
Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fool's Day

Morning, you guys :) How did your Friday go? Mine was fun filled! Started off at 6 something, getting kids ready for school. Well, listening to kids get ready for school. I need to start just getting up, but I always feel SO lazy in the mornings. Jake left for the bus at 7am, and I got up around then.

Rowan, Laurie's little boy, was dropped off at my house around 7:15am. And I was still in my jammies. I'm sure Spencer (his dad) loved that - hehe. Oh well, 7:15am is WAY too early for people to be up and dressed.... That's my story, anyhow...

The kids were excited to see him before they left for school!

Boxer and I, just sitting on the sidelines...
Cause I'm tired..... see :) (did you yawn?)
Got the kids out the door at 7:35am, and put on a show for Jim and Rowan. And I got ready for my walk. Kari was gonna come with her stroller, and push Rowan, and I was gonna push Jim.

I tried to put in my contacts, but the right one burned so bad, I had to take it right out. Crap. It was gonna be a glasses day today...
We left for our walk at 8:15am. and it as pretty nice outside. I still put the little boys in jackets, because although I was warming up, they were just passengers... Check out what we found in the sports fields by Cassidy gate!

And we let the little boys out of the stroller to look at the fountain. Aren't they cute!

We had an hour walk, and it was very nice. We only had to detour slightly because of sprinklers. hehe. But it was all good.

We headed home, Kari dropped off Rowan at my house, and she headed home. And I swear, it wasn't 3 minutes after we got home, that the smoke alarms started going off again. Sigh.

I'd given Jake new batteries yesterday to put n the smoke detectors, and they were still beeping. On and off. Well, this time, it wasn't off. After I pushed buttons, and did all I could think to do, I finally resorted to calling housing. And she could hear them going off, and said she'd send someone RIGHT over.

Yeah, 45 minutes later, right over... I guess that's fast. Unless you have to listen to this the whole time:

So, to distract myself, I decided to cook the Angel Food cake. In my cute new muffin bundt pans. Cause that would be fun, right? Yeah, not so much. I KNOW it's not supposed to look like this. Is there a trick to Angel Food Cake? I didn't spray the pans like it said to, and it stuck. HORRIBLY. SIgh.

Maybe it was because I didn't have on my lucky apron. And I didn't have a chance to shower, either. Because the maintenance guy was on his way. At some point. In the future. And you'd better bet, if I hopped in the shower, that he'd be on my doorstep...

And after about 45 minutes, Sergio, the repair dude, came to the door. And checked all the smoke alarms. And yeah, Jake had put the batteries in backwords. Oops. But now I know how to disconnect the smoke alarm. And I think that was worth it... hehe :)

The downstairs hall battery was low, so he replaced that one too. And checked my room and Jake's room. They were good. THANK GOODNESS! Now maybe we'll get some sleep at night/morning. hehe.

I cleaned up my mess from the broken cake, and made up some Hot Dogs for the little kids at the picnic. Yeah, my bread had gone moldy. Couldn't make PBJ's out of that, you know...

Rowan and Jim and I loaded up in the car, and drove on over to the bus stop. And Jim got on the bus, and Rowan and I headed back to the house. It seems a waste to drive the 3 blocks to the bus stop, but we now have to walk on a MAIN road, and I don't like taking the little kids there... Makes me nervous.

Around 1125, Terra came and picked up Rowan and I, and we headed out to Howdy's and El Taco Tote. Score! First stop, Howdys! I totally wore my sunglasses OVER my regular glasses, sicne I couldn't put in my contacts today.

Terra said that I could borrow one of her cups. Yeah, no. Sorry, my dear, but size DOES matter sometimes...

Next stop, El Taco Tote! I waited in the car with the 3 kids, and Terra headed on into the restaurant. And Andrea called me the SECOND that Terra shut the door. How cool is that! We chatted for a bit, then Terra was done, and we headed back to post.

Check out how ADORABLE the little twins are :)

I always have fun...
Terra passed out some chips to the kids to keep them quiet, and I got one too! SCORE!
We got to the park around 12:15pm, and Amanda and Austin were already there. Rowan and Austin played SO nicely together! The girls and I stayed and chatted for about 2 hours. It was a grand time :)

Here's Terra's and Amanda' and my sodas. It's like a little family of sodas :)

I brought hot dogs. Amanda brought fruit, and a pie. Terra brought El Taco Tote. Great picnic. But I think the kids were WAY too excited playing to eat. hehe.

The twins
Terra and Kari
Kari, Amanda, and a twin...
This one is MY twin. She likes me best. And liked to try on my glasses, too! Ha!
Goofy faces are my speciality

Rowan and I headed back home around 2:15pm. And Terra had gotten our order of Scentsy! Woohoo! Don't you just love my new warmer? Isn't it pretty! It's Boy Scout, like. Cool, huh?

Rowan and I went to pick up Jim from the bus at 3:00pm. And the bus didn't get there till 3:20pm. Yeah, super strange. They're never late.... Oh well...

We headed back home, and Jim and Rowan watched some Scooby Doo. Then Jake got home, and yeah, Scooby Doo was quickly changed to Kim Possible. And then Tom, Eme, Joe, Phyrson, and Katyia came home. So I had 7 kids in my house. Dang, TONS of kids!

I threw on my apron, and started baking some pound cake. Cause I had strawberries and whipped cream, but NO angel food cake. And pound cake is perfect with strawberries and whipped cream too!

These turned out infinitely better! I even shared with a neighbor kid!
At 5:15pm, Rowans dad came to gather the kids. And I got Tom all prepped on what to do for babysitting, and dinner, and stuff, and Jake headed over to the neighbors house for a sleepover. Or whatever the "man equivalent" to that is. What do boys call it at 13?

Anyway, yeah, there totally wasn't time for a shower. Or make up. But there was time for Jeans. So I put on a tad bit better clothes (emphasis on the tad), and left for Movie night! I was pretty excited.

I drove all the way over to the North East side, singing my heart out. It's some of my favorite times of the day, my singing time in the car, you know!

I wrote Captain America and email while I waited for the girls to show up, then decided to go wait outside the restaurant. And finally, Paige and Lynette got there. And yeah, the wait was an hour long. And we didn't have that kind of time. So we drove over to Casita Linda, that same Mexican restaurant that we'd gone to on the Girls Night we saw "I Am Number Four".

We were seated in under 5 minutes, and had our drinks, and our food shortly. That's more like it! Here's my yummy taco salad :)
Lynette, Paige, Brenda and I were the 4 that came to dinner. And it really was a good time. When we went to pay our bill, it was funny, because we were joking about sneaking sopipas into the theater, and the waiter dude was like, yeah, I'm gonna bag some up for you! And he did! And I just remembered, they're still in my purse - ROFL!

Then, it was off to the movie theater we went. I pulled into the parking space right next to Lynette and Paige, singing into my plastic microphone, and having a grand old time in my car by myself. hehe. Yeah, they love me :)

We met Kristie (who now lives at Ft Hood - she was in town for a bridal shower, or was it baby shower...), and Krystal, and Krystal's neighbor there. And I had Paige take my picture next to this GINORMOUS beach ball. Isn't it cool!

We went and saw Insidious. OMGosh, it was a good scary movie. We were all on the fronts of our seats, jumping and screaming. OK, so some screamed more than others. I was in the group laughing at those who were screaming. It was pretty funny to watch, let me tell you.

At lot of time, PG-13 scary movies are dumb. But this one was actually pretty good, and truly scary!

We chatted in the parking lot for a while after the movie, then all headed home. And they all joked about me going home alone, with no one to protect me. Whatever! I'm tough. And scary movies (knock on wood) don't affect me. And I'm not tempting fate (ok, fate...).

And Tom had done everything I'd asked him to do when I got home, aside from putting kids to bed. It was almost 1030, and the kids were still awake. Minus Jim, we was passed out on the couch. Sigh. I'll have to leave clearer bedtime directions next time. He thought that because it wasn't a school night, they didn't have to go to bed. I explained how staying up later was good, but just not going to bed at all was bad. hehe. He'll get it down :)

I started blogging, and getting my pictures on my blog, and totally got distracted on Facebook. A new girl (well, new to me, anyway) at church and I were Facebooking back and forth. SUPER sweet girl! And we're about the same age. I told her we'd get together and hang soon! Should be a good time :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Sometimes I make it just too easy for you, don't I, Sharon... hehe :)

Friday, April 1, 2011


New stuff, new stuff!!! AND, some old stuff, but ON SALE! I've got a spring bundle, just for you!!! Click HERE to go to my store :)

by Sharon

by Sharon
By Andi

by Sharon

by Sharon

by Sharon

Oh wow. WHAT a long day it was. And it wasn't supposed to be like that. It was supposed to be my quiet day. Well, quieter for me, anyway...

The smoke alarms started going off at 6am. And woke everyone up. And people were fighting over who had to turn them off. Sigh. I just kinda laid in bed and hoped that someone would turn it off. No such luck. So I drug my tired butt up the stairs, and pushed buttons until something finally worked, and it turned off. SO inconvenient! I need my sleep, you know :)

And I crawled back into bed. With company. Jim got woken up, and now he was in bed with me too. I just snuggled closer, and kinda fell back asleep. The kids were coming in, asking questions. So I tired to help and stay asleep at the same time. hehe. Jake left the house late, complaining that he just didn't have time in the morning to get ready. Um, set your clock earlier.... just a thought...

I continued to direct kids getting ready from my bed. Lazy parent day, I know... And, a few minutes late, but good enough, the others left for the bus. And Jim and I snuggled back in to sleep. Then, at 7:50am, Eme comes down stairs, in jammies, hair wild. She'd JUST woken up! Whaaat? How did I miss a sleeping child? I think Tom and Joe thought that she'd gone to the bus early. Sigh.

So I had her get all ready, Jim got ready, and I threw on come workout clothes, and we all headed out. I dropped Eme off at school (she wasn't late, which was a miracle), and I headed to Kari's house. And as I was coming back inside the gate, I realized that I'd left my purse in the trunk, so I had to stop and pull it out to get my id.

Then, as I'm handing the ID to the gate guard, of course if flies out of my hand and drops to the ground. "Sorry, it's just one of those days", I say to the guard, and he just grunts and looks at the ID, then hands it back. Fine, be that way. I'll save my funniness for someone else!

Kari drove us over to the CDC, and I dropped off Jim. Then Kari and I headed to the mountains!

It was a REALLY nice hike this week!
The weather was PERFECT (minus the flys...)

Nice little POP of color, huh?

Who said the desert can't be beautiful!

We headed back to post, and picked up Jim from the CDC. He was having a GREAT time. And we hustled back to Kari's house to grab my car, then I immediately drove Jim of to the bus stop to catch the bus. Tight time schedule, but it all worked out :)

I hopped in the shower, and got pretty, then started on some lunch. I was gonna use the last of the rotisserie chicken!
I cut it up, added 1/2 a diced tomato, and 70 grams of mozarella cheese. Then microwaved it, and put it on a Sandwich Round. SO tasty!

At around noon, Kari stopped by to pick me up. She's going to a convention for Pure Romance in Nashville this coming weekend, and it's cowboy themed. So she needed some Western wear. And El Paso is FULL of western wear. Unfortunately, it's SUPER expensive! We found some cute-ish stuff, but the shirts were like $35-55. Yeah, I'm SO not paying that much for a shirt. Kari did find a shirt she liked well enough, and a fancy silver belt.

And I, of course, had to "try" on some stuff too...

At the register, I told Kari to hang on for a second, that I'd be right back, that I needed a picture of myself and the horse statue. She thought I was pretty funny. ha!

She dropped me back off at home at 1:30pm, and I had about 30 minutes to straighten up the house before Rowan (Laurie's youngest) was gonna be over. I'm babysitting him from 2-3:30 today, and then from 7:30am -5:30pm on Friday.

Anyway, I cleaned up my house a little while, then sat down to work on my store. Rowan came over around 2:30, and we watched some episodes of Kim possible.

At 3pm, Rowan and I walked to the bus to get Jim, the walked back. Jim and Rowan watched TV and played for a bit, then Jake was home. Yeah, he was totally supposed to ride the youth center bus. Oops. He couldn't find the right one. He asked if I'd drive him over there, and I said yes, it it fits in the schedule.

Rowans dad showed up about the same time at the other kids got off the bus. I loaded everyone up, and we headed out to the youth center to drop off Jake. He was pretty excited about going. And we asked about the bus at the front desk, and he now knows which ones to ride. Thank goodness!

After dropping off Jake, we realized that we didn't have enough time to make it to ice skating. We really didn't. We'll go next week when we're not babysitting...

Tom had gotten paid today, so he wanted to buy some Legos. And since we were RIGHT by the PX, and they don't charge sales tax there, we decided to pop in and see what they had. No to little selection of Legos. Sigh. They did have super expensive soda, though....

After the defeating Lego's experience, we headed to the food court. For some burritos. A Beefy Cheesy Nasty and a chicken burrito. $.99 each. Can't be the price.

I ordered the fod, got the water cups, and the little boys were running around OS much! That's why they're picture are so blury.

This is my "Why won't you act normal!" face...

Kids will be kids, right?
Joe and the 10 tacos...

I took the wrapper off first, you know... I had the Beefy Cheesy nasty, and even bought myself a chicken burrito, but was SO stuffed after the Beefy Cheesy nasty, that I gave it away... I shouldn't be eating such things anyway...

After eating, I went to show the kids the courtyard area. I thought they'd like it. We walked over by the little kids area, and realized that I officially don't have any little kids. They had to be UNDER the dude's hand to play...
Mmmm, soda makes everything happy!
So after eating and looking around, we loaded back up in the truck, and headed home. Only to realize that we neded colored pencils for Jake for his class. So we had to go to Walmart anyway... At least they had the legos that he wanted, right? So it wasn't a total bust...

Here's Tom with his legos.
I bought stuff for Strawberry Shortcake for tomorrow, and some plants. Because my firends all have gardens, and I'm subcoming to peer pressure! LOL! I bought a plant for each kid that I had with me :)

No car ride with me is complete without a serenade...

Here's our new little plants.
The kids got to hold their plants on the way home. I told them that plants like it when you sing/talk to them. Nicely. Kindly. You have to say it in a sweet way. They were ADORABLE with their plants!

The road home parallels are railroad track (hence the street name Railroad), and there was aline of tanks that stretched out forever!
We headed to the Teen center, picked up Jake, and headed back to post. Jake had had a fun time, but was hungry. We got back home, he ate, and the kids and I planted plants. Pray for them, because I dont' know what I'm doing. I didn't get a green them, what so ever!

Joe's Watermelon
Jim's Sweet Peas
Eme's Cherry Tomatoes
Tom's strawberries
And then it was time for bed. So I got everyone ready, and Jimmy insisted on coming back outsdie to sing to his plant. OK. He sang it Book of Mormon stories, and go the first verse right. Then started up a second verse about "Book of Mormon Poopers", and that's where I cut him off. Dorky child! I wish I could report that the poop talk gets better as they age. Yeah, not so much... LOrm
Eme and Joe and Jim went to bed, and Jake and Tom and I watched Chuck. And I quit. Wait, I think I fell asleep. I wonder what I was dreaming about. LOL! That was supposed to be, and I blogged. Ha! I was chatting with Amanda and Terra and Kari and Crystal, all at the same time, and was SO confused. hehe. And I was working on a project for Terra's hubby, and trying to get my store loaded, and my photos uploaded, and blogging done. And yeah, it's not 11:53pm, and I'm happy to say that I'm done! And I'm going to bed. Before I "quit" again. LOL!

Tomorrow, I'm babysitting, and Kari and I ware walking in the morning with strollers, then Terra and Amanda and I are having a picnic at the park with the little kids. Should be a good time. Then, we're going to see Insidious and eat at Applebees. YES! I love a good, full day.

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks! By the way, be on the lookout for an April Food's wordart for tomorrow!


Sharon, GREAT layout, as usual!!!