
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Room for Jesus

OK, girls. It's the LAST day of the Farmers Market Sale. Here's 20 More WordArt packs that are only $1.00 each :) Happy shopping!

Baby 3
Baby 4
Baby Games 2
Baby Games
Child Spiral
Children 2
CuteFur Baby
Grunge Cluster Children
Masks Baby
Word Strip Baby

Hey girls! How's your Thanksgiving Weekend going so far? Mine's been pretty good :) I slept in until 8ish, and grabbed my laptop, and laid in bed some more, checking my email. My mom called about 30 minutes later, and I gathered up my stuff, and snuck out so I woudln't walk up Captain America.

We chatted for about an hour or so, then I decided to see if Andrea wanted to go on a walk. I was feeling "fat" after Thanksgiving, and she agreed to go with me :) We took Luke and Jimmy, and walked for about an hour. Good time, good time :) I SO love walking with friends :)

I came home, and everyone was awake. We got a snack, cleaned a little bit, and kids got some more free time. Computers, TV, coloring pages, cars, whatever. They were having fun. I actually had some time to design today, and did a new WordArt pack.

We'd tentatively planned to go to a movie a 2pm. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was playing on post. So it's only $2.00 per person. The kids, though, seemed fine with what they were doing at home. So I took a shower, and decided to skip it. I texted Andrea, and asked if she and Mom (her mom in law, but we just call her mom - LOL) wanted to go and see 2012 with me. Captain Americadoesn't like Natural Disaster movies, but they're my FAVORITE!

They both agreed, and we were at the theater by 2:45. OMGosh, it was a WONDERFUL movie. SO much disaster. RIGHT up my alley. It was a PERFECT disaster movie :) Andrea and mom and I sat there, tense, the whole time. I just KNOW that I'm gonna be sore in the morning. And I really like that it wasn't a "man made" disaster. Like "The Day After Tomorrow", where man caused Global Warming, and the world ended. This was a total NATURAL disaster. Anyway, SO cool. Go see it, you'll like it :)

I got home at 5:30pm, and got dinner made. Taco Turkey soup. Mmmmm. I used 1 large can of Tomato soup (proabaly 2 little ones) and one can of stewed tomatoes (basil and garlic ones) and one can of chicken broth.

Pour all the cans into a large pot. Heat over medium. Add cut up turkey chunks. I don't know how much. It was about 1/2 of our leftovers. Quite a bit.

I added 5 cut up tortillas (little tiny short strips) and 1/2 a small brick of cheese. Heat till bubbly. Serve with sour cream and crushed tortilla chips. OMGosh, it was good :) Even the kids ate it - LOL!

After dinner, I helped the kids do their chores, and cleaned Joe and Jim's room. Dang, those boys trash the place fast. It looks great now. I went in my room, and cleaned it too. I had a ton of laundry to put away. And stuff to put away. I spend all day cleaning the rest of my house, and don't feel like cleaning my own room - LOL! Do you guys do that?

I put the kids to bed at around 7:45pm, and sent the older ones to their room to read. We've spent a lot of time with electronics this weekend, and I'm looking forward to a "no computer" Sunday day. One of these days, I'm gonna follow that rule too - LOL!

I worked for what seemed like hours on my sales and links and ads and such, listening to the Audio book of New Moon, all the while. It's amazing how much you can get done, while listening to a "book on tape". I think I'm gonna have to do that more often. It's just kinda hard to blog and pay attention at the same time. But all the mindless work, perfect!

At 9:30pm, I noticed that Laurie was on Facebook, and seemed a little sad. I told her to go put her kids to bed, that I was coming over around 10ish. hehehe. See, I'm so bossy. LOL! On the way over, Lesile texted me, and wanted to know what all the police/ambulance guys were doing on our block. I noticed them as I was driving to Lauries. Who knows what was going on, but 4 MP's were definitely searching a car. How scary! It was only 3 houses from mine.

Laurie and I sat and chatted for a few hours, never actually getting around to watching a movie - hehehe. I hope she had fun. I know I did. I SO love hanging with my girls. Thank, Laurie, for making my evening fun! I'll come and hang out anytime!!! I went home at 1am, so a Sunday afternoon nap will definitely be in order :)

So I ran across this quote while searching for something churchy AND Christmas. LOL! I thought it was perfect :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

4shared (not sure why 4shared is having issues....)

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Just today and tomorrow left for the Farmers Market! Check it out! I know you'll like it :)

Determination 2

Moments 2

Overcoming Trials
Photography Attitude

Scrapbook Attitude
Self Esteem
Take a Moment

OMGosh, you guys! Black Friday? Oh yeah, baby! It was a MADHOUSE!!!

I was up at 3:30am getting ready to go. I was picking up Andrea at 4am. I made us some hot peppermint herbal tea, and put it in water bottles for us. Nice and warm on a chilly morning.

We headed toward CompUSA, until we realized that we didn't wanna go there anymore. Walmart. That's where we were going. But we didn't wanna go to the "Jaurez" Walmart. It's always so busy. And when we drove through their parking lot, it was definitely packed.

So we went to the WalMart on the east side. It was even more croweded, if that's possible! The parking lot was SO full, we had to go 2 parking lots over. And walk. A long way :)

So we get to the store at 4:40am, and get inside. There's people EVERYWHERE. It was insane. Just standing around. We coudln't even push our cart in the store. TOO busy. At about 4:45am, the croweded surged, and the bins in the middle of the isles that were filled with the "sale items" were drained within minutes. We were near the clothes, but wanted to be near the Electronics. Yeah, it wasn't gonna happen. We tried our hardest to get back there, but by the time we walked/pushed/shoved/wiggled our way back to electronics, everything was gone.

I did get a $2.00 movie. Speed Racer. And Andrea got a $5.o0 movie, The Dark Knight (one of my favorites). We found some kid jammies, and I got a size 5T for Jimmy. Cars christmas. He should like them. Hopefully they fit - LOL!

It was SO crowded back by the electronics. Seriously. We were holding hands, trying not to get separated, and people were touching us on all sides. Like at a concert or a dance. I swear someone was ramming a shopping cart into my butt crack. Not so cool! There was NO room for shopping carts that morning. Barely room for the people :)

Check out the sea of people. See, you didn't believe me that it was this crazy. There was actually a fist fight that broke out right before the sale started, and someone got kicked out of the store. What the crap is that??? Come on, people! It's just TV's!

We decided to go to the in-store McDonalds, and get some food. Egg McMuffins were on sale 2 for $3.00. Mmmm, food. We need some energy for waiting in that LONG line.

We found really soft, fuzzy blankets for $4.00 ( I got green and Andrea got blue), she found some towels for $2.00, and we each got a mini food chopper for $4.00. All in all, nothing that we needed, but it was pretty fun watching the utter chaos that was WalMart in El Paso on Black Friday :)

We left the store at around 6am, and drove back on post. We got stopped at the random check point, and had a ton of fun talking to the guards. We showed them pics on my phone of the chaos of WalMart. They thought it was crazy too!

So on to the PX. They had a 1.5TB EHD that I really wanted. But, of course, they were sold out. It was 6:30am when we got to the PX. It had opened at 4am. The computers were sold out too. But I did get a picture frame (digital, 7 inches) for Captain America, for $29. And a flash drive, 4GB, for $8. Not too bad.

We headed home, getting sleepy. I went back to bed, trying to go to sleep, but it wasn't happening. I got up, and situated the kids, and Tom and I decided to go out for some more shopping. Captain America was still asleep, and I think maybe Jake too. Everyone else was watching Speed Racer, the movie I'd just bought.

We went to Big Lots, which didn't really have a lot. They did have $3 movies. I got Cloverfield, Jumper, XFiles, and Vantage Point. All good flicks. We'll be saving those for Christmas :) I told Tom not to tell anyone - hehehe.

We went on to KMart, which was next door, and looked for more deals. Nothing much. It didn't have 1TB EHD. Dang. I was SO disappointed about not getting the one at the PX. I really wanted one. I did get a 2MB MP3 player for $9.99. I figured that wasn't such a bad price. My plan is to use it for Books on Tape.

Tom and I then headed off to Target. Maybe they had an EHD. We walked around, looking at the electronics section first. They were out of Wii's (we're pricing them out - anyone know of a good bundle package???), but I found an EHD!!! For $59! Such a great price - for a 1TB? I was SO excited :)

Next, we stopped at Burger King for some $0.50 Sausage Biscuits, and brought them home. The kids were excited that I'd cooked - ROFL! Captain America was up, and the kids were doing their chores. WE cleaned for a little while, and I busted out my EHD and started moving stuff over. It's gonna take a while, I think :)

At 9:30am, I put a cake in the oven. There's an older lady at church who died this week. Andrea and I were both asked to make a dessert for the funeral. The funeral was at 11:00, and the luncheon after that. We were leaving the house at around 11 am.

Unfortunatly, just as I was about to get in the shower, she called and said that she needed to go to the commissary first, so we needed to leave early. I threw on a dress, grabbed my cake, and off we went.

She bought a disposable pan, and filled it with store bought cookies. My mom used to do that ALL the time as desserts to places. Works for me :)

We got to the church at 11:30am, and the funeral was in progress. We brought our food to the gym, and looked around for the rest of the food (they had pleanty), then decided that we weren't really needed there, so we went out to lunch. hehehe.

We wanted Olive Garden, but it's at the mall. We drove there, and there was literally NO parking spots in the whole parking lot. It wasn't happening. We drove through the Wal-Mart parking lot, and past Hooters. It's parking lot wasn't full. I'd never been there, and she'd never been there, so we decided to go to Hooters - ROFL!!!! I know, we're dorks. We'd always heard people say "I go there for the food".

Let me tell you, people don't go there for the food - hhehehe. It's all greasy and fried. Not my kind of food. But, we had fun, none the less. We ordered Fried Pickles for an appetizer. Never had them before, but Leslie was talking about them the other day, so it was fun to try them. VERY salty. I could only eat a few.

Andrea and I both ordered appetizers, then split them. 4 Mini hamburgers, and 4 steak quesidillas. Besides the greasy factor, it was pretty good. Just not my usual kind of food.

Andrea and all our food.

Me and my Hooters menu. And, we found out that kids eat free on Tuesdays. ALL kids. You just need one paying adult. I could go for dinner, and feel me and all the kids, for around $9. That's not bad. Not bad at all, since there's 6 of us. I'm just not sure how to keep the boys from looking at the tight, scanty clothes. Hmmm, maybe free food isn't all that :)

We got home at a little after 1pm, and Captain America was still at work. He left at the same time that I did, 11ish am. He got home shortly after that, though. The kids had kinda made a mess while we were gone, so I helped them clean it up, let them eat all our leftovers, and sat down for a while.

I continued to play with my EHD and my MP3 player. It's amazing how much time it takes to work those things :) I did some dishes, and cleaned some more.

Captain America and I talked about our Christmas budget, and I designed the Christmas card picture. And sent it to Walgreens. They have a 50 prints for $5 deal going on. Not too shabby.

I went to the park with the kids at 3:30pm, for about an hour. We came back home, and ate left overs. I think I'm done with Thanksgiving dinner, though. Two times is my limit. hehehe.

At 6pm, Captain America and I headed out to pick up my prints. We swung by the Dollar Tree, and bought some Christmas Tree Balls, some gift wrap, gift tags, and Christmas Cards. I know we got out of htere with a ton of stuff, but I can't remember now what it was.

We walked down to Best Buy and CompUSA to check out their deals. Captain America needed a new mouse, so we picked one up. But nothing else seemed to be such a great deal. Seeing all those big TV's definitly made me want a differet one. We have one of those chunky 26" TV's. Yes, we're a bit behind the times.

We came home, Captain America getting online to play games with the boys and the Uncles in St. Louis. Eme and I got to work on decorating for Christmas. We got the tree up, and on an end table. It made the little thing look taller - heheeh. I strung up 2 strands of multi-colored lights, and all the balls. Then I realized that I hadn't put on the top section of the tree. Dang! I wondered why it looked a little funny - ROFL!

I coudln't really get the lights up any higher, but I did manage to get a 1/2 a line up there. I moved some of the balls to even it out, then got started on the other ornaments. I was surprised at how many nice ones we actually have. I guess after 13 Christmas', you acquire a few things :)

I finished off the tree, then put out all the little kincknack stuff. It really looked good! I think it's the first time that my tree hasn't looked like a "Charlie Brown" tree - hehehe. Putting it up on the end table was genious. It adds a lot of height to my tree. Sweet! Jimmy and Joe haven't seen it, and I'm excited to see their faces when they wake up in the morning.

So after all the decorating, I went and sat down and started to get ready for Farmers Market, and blog, and design. And chat with Andrea on Skype. And check emails. And Facebook. Sigh. Maybe that's why it takes me so long to get anything done - ROFL!!!

I'm so glad that the Christmas holiday is upon us. I love the lights, the sounds, the smells, the kindness, the hustle and bustle, the candy, the presents, the love, the music. I just LOVE Christmas :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Move It or Lose It

Oh yeah, baby! Farmers Market is still in full swing. Black Friday, here we come!!!

Christmas 2
Christmas 3
Christmas Attitude
Christmas Card

Christmas Carols 2
Christmas Carols
Christmas Hymns
Christmas Hymns 2
Christmas Phrases

Christmas Religious
Christmas Shapes
Dickens Christmas
Doodly Christmas
Holiday Card

Masks Christmas
New Years
Religious Christmas Card
Santa Attitude
Year in Review

And, don't forget, new products will be in the Farmers Market on Saturday and Sunday :)

So Thanksgiving was a blur - hehehe. Woke up at 8am, and got the turkey in the oven. Thank goodness it was thawed. I was a bit concerned, but it was great :) I put it in the cooking bag, then in the disposable pan. Slid it in the oven, and didn't think about it again until around noon.

See my pies? Aren't they pretty? Cherry and apple and pumpkin and sweet potato. Mmmm, pie!

Next, I started on the potatoes. I peeled a whole bag of them, then diced them, and left them in the pan I was gonna cook them in. Next, I did the same thing to the sweet potatoes. They're hard to cut, did you know? More like a carrot than a potato, I think :) I boiled the sweet potatoes, then put them in a baking pan, sprinkled sugar and cinnamon and butter over it, then mini marshmallows.

Next, I assembled the green bean casserole. It's Captain Americas favorite. I used mostly disposable baking pans this year. Makes for easy clean up. And storage. Because the pans all fit together, and have lids. Gotta love disposable.

Next, I boiled 2 dozen eggs, cooled them, peeled them, and made Deviled Eggs. I didn't have paprika, so I used Curry. It was really quite good. Try it sometime :) Captain America even put chili powder on a few. Kickin' deviled eggs. ROFL! I made sure to steer clear of those :)

The turkey was done, and it was time to pull it out of the oven. Dang, it was heavy.

By this time, it was noon. Thanksgiving dinner was at 1pm. Oh yeah, and Captain America and the kids were cleaning like mad in the background. It was really starting to look good. Captain Americas a good cleaner, and really gets the most, workwise, out of the kids. Enough said - ROFL!

I put the sweet potatoes, and green bean salad in the oven to cook, and put the potatoes on to boil. The dishes were really starting to pile up, but I didn't have time to stop and wash them. Hurry, hurry, hurry!

I made some cranberry sauce from scratch. O....M.....Gosh. It was SO yummy. I'd never made it before, but I just LOVED it. Here's a link to the recipe. Thanks so much for the link, Karen. It had fresh cranberries, apples, oranges, and walnuts, along with a bunch of yummy spices and such. SO good :)

Andrea had told me that if you use the turkey juices for the stuffing, it'll be really tasty. So I measured out the right amount from the turkey juices, omitted the butter, and microwaved it. After the green bean casserole and the sweet potatoes came out of the oven, I put in the brown and serve rolls. It was coming along nicely.

Captain Americas friend Justin showed up a few minutes early, and I scrambled to the bedroom to change out of my jammies - LOL! Good thing I'm used to not showering - rOFL! I hurried back out, and starting putting dishes on the counter. We were doing dinner buffet style. Captain Americacarved the turkey, and I got some silverware and glasses together, as well as drinks. We set up a little card table for Joe and Jim, since there wasn't room at the big table.

Captain America said a very nice prayer, and we ate TONS of food. I was very full when we were done. Especially since I had to take a small piece of each of the desserts. And a big piece of Pumpkin pie. Homemade pumpkin pie is my very favoritest.

A while after dinner, we played Pit with Justin. Here's a pic of him and Tom. I think my finger may have been in the way. Oops.

Justin left at 4:30pm, and we all kinda went and did our own thing. I was SO tired. But I knew that the dishes needed done. At 5:30pm, Captain America and I went in the kitchen to work on it. When I got the dishwasher loaded and started, my neighbor came over to give me some pants and a sweater that didn't fit her anymore, and we chatted for a while.

I sat down and started on my blog posting at around 6:30pm, and am still at it - LOL! It's almost 8pm now. I had a few distractions. Captain America, who usually don't like watching TV, turned on the thing to see what was on. We only have an antenna, but get the major stations. CBS, NBC, PBS, ABC, and FOX. He found a Red Skelton special on PBS. It was SO funny! All the kids tricked in, and we watched the whole thing. Too funny.

Andrea and I decided to wake up early and go shopping in the morning, so I'm gonna go to bed early. We're leaving the house at 4:00 am. We're going to CompUSA to look at a computer for her house, and Walmart to look at some stuff I wanted to see. But we'll probably drive to a farther away Walmart, since the one near our house is SO bad. hehehe.

I can hear the giggles and laughter of boys and Captain America from outside my bedroom door. They're playing online at the army site. There's this little interactive Sgt dude, and you ask him army questions, and he tries to answer them. They're asking all sorts of funny questions. Like "Why are you so dumb". And just laughing and laughing at the answers. Proof that little boys never really grow up. ROFL!

So here it is, 10pm. That give me 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I should go to bed. But I had to stay up to change my WordArt links. And they're all changed. That's why this is getting posted SO early. Not 7am. But 10pm. Because I love ya so much! Now THAT'S love :)

So, I'm sure you can figure out why I picked this WordArt for today :) LOL! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


Thanksgiving : Let Us Give Thanks

First off, thank you guys SO much for all the sweet comments yesterday! You guys are SO sweet :) Really made my day. Every time I checked my mail, there was another comment on my blog :) I was TOTALLY feeling the love :)

Yeah for the Farmers Market! I was looking through it, and there's a TON of cool stuff in there. Did you go and look? Really, you should. Just because :)

Ok, I didn't really mean for these to be quite so tiny, but you get the idea - LOL! Just click on the links below to go to that particular product in the store. Happy shopping! And remember, I'm switching out the products at around 10 or 11pm EST each evening.

I got to sleep in again on Wednesday. Not quite as long, but it was still sleeping in. 8am. That's not bad :) I got up, made sure everyone had eaten, ate some yogurt and apples (it's my favorite breakfast), and started checking emails and such. I fooled around on the computer for a little while, and played with the kids for a little while. Or was that hid from the kids for a little while? LOL!

Anyway, at around 10am, I noticed that I hadn't heard my phone in a while. I'd plugged it in near my bed overnight, and was bothered by the flickering light. So I threw a pillow on it. So I couldn't hear it. I'd missed 3 calls and a few texts. Oops. Andrea was one of them. I called her back, and she was like "ARE YOU IGNORING ME!!!". ROFL! Such a funny girl. She'd had a late night, and sounded really tired. We chatted for about an hour, then decided to go to lunch together.

I showered (miracle! - LOL), got ready, and she came to pick me up at 11:30am. I told the kids I was going shopping (which I was, eventually), and headed out. The kids all had various activities at home that they were involved in, so it seemed like the perfect time to go.

First, we stopped by the Shoppette to get gas in her Suburban, then we went to Taco Cabana. Mmmm, Cabana Bowls are good :) AND, I didn't order a soda. I just got water. See, aren't you proud of me? Well, you should be :P

Next it was on to WalMart. Remember the French Fried Onions? Yep, I needed to get them. I also needed a chocolate bar. Yep. I needed it :) For a recipe, silly - hehehe. I got a Symphony Bar with Almonds and Toffee pieces. Cause the chocolate bar was supposed to have toffee pieces.

I just LOVE this time of year, because the stores have Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash soda. Oh yeah, baby. That's some good stuff, there. Andrea and I both got one at the check out. Mmmmmm. Check it out if you haven't had one before. They're tasty.

So we paid, then stopped at the Post Office to check on PO box fees. I had SO much fun last year with the Christmas Cards from you all (in exchange for a Free Wordart pack), that I wanted to do it again. Last year, my mom had a PO box, so it worked out fine. But I don't this year. And as much as I love y'all, who's to say that there's not a scary stalker guy out there who, once my address is out there for everyone, isn't gonna come and get me. And none of us would want that, right? Right? hehehe.

It was 20 bucks for 6 months, with proof of address, and sponsors signature. So why does Captain America have to sign for it? Seemed a bit odd to me, but whatever. I'll bring him back on Friday.

We got home, and the kids were doing ok. They'd found all of the plastic cups that my friend, Kim, had given me before she moved. TONS of cup. Well, the kids had about 30 of them. And had made a HUGE tower of cups in the living room. Kinda fun, actually.

Tom and Jake headed out to play in the neighborhood with the other boys, and Joe and Jim and Eme and I started cooking. I had 90 minutes before I had to go to an FRG leadership meeting. I figured I could knock out a pie, at least.

I pulled out the frozen pie crusts, and 4 apples, and the cherry pie filling, and got to work. I realized that I'd never made an apple pie before. I peeled and diced the apples, and put them in the crust, then sprinkled sugar and cinnamon and a tiny bit of water in it. Joe was my BIG helper. He brought in a stool, and helped me get the ingredients, and was such good company.

I decided to make another crust to go on the top, and couldn't find my flour. I knew I'd just bought it at Walmart on Tuesday. I remember putting 2 bags in my cart. And some powdered sugar too, which was no where to be found. I went in my room, and found my receipt. I thought that maybe I'd forgot to buy them or something. Nope, there they were, right there on the receipt.

I went out to look in the truck, but nothing there. I did find my neighbors with their friend who'd come over to visit, and an MP. Apparently, someone had backed into someone else. Oops. The chickies new fancy silver SUV was a bit smashed up. I headed back in the house, feeling like they probably thought that I was just gawking. Since I came to the truck, and looked around for a bit, then went back inside. LOL! I was just looking for my flour!

So I called Walmart, and sure enough, I'd bought it, and left it at the register. Remember in the good old days, when the Walmart people would put the stuff in your cart for ya? Not so much here. They said I could come in and pick it up. Nice, just what I wanted to do. To go to Walmart 3 times in 24 hours. Nice. And the day before Thanksgiving, to boot.

I called Andrea, and asked if she had flour I could borrow. She said she did. By the time I walked down to her house (with Joe and Jim and Eme), it was too late to bake pies. I needed to go to my FRG thingy. Andrea couldn't find her flour (ROFL!), but said that if I went to Walmart, she needed Dishwasher soap.

She let Joe stay and play at her house while I went to my meeting, and Jimmy and Eme and I hurried home. I got the kids all situated, and headed out to the FRG meeting. It was me and the leader and the Captain, and Captain America. I didn't really know a lot of what they were talking about, but it seemed to go well. I'm so new. I need to take a beginners class online, I guess. I know that the Captain wants to meet with all the families in the battery soon, so we can all get to know him and each other. They have a plan, so it should be good.

We were only there for about an hour, and I headed home. I was tempted to just go to Walmart then, but decided to go and check on the kids first. I got them each a sandwich, and noticed that Jimmy had fallen asleep on the couch. It was 5pm. Andrea texted and said that she was gonna bring Joe home, but that it would be a few minutes. We ended up chatting outside for a while, then Joe and I headed out to WalMart. He seemed excited to come with me. He'd been my big helper so far :)

OMGosh, you guys. Walmart was SO crowded. The line just to get into WalMart was backed up SO far. There were no parking spot. Seriously. People were making up parking spots. We finally found a spot, then went in and waiting in the Service Desk line. F.O.R.E.V.E.R. Not fun. When we FINALLY got to the front, the chickie was like, Oh just go and get what you left, and bring it back here. Are you kidding me? And wait in that mondo line again? Sigh.

So I found the flour, but guess what? They were out of the powdered sugar. Nice. How does one making frosting without powdered sugar? I think Andrea has some. We both volunteered to make cake for a funeral on Friday. And cake is better with frosting. She'll help me out :)

I got Joe and I both a popcorn chicken, and headed for the front. We paid for what we bought, and can you believe it, found a line with NO ONE in it. Miracle of miracles. AND, the service desk was empty of customers too. Someone was watching out for me, I think :)

I got home, and instantly started cooking. Joe helped me make the crust for the 2 pies. He's such a sweet boy. Jake and Tom got online and started playing Dungeons and Dragons with their uncles and Aunt in St. Louis. Sounded like they were having a grand ole time. Eme was watching a movie, and Jim was still asleep. Dang, it's gonna be an early morning for that kid, I think :)

I baked the apple pie, and once the timer went off, realized I didn't know how to check and see if the pie was really done. I'd made pumpkin pies before, and knew that you insert the knife, and if it pulls away clean, it's done. I called my Grandma Ida in Oregon, and chatted with her for a while. She's the first person I think of when I have a baking question. She said that it should be bubbling on the inside (which it wasn't), and that when you poke it with a knife, the apples should feel liked boiled potatoes. Good to know. I let it cook longer, and chatted with her for about 15 minutes. Which is SUPER long for Grandma Ida :) I had a ton of fun chatting with her, though :)

So finally the apple pie was done, and I put the cherry in. While it was cooking, I made the chocolate pie. 2 Boxes of chocolate pudding no bake mix, 2 cups of cold milk, beat for 2 minutes. Add 1/2 container of cool whip (I used extra creamy), and 3/4 of a giant Sympyony Bar. Oh yeah, baby! Mix well. I poured mine into an 8x8 baking dish (does that make it a square pie?) with pressed graham crackers and butter in the bottom. I topped it with the other 1/2 of the cool whip, and topped it with the rest of the candy bar. Dang, it looked good :)

Next, I made the pumpkin pie and poured it in the shell. I just LOVE pumpkin pie. But I realized that I don't really like frozen pumpkin pie. Homemade is SO much better :)

The cherry pie was still cooking, and I had 1 pie crust left over, so I decided to use the recipe on the bag. Sweet Potato Pie. Never had it, but it looked pretty good. Here's the recipe:

Cinnamon Streusel Sweet Potato Pie

1 1/2 cups mashed cooked dark orange sweet potatoes
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbsp corn syrup
1 cup evaporated milk
3 eggs
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp cloves
1/8 tsp ginger

OK, here's what I did. The directions were a bit different, but this worked well for me. Heat the oven to 425. Open a can of sweet potatoes, and put 1 1/2 cups of them into a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients, and blend until it looks like a smoothie. Pour it into a frozen pie shell. It looks like a pumpkin pie, but lighter.

Bake on cookie sheet for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temp to 350 and bake 20 minutes longer.

1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp butter/margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup chopped pecans (I didn't have any, so I left it out)
1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Mix streusel ingredients. Carefully sprinkle streusel over filling. Bade addition 10-15 minutes longer, or runtil knife insterted in center comes out clean and streusel is golden brown. Cool completely (3 hours). Garnish with whipped topping.

I'll let you know how it tastes :) So the cherry was done, and I put the pumpkin in. Captain America was home at about this time. We put Joe and Jim to bed, and let the big kids stay up late. I started working on my post for Tomorrow, which took a really long time. Linking all those products was very time consuming :) But you're worth it - hehehe.

When the pumpkin was done, I put the sweet potato in. We sent Jake and Tom to bed at 10:30pm, and Captain America hit the sack too. Me, the lone night owl. But the house is sure peaceful at that time :)

Worked some more, then the sweet potato pie was done. Still blogging. Still haven't yet designed. Still haven't moved my products out. And it's 11:57pm. I'll go do that now :) I think I'm gonna publish this right now, instead of waiting for 7am EST. So that you'll have the full time with the Farmers Market sale.

OK, in honor of Thanksgiving, here's the Wordart I came up with for today :) Hope you like it. And hope it's spelled right. It's after midnight again, and I shoudn't be designing! LOL!

Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Farmers Market Open Early???

Psssst, pssst, hey girls!

The Farmers Market is open early, so I put 20 ADDITIONAL products to the ones that I've been promo-ing this week :) All about love and Thanksgiving/Fall. Hurry - go check it out!

Wednesdays Products

Definitions Autumn
Definitions Thanksgiving
Grunge Cluster Love
Grunge Definition Love
I Love You 2
I Love You
Love 2
Love Mini
Masks Love
New Love
Simple Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Dinner
Winter 2

There's a ton of stuff in there! I'm switching out the stuff around 10 or 11pm (EST) tonight, and putting in Thursday stuff. Just wanted to let you know!

Smile 'till it Hurts

Don't forget! Farmers Market opens Thursday!!!! Twenty different products each day!

Glorious sleep :) I actually got to sleep in until 9am this morning. Well, not undisturbed sleep, but sleep none the less :) Captain America and Jacob left for the youth temple trip at 6 something this morning, and I heard them out in the main part of the house.

Then, Jimmy woke up at around 7:30 am, and Joe and Eme shortly after that. But by 8am, they were doing something else (eating, maybe?), and I went back to bed. My mom called at 9am, and I was already waking up. I chatted with her for about 45 minutes, and then Tom came in with "breakfast in bed". What a sweetie! Eggs and toast. And they were actually GOOD! Jacob had taught him how to cook eggs a while back. Thanks, Tom! I really appreciated it!

And from there, the day went downhill. Nothing really bad happened, but it was a crappy day. You ever have days like that? Where nothing really goes wrong, but you just feel blaaah. It was one of those days.

I got up, showered, and got ready for the movie. I'd asked everyone I knew to come with us, and it seemed that no one was available to go. The kids were in the other room fighting SO bad. Screaming and yelling and whining and teasing and taunting and crying and hitting. Sigh. Not good.

I told them that if we showed up at the theater, and none of our friends were there, we were gonna skip it. And guess what? No one showed up :( We were all by ourselves. We went inside the theater, and I'd almost made up my mind to just go to the movies by ourselves, but they theater guy said that they'd given that showing to a daycare. And just didn't tell anyone. They didn't even change the board outside. How rude. Well, I guess that solidified my "No movie if no friends show up" position.

We loaded back into the truck, and headed to Wal-Mart. I had to get foot powder, body spray for Captain America, brown and serve rolls, cream of mushroom soup, cool whip, and a few other items. I ended up buying a new book (Cassandra Claire - Mortal Instruments series). Haven't started it yet, but I bought it - LOL!

I forgot to buy the French Fried Onions, but didn't realize it until later. Sigh. Hate that. Now I have to go back. I stopped by the PX to pick up my migraine meds, and took one the second I got it. Seriously. I had a water in my purse. LOL! My neck was starting to tense up, and I really didn't feel too good.

We went to the exchange to look around, then had lunch at Taco Bell. Their Chicken Burritos for $0.79 are YUMMY! We thought about going to Baskin Robbins (it's in the PX's food court too) for their dollar scoops of ice cream, but found out that it didn't start until 4pm. It was only 2pm. So we went home.

I put the stuff away that we bought, got the kids set up with a movie, and took a nap. I was feeling pretty crappy. I slept on and off until about 4:30pm. I got up, and started cleaning. We moved all the chairs to the counter, swept really good, moved the couches, and mopped everything. Eme did the kitchen, Tom did the living room, and Joe did the dining room (yeah, that one might need to be re-done - LOL). The house looks much better now.

We had pancakes for dinner, and I added 2 scoops of Captain Americas protein powder to the mix. Super pancakes, right?

So it's 7:38pm, and I'm just about to put the kids to bed. Or maybe we'll watch a family movie together. There's a new one that I saw at the theater that they haven't seen yet. That might be fun. With some popcorn. Maybe that will salvage the day. I just need to get out of this funky mood.

Here's an idea. Leave me a nice comment, and I'll come back throughout the day on Wednesday (I just LOVE reading comments), and pick a few to send free WordArt packs to. That would make me happy :) How about you? Would that make YOU happy too???

I need to plan out what I'm cooking and when for Thanksgiving. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll work on that :) Captain America works on Wednesday, but not on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'll have my hubby back for a while! Woohoo!

I'm getting really excited for the Doctor Who Christmas special, which airs the day after Christmas here in the states :) Sweet! It's the 10th Doctors final episodes (it's a 2 parter). David Tennant, you will be missed at Doctor Who. You were my FAVORITE Doctor :( Here's the preview.

So, it's WordArt Wednesday week 72 today. Can you believe it. How time does fly :) Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file. And remember, girls, you have to be logged into the gallery in order to get the download :)

One of our friends from Joliet (Illionis) had a baby recently, and he'd posted pics of his cute little guy on facebook, asking for a caption for the picture. Here's one for ya, Bill!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wasting Time

OOooooo, Farmers Market is SO much fun! I just had to let you guys know about it :) And what I decided to do! Sounds like most of you that responded wanted to have different WordArts for different days. AND, I just found out that it'll be opened Friday to Sunday. That's actually 4 days, so that 80 WordArt possibilities! Sweet, eh? So, here's the ones that I picked

Day one, Thursday. WordArt that centers around the family and home:

Day 2 - Friday : WordArt that's Christmas/Holiday themed

Day 3 : Saturday - WordArt that's Moments type themed

Day 4 - Sunday - Wordarts that's Children themed.

So, there ya go. Lots of WordArt choices. Woohoo!!! AND, we have an "Advent" sale over at the Orchard in December. My day is the 3rd of December. Don't forget! You'll get 50% of on my stuff that day. Lots of good sales at the end of the year, eh?

Busy, busy, busy. That's just what my life is, I guess. LOL! So I got up at 7:30am. That was sleeping in just a little bit. For some reason, small children don't like to sleep in. What's up with that? ROFL! By 8:15am, all the kids were awake. I got them some breakfast, and straightened up a little bit.

I went with Andrea at 8:30am to drop off her Suburban at the dealership. It needed some seat belt repairs, and was still under warranty. It's about a 30 minutes drive to get there. She's SO fun to go with. Never a dull (or quiet) moment with Andrea - ROFL! Love ya, girlfriend!

We got there, turned in the Suburban, then waited for about 30 minutes for the little man to be ready to shuttle us home. We had some soda, and some donuts, and sat at a tall table, and chatted. I'm sure the little old man at the table next to us heard WAY more than he wanted to about "girl" stuff. ROFL! We also planned out my Thanksgiving shopping list. Dang, it takes a lot of food to create a Thanksgiving feast :)

So the guy comes to shuttle us home, and we're in the backseat, and this other little old man is in the front seat, and we head out. OMGosh, the guy driving sucked. He was too swervy for me. I got MAJOR car sick. Not puking or anything, but I had to move to the middle and keep my eyes forward. Maybe it was the fact that it was a tiny car. But I think more the way the guy was driving - LOL!

We continued to plan the food I needed to buy the whole way home. The guy dropped us off, and I instantly felt better after getting out of the truck. The motion sickness passed in less the 30 minutes. Thank goodness!

I walked home, and Joe, Eme, and Jim and I got ready, and headed to the grocery store. We were going to the commissary at 11 am. Yeah, not the most ideal time. But it was ok. I wasn't in a real hurry. Jake and Tom stayed home and played Game Cube together.

I put Joe and Jim in the kids shopping cart. The green one with the 2 steering wheels, but limited shopping cart space. So then I had to pull another cart behind me. And Eme walked with us too. Oh the joys of shopping.

We got all the regular food for the week, and all the Thanksgiving foods. I'd already bought the turkey, so it was just all the other stuff that I needed. I got stuff for mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, a veggie tray, waldorf salad, fruit salad, pies (chocolate, cherry, apple, and pumpkin), cranberry sauce, some lovely looking chocolate creation (I'll hook you up with the recipe later), and I can't remember what else. It was a ton of food. Both carts were full. Hehehe. But it only cost me $40 for the Thanksgiving extra foods. That's not bad. Plus the $8 for the turkey. We're having our 7 people, plus one other guy from Captain Americas work is coming. So 8 people for $50. Is that bad? I thought it was pretty good. And I KNOW that we're not gonna be able to eat all the food. They'll be a ton of leftovers.

I got a call from Katy/Adela while I was at the store. I'd forgotten that they were having a "product" party today. I said that I'd swing by after shopping. I finished up, and headed home. I set Jim, Eme, and Joe up with a movie, Scooby Doo and the Goblin King, and paid Jake a dollar to unload the groceries, and Tom a dollar to put the groceries away. I headed off to Adelas house. It was a last minute party, since Adelas sister was in town for a few days.

I was there for about an hour, and then headed back home. I actually got a few things too! I headed back home, and got the kids ready for the park. We were meeting Laurie and Andrea there. The kids had a lot of fun playing. Rowan (Laurie's 3 year old) and Jimmy had a BLAST playing in the mud puddle. I know, how do we get mud puddles in the desert? Sprinklers. It must have misfired, because there was a TON of water and mud. Those little boys had SO much fun :)

We stayed at the park from 2-4ish, then everyone started to trickle away. Laurie took Joe, Jim and Eme with her to her house to play. Leslie had come and joined us right before everyone left, and my boys, her boys, and Andreas boy (Sam) went to my house to play. Leslie and I stayed and chatted for a long time, kidless. It was great! Then went to her house for some herbal tea. It was getting dark and cold outside.

We chatted until about 5:40, then I had to go home and feed my brood. I'd bought some brown and serve rolls last week, and realized that they needed to be refrigerated. Actually, it said that you could keep them out for a few days, or refrigerated for a week or so. Oops. I had to cook them. They woudln't keep until Thanksgiving. Sigh.

So I made some white gravy, and we had biscuits and gravy with cereal for dinner. I know, that kinda sucks, but the kids LOVE biscuits and gravy, and we hadn't had it in forever. And you have to do "tasty" every now and then :)

After dinner, we chilled for a while. I was SO tired. I'd been go, go, go all day long :) I realized shortly after relaxing on the couch that Jake had wrestling. Sigh. He was 30 minutes late, but he was there. It's never ending, is it? The busyiness. Dropped him of at 6:30 and picked him back up at 8pm. I put the little boys to bed, and Captain America got home at about 8:30. I spent some time with him, then sat down on my computer. I designed my ads for the Farmers Market, and played on Facebook for a while, and low and behold. It's 1am. What? How did that happen. Sigh. I'm sleeping in in the morning.

On Tuesday, we have a dollar movie day planned. I facebooked everyone in El Paso I could think of to come with us. We'll see if I have any takers - LOL! Shorts. Anyone seen it? It looked like a kid friendly movie. Hopefully it is - LOL!

So, in honor of all my time wasted on Facebook Monday evening (not during the day, because I wasn't even home - LOL), here's the WordArt of the day for ya!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Oh Really?

So, just as a little heads up, Scraporchard is having their Farmers Market opening soon! Remember that sale? Where anything in that category is $1.00. I can put 20 items in it. Sigh. I wish I could do everything :) hehehe. But alas, I can't. SO, I'm asking you girls. Should I just pick 20 things to put in? Or should I do 20 items per day, switching them out each day? LIke 20 on Thursday, 20 on Fri, and 20 on Sat? I was thinking one day all my Christmas stuff, one day all my newer stuff, and one day something else. Any thoughts??? What would YOU like to see in the Farmers Market?

Remember how I was saying yesterday that I did my last Sharing Time (church) for the month? Duh, there's one more Sunday in November. Sigh. hehehe. That's ok. It'll be good :)

Jimmy was in my room on Saturday morning, and ended up pulling one of my curtains from the wall. It was purely an accident. He leaned against it, and out it came. Anyway, we didn't put it back up, so Sunday morning, at 6am, the sun poured through the window, and I started to wake up. I didn't drag myself from the bed until 7am, but still. I was on and off awake. SO tired.

I showered and got all ready for church, then came out to get the kids all ready. First thing I saw when I left my room was Joe. All dressed in his Sunday clothes. Even his shoes were on. Fabulous, Joe!

I got breakfast for all the kids, and myself. Tom and Eme both came downstairs all dressed and ready to go. I fixed Eme's hair, and heard Jake upstairs in the shower. Having big kids definitely has its perks.

I printed off my sharing time stuff, got it all ready, and found Jimmys clothes. Dressed him, gathered up all our stuff, and headed off to church. We got there with about 10 minutes to spare. Just how I like it - hehehe.

Our church building is VERY old. I think it's actually the first LDS chapel to be built in Texas. anyway, there's a bit of on street parking, and an additional parking lot across a somewhat busy street, then about 8 spots in the back. I like to try and park there. Well, recently, some people have started to double park up there. Not so cool. Andrea got blocked in the other day, and so did another primary lady.

Anyway, I decided to just not pull up all the way, so that I'd be safe from the double parkers. Church was good. Kids were well behaved. Primary went good. Sharing time went off without a hitch.

When we got in the truck to go home, I noticed that Captain America had parked right next to me. He'd pulled up all the way, and someone else had double parked behind him. And I was parked next to a phone pole. And behind me was a brick wall. So I was stuck anyway. I coudln't turn without taking out that little car. Stupid little car. I had to sit in the hot car with 5 hungry kids, and wait for them to come out, get loaded, and leave. Sigh.

We eventually got home, and I got the kids fed, and told everyone to take some quiet reading time. Jake and Tom went to their rooms to read, Joe and Eme either read or colored or drew downstairs, and Jimmy and I napped. It was a 2 hour nap, too. Felt REALLY good. That's saying how tired I was. I don't nap well. ESPECIALLY in the light. Remember, my curtain was pulled down. It felt pretty good.

I was up at 3:30ish, or was it 4:00pm. Can't remember. I started on dinner, and directed the kids with chores. I told them that once the chores were done, and the house was clean, we'd watch some Survivor. We were on episode 5-6. We had stroganoff for dinner, and then made oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert. It was fun to make cookies with the kids. AND, they turned out so pretty. I'm used to making chocolate chip cookies, which I can't make look pretty if my life depended on it. I just can't. I've used countless recipes, and they always look crappy. Think and funny looking.

Anyone have a perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe for me?

Finally, after a lot of help, the house was clean. We watched the 5th episode of this seasons survivor, and Captain America woke up from his nap. He fixed his dinner, and came and joined us for the last one. It'd been a long time since I could remember us all sitting down to watch a family show. After Survivor, we watched Iron Man. For some reason, Captain America hadn't watched it. I like the movie :)

BUT, even though I like it, I still fell asleep 1/2 way through it. LOL! I woke up at 10pm, and watched the last 30 seconds of it - ROFL! Really, it is a good show - hehehe.

I skyped with Andrea for a while, and made plans to go with her tomorrow morning to drop off her Suburban at the shop. It's got a part that needs replaced. Jake can hold down the fort for a while. Since the house is clean, they can watch a few PBS cartoons while I'm gone. We also wanna go to the park for a while on MOnday too.

Our school district is taking the WHOLE week off for Thanksgiving. It'll be a nice break from the hustle and bustle of school. Captain America is taking leave on Tuesday, and he and Jake are going on a Temple trip. To the Albuquerque, NM temple. It'd sure be nice to go.

So my CT girl Trina posted a funny pic of her daughter in my CT thread at Scraporchard the other day (or was that just yesterday - the days kinda blur together - hehehe), and wanted to know what WordArt to use with it. I thought this one would be perfect - hehehe. Oh really? *insert large amounts of sarcasm*. LOL!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Called To Serve

So after going to bed last night at almost 2am, I was SO tired when I woke up at 6:20am. My alarm was set for 6:30am, but I was so worried that I'd miss it, I woke up early. At least I wasn't late - hehehe.

I snuck around quietly, making sure none of the kids woke up. Sleeping in on Saturday morning is priceless in our house :) I got dressed, made some herbal tea, and got my stuff ready for the garage sale. At almost 7am, I headed out to load the truck. I had 5 MASSIVE plastic storage boxes filled with clothes. I chatted with my neighbor a bit, who was already getting traffic for the garage sale.

See, it's the post wide garage sale. So EVERYONE comes out for it. We get TONS of people from Mexico coming over. TONS. Good thing Adela and Katy speak Spanish. I wouldn't have a clue - ROFL!

So I get to Adelas house, and start to set stuff out. I lay out 4 large blankets, and lay out all the stuff. One for mens (Jake and Toms stuff, but it's mens sizes), one for little boys (4-6), and one for my clothes.

It was SO chilly in the morning. We were freezing. We had quite a few people coming through. It was a steady stream.

I ended up selling $18.00 worth of clothes. Not bad for $0.25 a piece. I just wanted to get rid of it all. At about 10:15am, we called it quits. We loaded up everything that hadn't sold, and put it in GINORMOUS trash bags. I was gonna take them to Goodwill to get them out of the house. Captain America didn't want any yard sale stuff back - ROFL!

Well, this chickie from Mexico told us (in Spanish), that if we were just gonna donate it to Goodwill, she'd take it to Mexico and distribute it to the poor. So sweet. And, even if she was just scamming us to get our stuff free then sell it, at least I didn't have to drive all the way across town to go to Goodwill that may or may not have been open to take my donation. I don't itemize on my taxes anymore, so it's all good.

By 10:30am I was all done! I headed back home, and unloaded my empty boxes. Andrea (who didn't do the garage sale with us), walked down, and she and I and Leigh (my neighbor who shares a driveway with me) stood around and chatted. For like an hour - LOL! The kids came out and played. The yard sale had died way down by then, and hardly any cars were driving around. Jimmy and Joe and Eme and Tom and Jake and Sam and Ben and Leighs kids and the across the street neighbors kids were all playing out there. Dang, that's a lot of kids. But it was fun.

At 11:30, we went back inside, and got lunch ready. Sloppy Joes. I made sure everyone was taken care of, and Andrea and I headed out to church for Super Saturday. We didn't sign up for anything, and didn't plan on making anything. We were just going to put in an appearance, and be moral support for Laurie. She was in charge. She's such a good girl :)

It was fun hanging out with the church girls. Chelsie and Kayley, and Wanda and Karen, and Laurie, and Karen, and a few others who were where we were hanging out were a lot of fun. There's always a lot of giggling when Andrea and I get together with a group of girls. ROFL!

We headed back home at 1:30pm, and I took over the house. Captain America and Jacob headed off to the wrestling meet. The house was pretty clean, so we just played around for a while. Andrea and I chatted on Skype (I know, how silly is that!), and I played Happy Aquarium for a while. At around 2:30pm, we headed to the park. Leslie's kids were playing there, and mine wanted to come and play too.

We were there for about an hour, then headed home. I made the kids homemade pizza for dinner. Mmmmmm, it was SO good. 2 pepperoni pizzas and 1 supreme. Tasty!

Captain America and Jake got home at around 5:45pm. Jake had lost all the matches, but it was his first time. And he was wrestling kids much older than him. I mean, how many new 12 year olds do you know that weight 170 lbs? And are 5'4"? Probably not many - LOL!

We relaxed for a bit, and got the kids all situated, and Captain America and I headed out. Since we didn't get to go out for a regular date night on Friday, we decided to go out on Saturday. Well, we'd really decided to do a "At Home" date on Thrusday, but this sounded like fun too - ROFL!

We got the kids situated, with directions about bedtime and such, and headed out. We drove 30 minutes to the west side of town, and went to the New Balance outlet store. Every 3 months, Captain America needs new running shoes. When you run every day, you need such things :)

Anyway, we found a good pair (normally $120), and 3 pairs of running shorts, all for $60. Not bad, eh?

After the shoes, we drove to the nearest theater, and looked for New Moon tickets. I know, I know. But I really wanted to see it again with Captain America :)

It was 8:50pm, and the next show was at 10pm. Captain America said to go ahead and get the tickets, then we went to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream. And my garage sale money was gone. Movie and ice cream for 2. But you know what? It was totally worth it. It seemed like a long time since Captain America and I had done anything together.

I got Oreo ice cream. But you know what? It tasted more like Oreo Cookie Dough. SO good! Captain America got pralines and cream. Mmmmm. After that, we headed back to the theater.

We got in line about 30 minutes before the show. Not too bad of a line. But after we stood there for a while, it started to snake it's way down the hall. At least we were at the front of the line - hehehe. We got GREAT seats up top. No super big abs this time :) LOL! Just the right size - hehehe.

Captain America enjoyed the movie. I think there was enough action to keep him entertained. I think I may even have liked the story better the 2nd time through. I actually started to get a little teary eyed when Edward left. Poor Bella...

So, here it is, 1:30am. How does that happen to me ? At least I've already blogged and designed. I started at 7pm, right before Captain America and I left for the shoe store. But, I still have sharing time to get done for church tomorrow..... After tomorrow, I don't have to do it for 2 more months :) Happy times :)

Nap time after church, here I come!

This WordArt request is from Kathy. She just had a son called on a mission to Madagascar. Cool! hehehe. My kids LOVE that movie - LOL!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!