
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Proud of You

First off, I forgot to blog about my Fresh Fruit yesterday, since it WAS Fresh Fruit Friday, so, here's day old fruit Saturday. Um, no. Not quite the same ring. hehehe. Good thing it's not really fruit - ROFL!!!

Anyway, click HERE to go to my store. I have 4 new WordArt packs, on sale for $2.00 each, and a grab bag, available for a week, for $3.00 - and yeah, there's a TON of great stuff in there. If you liked the calendar from yesterday, you'l LOVE the grab bag. The 2 calendars inside are SO much better :) Well, I think so, anyway :)

layout by Trina

Layout by Punktchen

by my CT girl, Trina

layout by Charmedeebob

by Punktchen, one of my CT girls

layout by Charmedeebob (my newest CT girl :)

Did you all have fun on the DSA blog train yesterday??? Thanks to everyone for the kind words about my freebee. I was having second thoughts about it. hehehe. I wasn't quite sure if anyone would even want it, or just be like, um, what's that - hehehe. Glad you liked it!

Here's a quick recap of all of the fun stuff going on for National Scrapbooking Day;

(I copied and pasted some of this from Kami's blog - hehehe. Don't tell)

All weekend we will be having some awesome deals in the Orchard!! By popular demand, we’ve extended the Farmer’s Market through Sunday!! Everything in the Farmer’s Market is $1!!!!

We’re also having a Grab Bag Bonanza to celebrate National Scrapbook Day!! Lots of Grab Bags up for grabs (heehee)!!

We’ve extended the Mega Mega Sale through Sunday too!! So stock up on all the Scrap Orchard Megas!!!

And as if all this wasn’t enough, everything else in the Orchard will be on sale for 35% OFF this weekend!!

We’ll be playing the game on Saturday, May 2 at 10 am EST in the DigiScrapAddicts Chat Room!! Right after that, we’ll be announcing the Designers for DSA’s So You Think You Can Design Contest and handing out the first assignment!! You won’t want to miss it!! It’s going to be a ton of fun!!

AND, there will be chats at DSA all day long. I'm gonna pop my head in through out the day. SO, if you wanna chat with me (well, I can dream, right???), I'm gonna be there at 11 am MST. I mean, I'll be there other times too, but FOR SURE then :) Come drop in and say hi!

Well, I've decided that I need to be serious about my diet. I know, I know, I say that all the time. But seriously, my muffin top is coming back. You know, that fat roll that lops over your jeans. Muffin top. hehehe. Well, it's back. And I hate it :)

I've been wanting to get a new MP3 player lately (I know, it seems that I've switched subjects, but I'm getting back to it), but been feeling guilty about spending the money. Even though my last payched at Scraporchard was big enough to cover a large bill, the truck repair, AND the Apple iPod 120 GB Classic that I wanna get. But I've been feeling guilty about wanting to spend the money. Are you guys like that too??? Do you feel guilty when you wanna spend money on yourself. Or is it just me???

SO, I came up with a great plan. Once I get back to my goal weight, I can get my MP3 player. Hopefully it'll be just the motivation that I need. I REALLY want it :) Plus, it will help me learn to budget and save for what I want. I'll take part of the money from this paycheck, and some from the next, and some from the next. Did you know it holds 30,000 songs. Wow. I don't even have that many songs - hehehe.

I have all the foods in my house to eat on my menu. I have some that will tempt me. Like the bag of hersheys kisses up in my cupboard I bought yesterday. Luckily, I ate all the cookie dough yesterday, so it's gone. Well, just lucky that it's gone. I would not recommend eating a WHOLE tube of cookie dough in one day. Doesn't do great things to your tummy, and DEFINITELY doesn't help "earn" a new MP3 player - ROFL! SO, I'm staring today. Maybe I'll start updating my 'Getting Skinny with the Harty's Website". Maybe that will help motivate me too :)

As with anything in life, it's all about choices. What do you choose to do. Sometimes you have to give something up to get something else. Tubes of cookie dough and skinny clothes just don't go together. hehehe. And I REALLY like all my clothes. Without the muffin top - LOL! So wish me luck, girls. And hold me accountable! Someone come to my house and take the Hersheys Kisses. I don't know if I can be trusted with them :)

This WordArt request is from Tiffany. She made announcements for her sons graduation from preschool, and needed a special WordArt for it. I thought this one would be GREAT for all the graduates this May, so I made it up for her, and for all of you :)

Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

p,r,o,u,d - pharmacy
of you - AL Professor

And here's the finished announcement by Tiffany :) I just LOVE the black and white with the reds, yellows, and greens - FABULOUS announcement. You did a GREAT job :) And what a handsome little guy :)

And, Happy Birtday today to my Granda Mavis (my dad's mom), to my neice Rachel (Captain America's brother's child), and to by brother Terry. That's a lot of family b-day all on the same date - LOL!

Friday, May 1, 2009

DSA Blog Train

First off, Happy May! How did April go by so fast??? Dang! Just wanted to let you know that the Farmers Market at the orchard is being extended!!! I may go and put some different WordArt in the market. Any suggestions???

Woohoo!!! I'm on the DSA (Digi Scrap Addicts) Blog Train this year!!! Don't you just love their new site??? I sure do :)

Anyway, either you're here because you came from Studio Tangie, OR you're here because you just like me (ROFL!!!). Either way, you're here, and that's the important part :) So, what's my freebie? Well, here it is!

layout by my CT member, Katherine :)

by my CT member, Minna
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the zip file.

AND, the next stop on the train is Designs by Sine (LOVE Sine!!). Have fun on the train ride. Choo Choo!!!

Wow, what a day I had yesterday :) After getting the kids to school, I checked the ole bank to make sure the paycheck was in (it WAS!!!), and headed out the door to get my truck fixed. It's a first come/first served kinda place, so the closer to opening time you get there, the faster it gets fixed. I was there 15 minutes after it opened.

We brought the stroller so that we could walk home afterwords. It was a GORGEOUS morning, and it felt good to walk. Check out these beautiful flowering bushes we saw on the way home.

OK, apparently these are deadly, and I PROMISE not to touch/eat them - hehehe. Thanks, girls, for letting me know - good thing they're not near my house, and just a decorative flowering shrub at the mechanics place :)

My white trash kid - LOL! Only one show, button undone, but crack in the back (but you can't see that - hehehe)

Jimmy liked the missles so much, he had me stop and get his picture taken with them.

30 minutes later, and we were home. Jimmy spent the morning playing, watching cartoons, and playing on the computer. After lunch, our truck was fixed. I walked about 1/2 way, then my friend Andrea picked us up and drove us the rest of the way. WOOHOO!!! My truck is fixed! And it was only $275 ish. A little lower then I was expecting. That's always nice :)

We went to the housing office next, to ask about rent. I'm still not clear on that. Any army wife veteran wanna explain it to me??? I paid for a partial month last month, and the BAH was still in my paycheck this month. I talked with the office lady, and she said that my BAH should be deducted in my June pay. OK, so what about May? I got the BAH in my paycheck. Do I just keep that? Or, 2 months down the road, after I already spent it, are they gonna want it? Should I just take it all and put it in the bank until it catches up with me? Help, ladies :)

Next, it was to the Commisary. WIC expired today, so I needed to get it :) Milk, eggs, cereal, juice, and peanut butter. A lot of the staples we were running low on. Thank goodness for WIC. We also got apples, strawberries, cucumbers, yogurt, frozen pizzas, hot dogs, bread, bologna, cheese, and margarine. And I'm sure more, but that's all I can remember. You know, it's a sad day when you grocery shop, and after spending $70, you think, WOW! That's all I spent? hehehehe.

Back home, groceries away, kids home from school, dinner, then, we went to a PTA sponsered Singning concert at the Elementary School. Eme's class was doing a song. Tom and Joe's classes weren't. Jake stayed home and babysat Tom and Jim, and Joe, Eme, and I went to the concert.

Here's Joe and I - that kid did NOT want to have his picture taken - hehehe. I did my best :) Look at that evil glare. Loathing - hehehe

Here's Eme's class. She's wearing Red with some kids yellow sign in front of her face - :)

Another class sang a Spanish song, and they were dressed SO adorable! I had to get a picture - Joe didn't like the guy with the beard - hehehe. I think he meant mustashe.

I asked Joe if he wanted to get on stage and dance and sing like the kids, and he didn't think it was funny. Shooting daggers, to be percise. ROFL!!!

Another class doing Lets Go Fly A Kite. It was pretty cute.

Ha! I tricked Joe into getting his picture taken, smiling. Oh, he was NOT happy about it when he realized his picture had been taken.
You know what was funny? 1/2 way through the performance, I looked around the PACKED cafeteria, and thought "Hmmm, good place to catch Swine Flu". Yeah, not a happy thought. Any one of these people could have taken a weekend trip to Mexico City and brought it back. Sigh. Apparently, as of Thursday night, there are 8 POSSIBLE cases of Swine Flu in El Paso. We'll find out soon wether it's that or not. Sigh. Swine flu is not fun :)

I'm SO glad that it's Friday. I don't like waking up and rushing around in the morning, and a lazy Saturday morning is JUST what the Harty's need :) Woohoo for the weekend :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friends Worthwhile

OK, here's my shameless plug for the FUN and EXCITING sales and such going on at Scraporchard!

First, Farmer's Market. Here's the thing. I put SO many things in the Farmers Market (like 212 or something crazy like that), it crashed. Yep, I broke the market. SO, I was asked, very nicely, to limit my WordArt packs to 60. SO, what this means for you, is that there's only 60 of my WordArt in there (only 60 - hehehe). Hopefully I picked the ones that you guys like. I'm trying, you guys :)

AND, thank you SO much to everyone who came and shopped at my store! You guys are FABULOUS, you know! Seriously :) I love you all!!!

I'm excited for this one. I've never done a Grab Bag before. Seriously, there's SO much good stuff in here, I'm wondering what I'm thinking. It doesn't say it on the add, or in the market, but because I LOVE all of my blog readers, I'll give you a hint as to what's in there. 5 WordArt packs, 2 WordArt calendars/dates, and an Alpha with 5 different variations. All for $3.00. Yep, you read right. $3.00. Sweet, eh? It goes on sale on Friday.

If you happen to miss the Farmers Market sale, or can't find in there what you need, come back on May 1st for our STOREWIDE sale.

AND, if that wasn't enough, we, the designers at Scraporchard are doing a Scavenger hunt. You'll have to browse through all of our products (one in each designers store), to find the hidden free download. Should be fun. I know, I know, I had PAGES AND PAGES of WordArt, so I'll give you a hint tomorrow :)

And lastly, I'm part of the DSA Mystery Blog Train. Be sure to hop on and pick up some SWEET digi stuff. I know you wanna play.
OK, enough of that :) On to me - ROFL!!!

Woohoo!!! I socialized yesterday - hehehe. First off, I chatted on the phone with my friend Margaret from Facebook. She's AWESOME :) What a nice girl :) And any of you who know me, you know that the phone isn't always my friend. In fact, just thinking about making a phone call about sends me into a panic - SO, for me to say that I had FUN chatting on the phone with some I'd never met, that's HUGE!

Then, I went to lunch at another army wife from church's house. There were 4 of us there, and we had a TON of fun, eating and talking and laughing. As much as I like to think of myself as a social recluse, I must admit, I had a TON of fun socializing today :)

Since my truck is still broke, I sent my older kids to Scouts at church with the lady who's house we went to for lunch, 'cause she was going anyway, and had 2 extra seats. I was in charge of a game, so I sent Jacob with the supplies and the directions. Hopefully it went well - they seemed to have fun. They came home with neat neckerchief slides. Not that we know where our neckerchiefs are. hehehe. BUT, the slide was pretty cool :)

The little boy's bedroom was TRASHED when I went to put them to bed last night. So, I told them that tarantulas were gonna come in their room and live under all of the mess. I know, I'm mean and a horrible mother. Oh well. We DO have tarantulas here in El Paso. Theoretically, it may be sound. May. I told them that they giant spiders wouldn't come until the next day, though. They made a plan to clean it after school. Well, as I was sitting on the couch, after I thought they were asleep, Joe came downstairs with all of the dirty clothes, and the trash, and some other random things. "We cleaned our room", he said. hehehehe. Whatever it takes, I guess.

If the paycheck is in today, I'm taking my truck in to get it fixed. Keep your fingers crossed for me :) Historically, it come in the last day of the month, so I'm assuming it will today too. I'd really like to be able to go to the store. hehehe.

I'm gonna give my diet another go around. I know I've said that a lot lately, but really, this is just getting ridiculous. I don't like being up so many pounds. I know how to fix it. EXACTLY how to fix it. Sigh. What I've lacked these past 4 months is the willpower to do it. I feel better when I eat well. I know I can do it. I just need to take it one day at a time :)

So, in honor of the nice ladies I hung out with yesterday, here's some new Friends wordart for you all :)

Click on the image below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. - um, yeah, not working at the moment

Friends - AL Aunt Marie
Worthwhile - Felix Titling

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


FARMERS MARKET time!!! I put ALL of my WordArt Packs (over 200) in the Farmers Market section of Scraporchard, which means what??? It means that you can grab my WordArt packs for only $1.00 a pack! Dang, that's a good price :) There are PAGES and PAGES of deals. But hurry, it closes Thursday night :)

EDIT: Apparently, I have TOO many WordArt packs in the Farmers Market, and it can't handle all of my awesome-ness - ROFL!!! So, I've been asked to remove about 1/2 of them from the Farmers Market. All of my new stuff, from November on, should be in there. Well, it SHOULD. I can't actually get into the market to fix it - hehehe. Sigh. Again, why can't life just be easy - hehe

Next, here's the FUN NSD activities we have planned over at the Orchard:

Well, I took my truck to the Army Auto Craft place yesterday to see what was wrong with it. I was terrified that it would die on the way there, but it seemed to be running fine. I had the stroller in the trunk, just in case :) Sigh. The things we do....

Anway, they said that it was gonna be $500 worth of repairs. Well, I don't have that in my budget all at one shot, so I asked him what we could put off till the 15th, and still get my truck running. The distributor was shot, and it needed new coil and ... um... something else distributor related. Yeah, like I know what a distributor is - ROFL!!! All I know, is that it's gonna cost me $300 to get a new one put in. I THINK I have that, or will on the 30th or 1st, depending on when the paycheck clears. Only a few more days to go until I get my truck back and running.

Oh yeah, and the other $200 repair was something that Captain America can fix himself, so we're gonna hold off on that. He'll be home by the end of May, and if we can wait till the 15th, I think we can wait 10 more days and save $180. Yeah, I think we'll do that :)

So what do you guys think about this Swine Flu thing? Scary, isn't it. We live SO close to Mexico, I'm a tad bit concerned. Of course, I don't leave my house. But then, my kids do, so I guess I'm not out of the loop. Dang, and I thought I had such a GOOD excuse to be a recluse - LOL!

So, I'm considering driving my truck to the grocery store this morning. The guys at the shop said that it only dies when the part gets hot. Well, if I go in the morning, the sun hasn't heated things us yet. Right? And it'll sit for an hour at the Commisary parking lot, so it'll get cool again. Sigh. Or should I just be safe and go after my truck is fixed on Thursday. I could drive it to the place, then walk to the store. I don't have that much stuff to get. It would fit in the stroller, I bet. Maybe I'll do that. We don't NEED milk or bread, right? Or fresh fruit or veggies. Surely we can get by with what's in the cupboards for 2 days. We're tough :) Its not like we're gonna waste away into nothing - ROFL! IF ONLY I had that problem - hehehe.

While this wasn't intended to be a Twilight WordArt, it fits, don't you think? I can just see layouts with gorgeous Edwards photos.....sigh.....Edward :) Oh wait, did I say that out loud?? Sorry, honey. I still like you better :)

Click HERE to go to scraporchard to grab the zip file, and remember, you've gotta be logged into the gallery in order to get the download :) Thanks!

Look, I scrapped! AND, I found this FANTASTIC glitter style FOR FREE, on Michelle Batton's blog. I really like them :) And they worked just PERFECTLY for my layout :)

Template - Designs by Sine
Kit - Bren Boone
WordArt - um, ME!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


OK, you guys! NOW is the time :) The Farmers Market is turned on over at Scraporchard, and ALL, that's right, I repeat, ALL of my WordArt packs are only $1.00 each!

I have 217 different WordArt packs. Holy cow! That's a TON of WordArts. All you have to do is decide which ones you want - LOL!

So, hurry, 'cause the market will be closing Thursday night :) Spread the word! hehehe :)

EDIT - apparently, I had TOO much WordArt in the Farmers Market, and it keeps crashing - SO, anything I designed after November should still be in there :) Sigh. Sorry about that, girls!

Click HERE to check it out :)

I Miss You

First off, a little promoting :) NDS is May 2nd this year (that's my brother's, my niece's and my grandmother's b-day - hehehe)!!! I think I'm even gonna be hosting a chat! Yep, shy me, hosting a chat! You'd better all come and help me out, because it might be kinda lonely there in that chat room by myself - ROFL!! I'll post more about that as I find out more details :)

Also, a lot of us Scraporchard designers will be doing Grab Bags, starting on Friday. It's my first Grab Bag, and I'm SO excited :) I spent all weekend designing, and there's some FABULOUS stuff in there. Just ask my CT. I showed them the preview of all the goodies you can get, and they just LOVED it :) Trust me, you'll like it too!

I finally hung up some decorations yesterday, and thought I'd start off by sharing. Before we came to El Paso, when Captain America was in our first rental house by himself, he bought some decorations for us. Wal-Mart had a frame and print section (sold separately), and Captain America bought us quite a few, with some great diversity in paintings. I never got around to hanging them at our last house, and decided that yesterday was the day :)

Notice the WordArt, framed, too??? hehehe

Rrrrrgh! Ever feel like that? hehehe. My computer is acting up. Sunday, my facebook account was hacked into, and my computer has been just a bit off since then. Like last night when I went to listend to music as I blogged, nothing. No sound. And it said that all of my music files were bad. Hmmmm, not so good. I hate hackers and virus people. Not so cool! Really, not so cool! Luckily, after restarting the computer, the music seems to be working again....

Anyway, I'm feeling much better. The headache appears to be gone. Sunday was LONG day, but it's over - hehehe. Sad, that that's all I can say about it :) Church was good, except for the lingering headache. But with the pills, it was easy to ignore it. As long as I didn't make any sudden crazy head movements, I was good. (Not that I typically make sudden crazy head movements, just to set that straight - LOL!)

I was asked to teach the 5 year old class again, but then the teacher ended up coming, so I was just crowd control. There were 8 or 9 - 5 year olds in the class. Yeah, that could be a bit overwhelming - hehehe. They're super sweet kids, though, and they remembered and liked me from last week, so that was a HUGE plus :)

After church, as we were driving home, my tried died. Right in the middle of the road, right before the stoplight. Stone dead. No power. Steering wheel locked up. I managed to slightly veer it to the curb, and got it in part. Nice. Now what. Luckily, about 4 other families noticed me, and stopped to help. One of them took my kids home, where Jacob watched them. The other family had the number for USAA (our insurance company), and I called them on the cell phone to get a tow truck.

Well, come to find out, we don't have towing on our insurance for the truck. The truck that's a 1990. BUT, we do have it on the Saturn Ion, that's a 2003. Yeah, explain that one to me. So, the lady on the phone said that she'd send out a tow truck, and it would be up to an hour. That I should wait with my vehicle. Yeah, no problem. I'll just wait, in my truck, at the stoplight, for an hour. It was ONLY 81 degrees outside. Not like that HOT or anything :) Anyway, $65 to get a tow. Yeah, I have $46 in my checking account. Um, how's this gonna work???

So, there was one family that stopped and stayed to help me (sorry, can't for the life of me remember their names), and he opened the hood of the truck to see if he could figure out what was wrong with it. He didn't seen anything blaringly wrong, and thought maybe it was a computer component. Yeah, I don't speak truck, so I don't have a clue. Anyway, he thought that he could either pull or push the truck back to my house with his vehicle. Yeah, I'm sure the guards at the gate would go for that - hehehe. But then, who knows. And it would save me paying the tow truck with the money that I don't have :)

He wanted me to get in the truck and put it in neutral, so he could see how heavy it was to push. And guess what??? It STARTED!!! Barely, but after gunning it, it seemed to be running. He said "Go fast, and I'll follow you to make sure you get home ok". And it worked! I was able to keep it running, even with stopping at a stoplight, and the gate to get in, and made it safe and sound to my driveway.

I'll be without a truck until at least Friday, when the paycheck comes in. Hopefully it'll start so I can drive it to the on post mechanic. Sigh. Don't you just love it when your only vehicle breaks down, and your hubby is out of town. Good thing I'm tough :)

Then, I find out that someone hacked into my facebook account and posted a virus as me. Yep, my friends all LOVED that. And now the computer is being buggy. My virus detection software is going off every 20 minutes. Sigh. Why can't at least one thing be easy.....

Jimmy and I had a good day at home on Monday. I finished reading another Twilight fan fiction (yeah, I'm talking about Twilight again, so if it bores you, just skip the next few paragraphs - hehehe), and he and I played for a bit. We cleaned up, did some dishes, and cooked a little bit. He really liked helping me wash and cut (ok, so I did the cutting) the potatoes. And I must say, while I keep getting sucked into the fan fiction, it's SO annoying to start a story, get so absorbed and involved with it, only to discover that it's not fully written. Come on, people. You can't leave me hanging like that.

This one from today was: Edward left Bella on their wedding day. She didn't know why. The Voltari recruited him to find the cure for Vampirism, and said if he didn't help, they'd kill Bella. He found the cure, took it himself, as did all of his family. He didn't go and find Bella, because he thought she'd moved on, but they ran into each other 8 years later, and recindled the relationship. Then, the cure wears off, and he turns back into a vampire, same as the rest of his family. The story ends as their on a plane, back to Italy, to talk to the Volturi, to find a cure to the cure.

And that's it. No more updates. Not for MONTHS and MONTHS. How am I supposed to go on, without closure. Hehehe. I'm DEFINITELY not cut out for fan fiction. Thanks GOODNESS that I read Twilight AFTER the complete series was written. I don't think I could have handled that kind of wait. sigh.

When my kids got home from school, the said that they'd all gotten into a fight with some other kids. Sigh. More fun. These other kids were jumping and trying to see how high up a sign they could touch. Well, when Jacob walked by, since he's so HUGE, he was able to reach up farther than them. Well, the other kids didn't like that, and started harassing my kids. Calling them names. Taunting them. You know how kids are.

WELL, my darling angels started throwing rocks at them. Not Jacob. But Tom, Joe, and Eme. Eme said only one rock connected, and Joe wasn't any better aim. Tom said that he wasn't aiming for the head, or the crotch, but at the legs and feet. Yeah, Tom, like that makes it any better. Sigh. Tom also took a little toy whistle that Eme got from class, and blew it at the angry kids.

Yeah, that all went over really well. The biggest kid attacked Jacob. He started hitting and slapping and grabbing at Jakes face. Jake, being a HUGE child, was able to keep the kid from hurting him too bad. Jake said it didn't hurt, but I noticed a few scratches on his face, and a bump on his head.

A kid attacked Tom (Tom's size, but older), and Tom said that he was able to get the kid on the ground, and unable to hurt him. Joe tried to jump in and help Tom (yeah, Joe, the skinny 5 year old), and got kicked in the stomach to the ground. Joe seemed perfectly fine when he got home, though.

After that, the fight broke up, and they all went home. The other kids continued to taunt and yell and be obnoxious to my kids the whole way home. So, what do you do? My kids were CLEARLY in the wrong about the throwing rocks. But the other kids shouldn't have started throwing punches, either. Hopefully, since they were all boys doing the fighting (besided Eme, with her one rock), they'll be over it tomorrow. Boys are funny that way. Girls, if something like this happened, they would NEVER get over it. Boys, not so much. It's almost like a male thing. Proving who's toughest, or something like that. Once the pecking order is assigned, or the alpha thing, then life can go on as normal.

Now, if there's another incident tomorrow, well, then I might have to get more involved. But I think I'll just wait and see how it plays out tomorrow. We talked with Captain America on the webcam tonight, and he told the kids that the rocks thing was TOTALLY unacceptable, and if they saw the kids on the way home from school today, to apologize for throwing the rocks. Sounds like a good plan. Hopefully that'll end it. We don't want to be fighting. Not such a good thing. Not the kind of example we want to be setting for our neighborhood.

So, is anyone else still with me here??? I know, I know, it was a long post. BUT, yesterdays post was SO short, that I guess this makes up for it. SO, if you're still reading this, GUESS WHAT??? Farmers Market will be open on Wednesday and Thursday!!! Woohoo!!! I think I'm gonna put ALL my WordArt packs in there again. That means each one of my WordArt packs will be only $1.00. I know, what a bargin, right????? Aren't you excited :) (But hey, I don't know if I'm supposed to be telling you all that it's opening, so don't go running around posting it everywhere - hehehe - I don't wanna get in trouble :)

SO, in honor of my FUN last 2 days, I made this WordArt. Yes, sweetheart, I MISS YOU! I know it's only a few more weeks, and I SO hope that they fly by. This single parent thing isn't remotely fun. Sure, I seem to get MUCH more done when you're gone, but at what price :)

Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

WordArt - Elegant WordArt by Bethany
Greenery - Ziggle Design
Paper and flower - Bren Boone

Monday, April 27, 2009

Teacher / Child's Eyes

Wow, as I'm pre-publishing this on Sunday night, my head is KILLING me. I actually had a busy day to report on, and such, but I just don't think I have it in me. I went to bed with this headache on Saturday night (took a pill), woke up with it on Sunday (took a pill), and it was mostly at bay most of the day, but holy crap, it's back with a vengance now. I took another pill, and it should be kicking in in about an hour. SO, I'm just gonna put up this very fast freebee that I made for you all, and maybe come back later tomorrow and edit this post. Seriously, I'm fighting down the urge to go puke. It's not cool. Dumb headache :(

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Direct My Sail

Wow, is it Sunday already. Man, these last few weeks have just FLOWN by. Yesterday was kind of all a blur - hehehe. I must say, I didn't leave my house yesterday. But I did shower and fix myself. That's a plus - hehehe. And remember the berry super juice? Well, I was so tired yesterday I took a 2 hour nap, right in the middle of the day. So, maybe the energy burst the day before was just that, a random energy burst. But I'll keep trying it - can't hurt, at any rate :)

The kids and I made pumpkin cookies in the evening - that was kinda fun. Except for the fact that they (read:we) ate them all. The recipe was suppsed to make 5 dozen, but I think we only got 4 out of it. But, they were fabulous!

1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup shortening
(beat together)

1 egg
1 1/2 cups libby's pumpkin pie mix
(beat together)

2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp um, that other spice for pumpkin pie
(beat together)

1 cup oats

Bake at 375 for 13 minutes - Oh yeah, baby! These are tasty :) And, they're a vegetable. Ok, so that's a stretch. But, it's pumpkin, right???

Jacob and I watched a movie on my laptop last night. I have 2 headphone holes in the laptop, so we sat on my bed in the dark (after the other kids had gone to sleep), and watched "A Haunting In Conniticut". Scary!!! Granted, it would be better if you could acutally see what you were watching, but beggers can't be chooser - LOL!

He was so funny - when the scary parts came at the beginning, I'd grab his hand/arm - whatever was close I'm a jumper at scary movies. He thought it was funny, so he'd predict when the scary parts would come, and offer me his hand. So sweet to his Mom. But, by the end, I think he was offering me his hand because HE was scared - hehehe. It was nice to sit and watch a movie with him. Bonding time :)

As I sit here on Saturday night pre-publishing this post, I'm getting a migraine. I can feel it coming on. Dang, and I've been off chocolate all week, so I know it's not chocolate withdrawls. Hmmmm, must be stress. Stupid stress! Why can't it just leave me alone (ROFL!!!)

This WordArt request is for Dorothy. She has her only daughter graduating in May, and wants to make up a journal for her daughter with this as the cover. Awe, how sweet! And yes, it's a GREAT quote. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Direct - Felix Titling
My, Sail - HenryMorganHand