry, and started a "do not pack" room. I also chatted my my BFF, Maren. It was WONDERFUL to chat and have some girl talk. I sure miss her :)

I got a few good tips about having the movers come. A few people told me that I should have a cooler stocked with sodas/waters for the movers when they get here. That's a good idea :) People said that if I keep the movers happy, they'll be better with my stuff. Sounds like a sound theory - hehehe.

I'm still wondering how I'm gonna be here to supervise the movers, and be at Ft. Bliss on Fri at 3:30 to sign the lease papers. Hmmmm. I may have to ask someone at church to come "babysit" the movers. Sigh. I really hate to ask for help.

Did you hear that there was a murder/suicide on Ft. Bliss on Saturday? At the PX!!! I was just there. Scary. The husband of a female soldier tracked her down at the PX, and shot her in the head. Then turned the gun on himself. Holy cow! That doesn't make one feel safe!! You know, when the kids and I drove on Post on Sunday, I wondered why there were news crews outside the Post, with reporters and everything. I guess I know now. Dang!

I got to chat with Captain America for quite a while today. I miss that boy! He sounds like he's doing well. He's made a few friends, and caught up with a few people that he knew from the last training. I think the 7-ish weeks will go by fast :) AND, I'm loving texting with my new phone. It has a slide out keyboard, and is SO handy. Texting is fun - hehehe.

This post is becoming quite random, isn't it - ha! My brain has been kinda like that for a bit now. So much to do, so little time, so what do I do? Jump on the computer, surf the net, design, scrap, and read Twilight. Yeah, that's helping the move. hehehe. I guess if it keeps me sane, it's served it's purpose - LOL! OK, I'm really just rambling now, so I'll stop - hehehe

I don't know why I've been making Alphas lately, but they're kinda fun :) I just love the actions from Atomic Cupcake. I bought some a while back, and have been playing around with them. I saw that they're having a sale, 20 credits for $25.00. That's 20 actions for $25.00. I might have to spend a few of my designing $$ on a few new actions :)

Anyway, here's a new alpha that I made last night, and the night before. I MAY be giving it away in the near future.

I made a WordArt out of it for ya! Hope you like it. Click on the link below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. - sorry, this one isn't working :(

Come, On, Get - CK_Alis_Hand_Official

Monday, April 6, 2009

Worn Alpha

You know what? It was a MUCH better day yesterday. Sometimes, it's all a matter of attitude and perspective :) And a good nights sleep. That'll do wonders - hehehe.

The kids and I listened to General Conference at 10am on the internet. We hooked up the external speakers, and the kids brought their blankets and pillows into my room, and we all sat around and listened to it. Well, I listened to it, and to them play around and bicker. LOL! I don't know which was more distracting. The happy playing or the fighting playing. Sigh. I know, one of these days, when they're old and grown and gone, I'll look back on these days and be sad, but right now, I'm just tired - ROFL!!!

I listened to the 2nd session by myself. It was much more peaceful - ha! I think my favorite part was when President Monson talked, and he said "Your future is a bright as your faith". GREAT quote! I feel a WordArt coming on.... hehehe. But how true is that?!! Great thought for the day :)

The kids and I drove onto post today, to look at our new house again. They hadn't seen it yet, so again doesn't really apply to them - ha! We drove by the park that's 3 houses away from mine (AWESOME, eh???), and saw lots of families with little kids there. That'll be nice, friends for the kids.

Jacob didn't enjoy himself, because he was mad at me. Apparently a kid had gone into his room, and broke one of his toys. I hadn't been adequately upset about it, so he was mad at me. He got an earfull about being upset, from me - ha! I told him that I bought him a lock for his door (for the outside), so that when he left his room, he could lock it, and keep people out. They can't reach it, because it's too high. Anyway, he hardly ever remembers to lock the door. I told him that if he can't remember to lock the door, then he's just asking for someone to come in and break his stuff. I was concerned innitially, when I took the steps to get the lock. If he can't even remember to lock the freakin' (yeah, I was a little mad - lol) door, then he should be mad at himself, and not at me.

He was still pouty about it when we got home, so I had him talk to his dad on the phone when Captain America called for the evening. I don't know what they talked about, but after he got off the phone, he apologized for getting mad at me, and seemed to be in a much better mood. THANK YOU, Captain Americat, for the long distance parenting session - ha!

The kids and I played CARS Uno before bed. It was kinda fun. We only played 3 rounds. I won one, Joe won one, and, um, Jake maybe won one round. Can't remember who the last winner was. Eme was SO disappointed that she didn't win. She was in tears. Needless to say, the kids went to bed early. Way too many emotions flying all around. I mean, what could they be upset about? It's not like their dad left, or they're moving to the 4th house in 1 year, or the 3rd school in 1 year, or anything like that - hehehe. Poor little guys :) Acutally, it's amazing how well they're handling it all. Resiliant little buggers, aren't they?

I spent some time today designing, and reading some in my Twilight book. I don't know why I keep starting these. I know how addiciting they are, yet I can't seem to pull myself away from it. Kinda like chocolate - ha! Anyway, I'm almost done with New Moon.

Today, I'm gonna call all my utilities and tell them when the shut off date is. I hope I remember to do everything :) I need to remember to do the mail forwarding thing sooner this time. I don't wanna have to drive clear across town each day to pick up my mail. Sigh. The joys of moving :) I think I'm gonna start going through our stuff, and separating out the few things that I don't want the movers to pack.

Anyone out there know what the Army movers will/won't pack? Things they won't pack I'll load into the trailer. Do they pack liquids? Like cleaning supply stuff? Or medicines? What about food? Or food storage? Come on, Army wives out there. I know you know the answer - LOL!

So, I promised you on Saturday that I'd give you my Alpha on Monday, and, well, it's MONDAY! - hehehe. I LOVED the way it turned out. I like this looked. The Worn/Distressed look. Anyway, click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Oh wow. I don't know if I'm gonna survive this round of trainings. hehehe. Yesterday was the LONGEST 24 hours I can remember :) "Johnny" came to visit, and I was just feeling "blah" all day long. Do you ever get that way??? I felt like a moody teenager all day long - LMBO! I'm sure hoping that today is better.

I did watch the 1st session of General Conference, which was wonderful. I somehow missed the 2nd session. I was designing and listening to the Twilight soundtrack after conference, and must have lost track of time - hehehe. I'll go back and either read it when it comes out, or watch it online.

I think part of my problem was that I was on the computer WAY too much. I just felt "sad", so I kept trying to find things online to do to distract myself. No, it didn't really work - hehehe. I guess I did do a few productive things. I cleaned my room. Now I really sound like a moody teen. LMBO! So now, Jimmy's room, Jake's room, Tom's room, and my room have been gone through, and are presentable for someone to come and pack us up. That's the last thing I need, is to have movers pack up garbage papers, broken toys, and general "messy kid room" crap, and bring it to the new house - ROFL!

I got all of my WordArt packs designed for the week. 3 that are the new style, like yesterdays WordArt. Distressed Family, Distressed Home, and Distressed Kid WordArt packs. And that's in referrence to the style, not the family/home/kid. I know you were thinking it - hehehe. The other 2 are Smile WordArt Packs. One is regular, and one is Linear. They're pretty neat :) Those are released on Friday, but I have to have them done by Wednesday. I'm ahead of the game, there :) Woohoo!

Captain Americacalled last night. He'd made it to Ft. Benning. Sounded like he had a great trip. He stopped at a few Civil War history sites. I'm pretty sure he doesn't read these posts, so I'm safe to say I'm glad he did it on his trip - LMBO! I'm not the history buff that he is. Although I do enjoy seeing how happy seeing places like that makes him. I'm happy that he's happy. But then, I can be happy that he's happy when he's back home telling me about it - ROFL. But shhhhh, don't tell him. I woudln't want to hurt his feelings :)

Another reason I felt crazy yesterday was that on Friday night, the kids and I ate a WHOLE bag of Hersheys Chocolate Eggs. Yeah, most of that was me - hehehe. SO, I had a chocolate withdrawl headache today. LUCKILY, I have migrane medicine, so it was gone within an hour of starting, but still. I was in a drug stuppor on top of "Johnny-fied", and chocolate withdrawl-ed. SO, to make it all better, I ate a tube of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for dinner. Really. And guess what? I didn't make me feel better. Surprising. Remind me not to do that again. I just felt sick afterwords. Sigh. I'm a slow learner, sometimes :)

So, to complete my moody teenager day, I decided to put on the "emo music" soundtrack that is "Twilight", start reading "New Moon" (because Bella is depressed, I feel depressed, misery loves company, that kind of thing - she's missing Edward, I'm missing Captain America (and Edward - ROFL!!)), and stay up until the wee hours of the morning.

Today had BETTER be better :)

So, in keeping with my Sunday faithbooking freebie, here's a WONDERFUL scripture that I found. I know that Heavenly Father can help me have a better day today. And I'm sure he will :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG files, and leave some love if you like my work ;)


Possible - AL Verdigris (you can buy it at 2Peas)