
Saturday, October 31, 2009

2009 Halloween Blog Train!

Happy Halloween!!! Welcome to the Scraporchard Halloween Blog Train! "Knock" on my door to get a nice little treat, then head on over to Lyndsay's blog for more "trick or treating" fun!

Or click HERE for the download (clicking on my door takes you to 4shared)

And there ya go! Hope you girls like the Trick or Treat fun! It's gonna be a quick post from me today. It's almost 1am my time, and I'm tired. I know I should have got my blogging done earlier, but what can I say. Sometimes I'm a procrastinator - LOL!

I got my walk in today with Andrea, and spent a long time at home in the morning, waiting for the "bug" guy to come and spray. He showed up 15 minutes after he was scheduled to come (window of time between 8am and noon). Nice, eh? At least he came, though! Good bye, crickets!

I got a few WordArt packs designed, and watched a few PBS cartoons with Jimmy. I should have taken a nap, but didn't get around to it. hehehe. I made dinner for a person in the Ward who was recovering from Heart surgery, and even made these YUMMY cake ball truffle things. SO tasty.

I went to the park at 4pm with Andrea and the kids, then Jake went to Wrestling, and after all that, Captain America and I went on a date and saw a movie, "The Stepfather" (SCARY!). All in all, it was a good day. Much better, emotionally, than the day before :)

I'm SO looking forward to Halloween. We've got a busy day planned, so I hope I fit all my fun in. BUT, It won't happen if I don't go to bed. So off I go! Hope you enjoy the blog train!

Friday, October 30, 2009

I See The Moon

So I'm remembering to Blog about my New Releases this week. Yeah for me :) There's 6 new ones this week for ya to choose from. And the Vampire one? It's my favorite - hehehe. PERFECT for making a tee shirt out of and wearing to the New Moon movie. Don't ya think???

Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to pick up the Fresh Fruit at 20% off (the first week - $2.00 a pack).

This is my sisters' daughter, Lily. Isn't she adorable! They live somewhere that has trees, so leaves in the fall. LOL!

Well, I'm hoping that Friday goes better than Thursday. Actually, Thursday as a whole wasn't too bad. But my evening wasn't terribly great. Do you ever just feel like you're falling apart? Like you wanna yell and cry and scream at someone all at the same time? And you can't pinpoint why? Yeah, kinda like PMS. Only it's not even close to that time. Hmmmm.

Anyway, the day started off late. I woke up 23 minutes after my alarm. Oh well. It was cold anyway, so I drove the kids to school. The temperature in El Paso dropped to 35 degrees (holy cow!), and there was a dusting of Snow in the mountains. Amazing!

When I got back home, I got Jake and Jim situated, and got myself ready. Andrea and I were going Visiting Teaching. We had 2 sisters to visit. One we had an appointment with, and the other we just dropped by her house. Very nice visits to very nice ladies :)

After that, we stopped by the on post internet coffee cafe, and had hot chocolate. Mmmmm. We also got a cheese danish to split and a Pannani. Mmmmm, what a perfect lunch!

Next, home to feed our families lunch, and do what we needed doing, then off again at 2pm for more Visiting Teaching. We visit 2 ladies who live in a nursing home. One is my age, and the other is probably in her 50's. Both too young to be in there :( Nice ladies, though! It was a nice visit.

After that, we took her father in law to the dealership to talk about the car repairs (I did mention that they were in an accident, right?), then to Sonic for a happy hour drink. I mean, we WERE out and near Sonic, so it's only right to spot there, right???? hehehe.

I came back home, and started to get things cleaned and organized. The housing office is coming on Friday to spray for bugs. We've been having uninvited "visitors" all summer long. Nasty. And while directing children to do their chores and clean up (the other kids were home at this point), I lost it. I started yelling at everyone, and practically crying. I don't know what hit me.

I ended up going upstairs to the big kids' room and cleaning it by myself. I decided that they had WAY too many clothes, and started going through their closet. New things and the nicest things could stay, but the rest needed boxed up.

There was a Math Halloween Party at school at 5:30 that the kids REALLY wanted to go to, but I wasn't sure what my mental state would be. I tried to calm myself down by taking a shower, but it didn't really work. I dressed up as a vampire, with face paint and all. I got the kids all ready in their costumes too.

We headed off post to the school, and got there relatively on time. OMGosh. There were kids and grown ups EVERYWHERE. What was I thinking? Bringing 5 kids, by myself, to a school event. Yeah, it was a mad house. Tom and Eme had a BLAST. Jake hated it. Jimmy just wanted to run around and get candy. Joe wanted candy, but I had to be right by his side. I was still battling ripping someone's head off (LOL - it's just a perfect way to describe the feeling...).

We say Andrea, Ryan, and family there, and hung out a little bit. But it was so crazy, we mostly just spent the time looking for missing children. We got hot dogs and nachos for dinner, and of course a few hot dogs and a nachos were spilled before taking it to the table because of fighting kids. I wasn't too happy about that. I made whoever did it eat the dropped hot dog and nachos. Yeah, I was feeling that mean. Sigh. Some days, I'm not very nice.....

We didn't stay much longer after that. I was truly on my last nerve. I got home, and of course everyone was still starving . I cooked Sausage and Eggs for them, then finally Captain America came home. I retreated to my room, and he spent the rest of the night with the kids. Hopefully they know that mom still loves them :)

I took a warm bath, tried to read my book for a while, then designed and blogged. I'm feeling a little bit better, but not much. I guess some days are just like that....... Here's hoping that Friday is a better day (and that everyone's heads remain intact)

This WordArt request is from Jenna. And you know what? It's a poem that my Grandma used to tell me! I love this one :) CLick on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Faith, Hope, Endurance, Strength

Wow, I sure didn't feel good on Tuesday night. My eyes were burning, and I definitely had a temperature. BUT, the Niquil did the trick, and I felt a lot better when I woke up. Still not at 100%, but it was enough to work with :)

I got the kids off to school early (we were out of milk, so I made them eat breakfast at school), got Jake and Jim situated at home, and at around 9am went to the grocery store with Andrea. Not a full day of grocery shopping, but enough to get us by for a while. It's always more fun to go shopping with friends ;)

After food shopping, she dropped me and my groceries back at home, and went to deliver her groceries to her house. I put mine away, fed my kids, and she came back to pick me up. Next was a stop to Wal-Mart. Captain America needed a few things from there, and she wanted to look at Halloween Costumes. Her mother in law, Cathy, and Luke (18 months old) came with us. We did Wal-Mart, then lunch at Taco Cabana. Proof positive that I'm not at 100% is the fact that I couldn't finish off a Cabana Bowl. hehehe.

Home again, and more school, play time, online for a bit, other kids came home at almost 4pm, snack time, worked on the Pack Meeting (Cub Scout) stuff for a while, tried to take a nap with Jimmy (yeah, 4 year olds don't like to nap, did you know?), dinner time, homework time, then off to Scouts.

Captain America got home 5 minutes before we walked out the door. Poor guy. Cub Scouts went well. Everyone had a good time! We were home by 8:30pm. I got kids off to bed, got my designing work done for my Wednesday night deadline, then it was bed time. Boy, it was a busy day, for trying to relax. hehehe. Can you tell that I'm not good at relaxing?

Thursday I have Visiting Teaching in the morning, then Cub Scouts AND a Math Halloween Party at the kids' school, same time. Hmmm, might have to split the group into two. Maybe Captain America can take Joe to Scouts. We'll see. He's been working pretty late the last few nights. Poor guy works real hard ALL the time.

This WordArt request comes from an old friend from High School. Trisha. Hope you like it, girl! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leaves some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Dang, girls. I think I really am sick. It comes and goes in waves. I got up feeling rested at least on Tuesday morning. I got the kids off to school, and laid down for another 3o minutes. Andrea had invited me to go with her while her Suburban was worked on. Sounded like a fun girls time out. Even if it was just to service a vehicle. Hey, us mom's will take what we can get, entertainment wise, eh?

So, we headed for the west side around 8:30am. The dealership had free donuts, diet doctor pepper, and free popcorn. We just sat and chatted and ate and drank for a few hours. It was a great morning! Thanks, Andrea, for inviting me to come along! I really enjoyed the company :)

I got home, and fed the kids, and went to lay down. My medicine was starting to wear off. At 2ish I headed up to the school to pick up Joe. He had an appointment to check out his stitches, and see how they were doing. While I was at the school, I got a call from Ryan, Andrea's husband. Apparently Andrea and her father-in-law were headed to the commissary to go grocery shopping, and some drunk soldier, talking on the phone, ran into the side of their car!!! They were fine, but the drunk guy fled the scene, and tried to hide out. They caught him, and he's in army jail now.

The ambulance came and checked them both out, and Andrea was fine, but dad was showing signs of high blood pressure, so they took him to the hospital to look him over. Ryan wanted to know if I'd pick up the kids from school. Of course!!!

I went to Joe's doctor appointment (his stitches and cut are healing fabulously, by the way), then headed to the school to pick up the kids. They came back to my house and played for a few hours. I'd started cooking chicken at lunch time, WAY more than my family could eat. Now I know why I felt inspired to cook so much! I made mashed potatoes, BBQ chicken, corn, and made an apple cake. Mmmm, it smelled good.

Andrea came at around 6pm to pick up the kids, and I hung out with my kids until around 6:30pm. That was all I could do. I'm in bed now, feeling quite achy. I think I need more drugs. Off to find the Niquil......

Here's the WordArt for the day! I thought it turned out nicely. And I just LOVE Halloween. What other holiday do you get to dress up in a costume, beg for candy, and eat till your sick??? I rest my case!'

Click HERE to go to scraporchard to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Speak Without Fear

Wow, I crashed hard after my parents left :) I woke up feeling SUPER nasty. I got the kids off to school, then went back to bed. I was SO tired and my chest hurt SO bad. Sigh.

At about 8:30am, I got a call from the school. Apparently, in this school district, if you have an injury where you get stitches or break your leg or somthing, you have to have a doctors note to go back to school? What the heck is that? I've never heard of that. Isn't the fact that I'm sending them back to school enough?

Apparently Joe's teacher thought his stitches and bandaging looked pretty nasty, because he got sent home. Whatever. I was feeling SO sick and nasty. I drove somehow up to the school, retrieved him, and came back home and died some more.

The rest of the morning/early afternoon passed in a blur. I know that a lot of PBS cartoons were watched in my room. I'd fall asleep when one was on, and wake up in the middle of another one. It's really not good when Mom gets sick, is it?

I knew that I had things that needed to be done later in the day, so I decided that at 3:00pm, I had to be better. When 3pm rolled around, I hopped out of bed, and headed to the shower. I must admit, once I looked better it was easier to fake feeling better.

I baked Pumpkin muffins with walnuts and chocolate chunks to take to Family Home Evening at hte Huezo's house (our new bishop). I made 2 batches, but only had time to bake one. We were at the Huezo's house at 6:oo pm. We let Jake skip wrestling so he could come with us.

We had chili for dinner, and a nice little lesson, then the dessert, then home again. Between us and the Huezo's and the Porters (the 2nd counselor), we have 16 kids. That's a lot of little bodies running around in one house - hehehe.

We stopped by the PX on the way home and bought some foot powder for Captain America and some Niquil for me. I took some as soon as we got home. I cooked up the remaining Pumpkin Muffins, and took 1/2 the batch down to Andrea's house. The smelled SO good. I knew that she had company visiting, so they could use the treats :) Now, I just have to get rid of another dozen pumpkin muffins. Well, 11 more, because I ate one before bed. Mmmmm, melty warm chocolate is SO good :)

As I write this, I'm starting to fall asleep. They Niquil is affecting me more than I thought it would - hehehe.

Here's the 3rd part in that Glenn Beck quote thingy. I hope you like it! I really think that this one has many scrapping possibilities. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Play Too Hard?

This saying is SO appropriate for me today! Is is possible to play too hard? Um, yeah. I think so. LOL! I bearly made it through today - hehehe. Monday, I'm planning on getting my kids to school and napping the whole day. Unless a better offer comes along....

I woke up at 5:45am on Sunday from a dead sleep, realizing that I was supposed to make something for Cub Scouts to hand out on Sunday. Dang. I snuck out to the living room, and got on the computer. Check out my super cute invites I made for the pack meeting. Isn't it cute! I used Jaye Day Studios Jungle kit. She's so awesome :)

I redid a few papers that needed fixed for the pack meeting, and got things squared away. By 7:15am, I was all done. Unfortunately, I needed to leave the house at 7:45am in order to be at a meeting at the church. Looks like no shower day again. I fixed my hair best I could, and made due with day old make-up. I looked fine. hehehe. I know, I know, my standards aren't that high. LOL!

We left the kids with my parents, and Captain America and I headed for the church. We were meeting the Stake presidency before church. They extended Captain America the calling of 1st Counselor in the Bishopric. Dang, that's a big calling. But then, with big callings come big blessings, right? I know that Captain America can do it. For us, it means not seeing Dad at all on Sundays. Early morning meetings, after church meetings.... He's gonna be even more busy now :( But we know that we'll be blessed as a family for our sacrifice. We're willing to do it :)

We hurried back home, picked up the kids and my parents, and headed back to church. Here's a pic of Joe right before we left for church. What a handsome kid! Remember this picture for later in the post......

The sacrament meeting was hearing the old bishopric bear their testimonies, then hearing the new bishopric bearing their testimonies. You know what's funny? Remember when I said that Captain America went on the campout with the 11 yr old scouts and that Tom got to come with them? Well, he went with Brother Porter, who got called in as the 2nd counselor, and Brother Heuzo, who's the new bishop. It was like a little Bishopric campout before any of them even know it - LOL!

It was also Jacob's first Sunday for passing Sacrament. Between the flu, conferences, Civil War reenactments, and the bishop being out of town, it's the first opportunity for him. He did a great job, considering he didn't have a lot of coaching. He seemed pretty pleased.

After Sacrament, the primary practiced for the Primary program. We had this Sunday and next Sunday to practice, then the following Sunday is the program. I think it's gonna sound great. We're still trying to iron out all the details and seating arrangements. We have about 60 kids in the primary. Dang! Good kids, though! I love 'em!

After church, we left Captain America to his meetings, and headed home. I think I had too many constricting clothes on, because dang did I feel bloated when I got home. LOL! I have this full body girdle thingy that I LOVE to wear when I'm a little heavier than I'd like to be, and I think it stretched it to it's limit. I think it's time for my diet on Monday morning.

We had left over Chili's for lunch (see, Diet on monday will be a good thing!). Mmmm. Quesidella explosion is just as good the 2nd time around - LOL! We just hung out at the house for a few hours. The kids ate their food, and played in their Sonic drinks. They froze them from Saturday, and were eating these Ice Chunks. Who knew a frozen drink could be so much fun??? LOL!

I think I forgot to mention that Jacob got sick Saturday night after he'd gone to bed. Probably forgot to mention it because it's SO nasty. He puked up Country Fried steak and Fries ALL over his comforter. OMGosh it smelled nasty. My mom got it from the bedroom to the bathroom tub, and I went up to help at that point. I almost lost it all in the bathroom. We took down the shower curtain, and wrapped up the blanket in it. Then, we carried it down to the backyard. Not before a lot of gagging, though. SUPER nasty.

We spread out the blanket on the grass to dry. Well, after church, we went to get the blanket to wash it, and found that it had been picked clean by the birds. OMGosh. Nasty, eh? I guess we're doing our part to feed the hungry pigeons in El Paso. Eeeeewwwwhhhhh!

My parents packed their stuff up, and we headed out to the park at 1:40 ish. We needed to get some energy out of the kids. They were going nuts inside. They played pretty good for a while, then Joe came over crying and holding his eye. Poor thing. I opened my arms to give him a big hung, and noticed the gash. He'd cut his right eyelid on something. He said that he'd ran into a pole.

Mom and I took him home, telling him to close his eye. I grabbed one arm, and my mom grabbed the other. We were leading the poor little thing. This is what he looked like when we got home.

Considering that it was a head wound, it really didn't bleed too much. But you know what it looks like when the skin is gaping open. You just know that it's gonna need stitches. SO, I called Tel-a-nurse to get a recommendation. After I called at 2:10pm, and finally got through at 2:40pm. There's government run health care for ya. They said to bring him to the ER. It was 3pm by then.

Captain America took Jimmy to the ER, and I stuck around to get my parents to the Airport. We needed to leave by 3:35pm to get them there on time. Jake watched the other kids. I dropped them off at the Southwest terminal, and headed to the ER. Thanks so much for coming and visiting me, Mom and Dad! I had a really good time!

I found Captain America and Joe in the waiting room, and traded places with Captain America. He went home to watch the other kids, and I settled in for the long haul. And long it was. We finally got called back to the ER at 6:20pm. Joe had fallen asleep in my lap, so he was sleeping when I laid him on the table.

The nurses up front had triaged Joe and told Captain America that he'd probably just need glue, but the doctors said that stitches would be better for him. The doctors were super nice and friendly. They acted like they had a good time there. Mom, you'd have liked them :)

We held the sleeping Joe down while the doctor cleaned out his cut with iodine. That woke him up. He didn't know where he was, or what was going on. Poor little guy. We finally got him calmed down, then they injected lidocane directly into the cut. Yeah, I know how that feels. NOT happy. Not happy at all. I'm sorry Joe Joe! I know how bad that feels.

His wound got all big and puffy, and nasty looking. They tried to sew it up, but realized that more lidocane was needed. SO, back to the injecting it again. More tears from Joe. Poor thing!

Finally, it was numb enough to sew on. 3 stitches did the trick. Joe was very brave, and did a great job. I'm proud of you, honey! They put some Bactroban cream on his stitches, then a yellow bandage, then a clear adhesive tape bandage. Here's the finish result.

"If you think this looks bad, you should see the other guy!". hehehe. Just kidding :)

We got home at 8:45pm, fed Joe, and got everyone to bed. I was feeling pretty lousy. I was a bit achey, and had a nasty cough, really congested, and just tired. I'm gonna "drug" myself up and go to bed after I blog this. So yes. We played too hard today. Well, this weekend in general. Would I change it if I could? Probably not. We had a TON of fun. Well, maybe the ER visit part I'd change. But then, all my other kids had had stitches except Joe. Now he can join the group - ROFL!!! ( you know I'm just kidding, right????)

Here's a WordArt for ya for today. Hopefully I'll be sleeping and relaxing when you read this on Monday morning - LOL! Paying for playing too hard!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Choose Ye This Day

So, the Orchard girls and the Sweet Shoppe Design girls did it again! They have a FABULOUS new collaboration kit! Spend $10 in the orchard, and you can get the kit for free. Spend $20 in the orchard, and get the kit AND the quick page album for free.

So, because this was released on Friday, it pushed back the day of my releases for the week. Instead of them being released on Friday, the were released on Saturday. Then I forgot to blog about it, so here it is, Sunday, and here's my new stuff. Oh well. Better late than never.

Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to go to my store, and click HERE to see the fabulous new kit from the Orchard girls and Sweet Shoppe Design, called The Good Earth.

Layout by Trina

Layout by Charmaine

Layout by Grace

Layout by Charmaine

Dang, it was a busy day on Saturday! Especially after going to bed at 2am! I was up at 7:45 am, and most of the others were already awake. So much for sleeping in - hehehe. I'll do that after my parents leave. We wanna have the most fun possible while there here.

The on post Halloween party started at 10am, so we had until then to get everyone ready. Here's Tom in his Knight costume.

We got a text from Andrea saying that she was going to Katy and Adelas garage sale, and that we should join her. My mom and Dad and Jim and I walked down the street to the sale. My dad already has his costume on, so that was kinda silly - LOL! He had on a long black wig, a bandana, and an eye patch. Jack Sparrow - hehehe.

Katy and Adela did pretty good at their garage sale. I think they told me later that they made over $140. Not too shabby! I got a lamp and a picture album and my mom got a dress for my niece, Ella.

Back home for more costumes. Here's Joe as a Jedi. It's either Obi-Wan or young Anakin.

Emeline as a poineer girl.

Me painting Jake to be Darth Maul. Isn't it cool!

And here's the whole group (minus my mom, who's taking the picture)

A Glenn Beck Fan and a Pirate

So at 10am we loaded up in the truck and headed off to Kelly Park. We got to take 3 pumpkins home (one got dropped, but maybe we'll make some pie out of it). A lot of the game type booths were "donation" places, so we avoided those. I know, I'm cheap. We tried to hit the free booths.

There were a few other Snow Whites at the event. This little girl was so cute. My mom wanted us to get our pictures taken together, but she FREAKED out. It was the funniest thing. You'd have thought I was a monster of something. hehehehe. See how she's trying her hardest to get away from me. TOO funny!

Here's Eme and Jim with Sparky the Fire Dog. We got a bunch of good free stuff from the fire departments. We got hats and color books and color crayons and a pot holder and several jar openers and some fire hydrant stress "balls" and color changing cups. And some candy.

Sparky and Tom

Joe and Sparky

We registered for the Costume Contest, got balloons (yeah, remind me NOT to do that next time!), and got our pictures taken. Only $1.50 for a group shot. Not too bad. We even squished everyone in. It'll come in in a few days.

The bike MP's (Military Police) were there on Segways. Someone in our group thought they looked like Mall Cops. TOO funny. We chatted with the chickie for a little bit, and learned that it was harder to drive them then they looked. You had to be careful not to tip over, and it could only go 11 mph. But hers could only go 9 mph. She didn't know why it wouldn't go 11 mph.

Jake and Joe and Tom were having fun having light saber and sword fights with each other. The neighbor kid, Noah, was there too, and he was a blue knight. The 4 of them had a lot of fun.

My dad found another Jack Sparrow, and went and got his picture taken with him. Cool, eh?

We ate lunch there at the park. There was a booth selling brawts for $2.00, another selling Pulled Pork & rice & potato salad for $3.50, and another selling hot dogs for $1.00 and hamburgers for $1.50. You can figure out what we bought - LOL! Hot dogs all around! Well, not quite true. I splurged for myself and got a hamburger. And let me tell you, it was SO tasty.

We were trying to kill time until noon. That's when the costume judging was. Really, if we weren't sticking around for that, we'd have left a while back.

Here's a few Snow Whites that I found. The one on the left just LOVED me and has snuggling right up. hehehe. She was pretty tickled that I had the same costume as her.

Finally noon came, and we all lined up for the parade of costumes in front of the judges. I had to go through the line twice, because somehow Joe didn't get through it. Sigh. Oh well. He was SO embarrassed that after he went through, he ran back to grandma, and practically started crying. Poor kid.

Here's a pic of all of us (well, the part that fit in my mom's camera) lined up. There were almost 100 entries in the costume contest. You can see me and Jim and Jake and Emeline and Tom.

Next, the announced the top 20. Jake got top 20! Woohoo Darth Maul.

4th place was 1 lb of fudge, 3rd place was 6 chocolate covered strawberries, 2nd place was an Ipod shuffle, and 1st place was a portable DVD player. Good prizes, eh? We didn't win, but it was good to have Jake in the top 20!

We headed home, and got all changed and cleaned up and ready for the baptism. Jake got most of the makeup off his face. He kinda looked a bit goth. LOL! We got to the church about 10 minutes before the baptism was supposed to begin. We got the room all set up, and the font was filling already. Pfew! I was a little worried :)

Here's a pic of Eme in front of the font, before the baptism.

See the cute top that my mother-in-law crocheted for Eme!

Isn't she cute!

Eme and I

Grandpa Steve and Eme and Grandma Lyn

Eme and her dad. See the finished dress that we "assembled". It was a Jessica McClintock bridal skirt, with another white, short dress attached to it. I know, it's ghetto. I don't care. It looked cute.

I think this picture of Emeline and her dad is ADORABLE!

So the baptism started a bit late, but it turned out really good. Our whole family sang the opening song, my dad gave the opening prayer I gave a talk, Eme was baptized, my mom gave a talk, Eme was confirmed a memeber of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and received the Holy Ghost, the Primary president welcomed her to the ward, the bishopric member welcomed her to the ward, we sang a closing song, and Jacob said the closing prayer. It was a very nice program.

Here's a picture of me and the girls. Wasn't that nice of them to come and support Eme. See, that's real friendship!

Make a face!

After we ate all the cupcakes/cookies and cleaned everything up and headed outside, we took a few group shots. Here's the kids and the grandparents.

And the kids and the parents.

We learned that the chapel that we meet in was the 1st LDS chapel in the state of Texas. I didn't know that. How cool is that!

Eme and her 2 little brothers.

Me and Eme and Captain America

Captain America and I were supposed to meet with the Stake President at 5pm, but on the way home from the baptism (3:30pm), someone called and rescheduled for 8am before church. We were at Sonic getting Happy hour at the time. Mmmmm, Sonic! Our original plan was to go to dinner at 5:30pm, right after our meeting.

BUT, since we now had a free evening, we left the house at 4:30pm instead. It's a lot easier to go to dinner earlier than later with children.

We went to Chili's. Mmmm, I love Chili's.
We got their 2 for $20 deal. 2 people get to share an appetizer, pick 2 entrees from a list, and share a dessert. Oh yeah, baby!

Here's Jake and Eme - aren't they cute!

Eme and I

Me and Captain America (and Jimmy, kinda)

Joe and Grandpa

Lyn and Tom

Steve and Lyn

Me and Jim

Eme and Me. Dang, girl, your BROWN!

We got the queso and chips to share, I got the Quesidella Explosion Salad, and Captain America, Jim and I split the Molten Chocolate cake. OMGosh it was good! Jake, Tom, and Eme split that same dessert too. They were SO embarrassing. We passed it down to them, and the practically inhaled it. Seriously, I had to grab it away from them and split it into 3 chunks. They were leaned over it, going at it like vultures. I know, I know. My family is full of class :)

On the way home, we drove by Captain America's unit's motor pool to take pictures of the Army vehicles and such. These are Patriot missles. Isn't it a cool view!

And we drove by the Commissary so I could show my mom where we shop :) Silly, I know - hehehe.

This is an old Hawk system, still used by some nations, just not ours. It was at the Air Defense Museum, next to the commissary.

And some tanks. These are for you, Uncle Steve!

After that, we stopped by the PX to pick up something from the UPS store real fast, then headed home. We watched Indiana Jones #4 together, sending the little kids to bed 1/2 way thorough, then sending the big kids to bed when it was over. My mom and I downloaded all the pictures from the day, edited them, and blogged them. Dang, that was a task in and of itself! You like it, though. I know you do. You like to get a glimpse into this sometimes crazy sometimes boring life of mine. I don't know why, but you keep telling me that you do - hehehe.

This WordArt request is from Robert (oops, got his name wrong earlier - SORRY!). Yep. You heard right! I have a guy digiscrapper/blog reader! Isn't that so cool! When I saw this request come in, I decided that I had to do it right away. And it worked out well, since it was a bible verse, and I do "faithbooking" every Sunday. Perfect, eh?

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!