
Saturday, July 16, 2011

So Small

Wow, I didn't take hardly any pictures today! And no, it's not because I'm self conscious about it now. I jut didn't do it... I'll do better tomorrow! My family flies in *happy dance*

I woke up today at 7:30am, and had Tom and Eme to camp by 8am. I came back home, and SO wanted to go back to bed. I didn't feel terribly well. But I couldn't fall back asleep. At 9am, Joe and Jim and I went to Big Lots for a new red rug for the kitchen. Cause the tan one was literally falling apart. And I got a new locking door knob for the kitchen pantry. Yes, it's come to that. hehe.

We were home by 9:30am, and I installed the door handle. Like 3 times, because I kept doing it wrong. hehe. But I eventually got it right :)

And at 10m, the bug guys showed up. Yeah, they were supposed to be here between 12-5. 10am is NOT in that range. I'm just glad we were home! They sprayed inside and outside, and off they went.

I cleaned a very little bit (tried to at least get it back to how clean it was yesterday BEFORE the kids messed it up), then hung out. I woke Jake up at 11am to get ready to go. He hopped right up, and was actually in a cheery mood. And didn't really wanna go to the youth center. I told him that if he didn't go, that whenever I was cleaning, he needed to be cleaning too. And he agreed to that.

I loaded up in the truck, and headed to the on post youth center to get Tom and Eme about 1145am And yeah, they said that the bus was late from the Adventure Zone place, and that they'd be there around 1215. Dang, that threw off my childcare appointment! I called the CDC to let them know that we'd be late, and I had the kids eat free lunch.

See this HUGE plate of food? I went through the line with Joe and Jim, and as I was helping Joe get to the table, Jim deposited his DIRECTLY into the trash. Yeah, I wasn't happy! He didn't think it looked good, apparently. Little turd! There's starving kids in the world!

Here's the "dang, she's made at me" face
Joe didn't particularly care for his food either, so I made him share with Jim. And between the two of them, they ate 1/2 the food. Sigh. Eme and Tom got back, grabbed plates of food, ate, and we headed off to Biggs. I dropped Jim off, then dropped of Joe and Tom and Eme. And I headed back to main post.

I was totally gonna stop at the shoppette and grab myself a soda, but my contact was freaking out, and I could hardly see. So I headed straight home.

And the inspection guys showed up. They were checking for preventative maintenance? Or something like that. Checking to see if work orders were being taken care of, and for smoke detectors. Actually, we had 2 broken ones, so I had them change/replace them. My Aspie son took a hammer to one when it was being SUPER annoying..... So now we're "safe" again. hehe.

I watched an episode of 24 (the finale that I never got around to last night, from season 6), and then Jake and I started cleaning. We swept the front walk, and picked up trash. Then swept the driveway, and picked up trash, and cleaned out the truck. Then we started sweeping/organizing the garage. It took us about an hour.

And then the work order guys got there around 2:30pm. And worked for about an hour. They fixed the stripping where the linolium/fake hard wood meet, replaced the air filter outside, fixed the back shed door (it blew off the hinges, or a kid "rode" it off the hinges...), took the kitchen drawer to fix it, repaired holes in the wall from the garage/laundry room doors, fixed a hole in the wall that Tom kicked in a fit of rage (sigh), and did a few other things. And they had to go back to the main office and grab stuff to fix the running toilet (it won't stop) and some new door stops.

And I was SOOOO tired. I just wanted to lay down and sleep. But I knew they were coming back. But not when... Jake played his computer, and I watched some stupid TV show with him. Wizards of Waverly place, or something like that. I like Phineas and Ferb better. Heck, I like little kid cartoons better, I think..

About an hour later, the dudes came back. And fixed the toilet. And installed the door stops. And then they were on their way. It was 4pm, and I was EXHAUSTED. I set my alarm for 5:15pm, and laid down for a nap. And was instantly out.

I woke up to my alarm, stumbled out of bed, and headed to pick up the kids. I got Jim, then Tom and Eme and Joe, and headed back home. And TRIED to resume my nap, but it wasn't working. I couldn't fall asleep.

I had the kids pick up their messes that they'd made in the 20 minutes I was trying to take a nap, and had them make themselves something for dinner (Ramen, sandwiches, whatever). I watched a part of a movie with Joe, and sat on my couch with my back massage-er. My neck is SO tight and hurting. Sigh.

I worked on my computer for a bit, and chatted on FB with Andrea for a bit. And here it is, 9:16pm. And I"m tired. And my head kinda hurts. And I'm bored (I'm usually not bored, you know!). I had no in person grown up interaction today, and I'm feeling lonely. Luckily, my Mom and Dad and Aunt Sue fly in tomorrow! They should be here before lunch! I"m SUPER excited :) Not sure what the plan for tomorrow is. Maybe we'll do lunch at the PX? And I can show them the commissary, and we'll grab some groceries. Because I'm out. ROFL!

Maybe my kids will sleep in tomorrow, and then the house will stay clean. And maybe I'll win the lottery and hire a maid! hehehe. I can always wish right?

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Awe, tiny babies are SO cute! Thanks for the layout, Sharon!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Crazy in Love

New stuff!!!! Aren't you excited! Click HERE to go to my store! I know you'll like it :) All layouts are by Sharon :) She's so awesome!

Well, for me, it was a pretty uneventful day... I woke up at 7am, and texted with Andrea for a bit, then got the kids ready for Sports Camp. I dropped Eme and Tom off at 8am, and hung with the little boys for quite a while. I didn't really wanna do anything. We watched some TV. And I cleaned just a tad bit. I think my cleaning mojo has left. hehe.

I watched some 24, and tired to sleep a little bit longer, and just hung for the morning. At 11:30am, I woke up Jake, and he and the boys got ready for the day. And yeah, Jake was NOT pleased about being woke up. But I told him the choices were to either help me clean or go to the youth center. Yeah, he picked the youth center...

We picked up Eme and Tom, then drove on over to Biggs. I dropped Joe and Eme and Tom off at SAS, then Jim at the CDC, then Jake at the youth center. Yeah, they're all right in a row on the same stretch of road, but it's a HUGE process to get everyone where they go!

And I headed back home. And texted with Amanda for a bit. I said I needed to fold laundry, but I didn't wanna do it. She said to watch some 24 on the big screen and fold laundry. Genius! So I cleaned the living room and dining room and kitchen real fast (it was already cleaned so it only took about 10 minutes), then pulled in all 5 loads of laundry that needed folded, and started it.


Watching 24

Amanda came over around 1;30pm to pick up Austins crocks, and stayed and visited for about 30 minutes. She was on her way to New Mexico, then Colorado. Hmpf! She's ditching me! And Kari is leaving too! How rude... Well, since my parents are coming in for the weekend/week, I GUESS it's ok, girls...

Anyway, she headed out, and I folded some more. Then Liz from the pool came over. She JUST moved into her army house the other day, and all of her stuff from moving is MIA... she's hoping to get it before school starts. Are you kidding me????? I'd be mad. So she came to borrow cots and air mattresses. Poor girl! They've been sleeping on the floor :(

She stayed for about 15 minutes and chatted, then went on her way. I finished with the folding, and just didn't feel like cleaning anymore. I did another load of laundry, and at 4pm, decided to go to the Dollar Tree. I just needed to get out of the house for a bit.

I got just a couple of things, and headed back to post. And while I was gathering garbage from the truck, I found a 3-4 day old carton of milk from free lunch. And yeah, it was RIPE!!! SO nasty... And it got on my hands. STINKy!!! I hand sanitized, but it still was nasty... You know how you get the smell stuck in your nose...

Anyway, I got Jim first, then Joe and Eme and Tom, and then Jake, and headed home. The kids had rice and ham for dinner (I'd crock potted it yesterday, but it wasn't done in time for dinner, so they had it re-heated today).

Kids did their chores, and I took a NICE hot relaxing bath. And felt SO much better when I was done. I watched an episode of 24, and then came out to watch it on Netflix on the big screen with the kids. Because they wanted me to come and hang with them. Awe, they're sweet :)

So here it is, 8:24pm, and I'm getting ready to watch the last episode of season 6. Go Jack! You can do it!

Tomorrow is my last day of childcare. I wanna call the eye dr and dentist and make appointments for all the kids and me. The kids go from 12-5pm, and housing is coming sometime from 12-5pm to do a WHOLe bunch of work orders. And then my parents come in on Saturday. So I just have to keep the house clean for ONE more day... NO ONE TOUCH ANYTHING!!! hehe. Maybe we'll go to the pool on Friday night??? Or the movies... That will get us out of the house!

Oh yeah, I bought fake nails at the dollar tree, and some glue. And I clipped them short, and filed them down. What do you think? I've never had nails this long before. And yeah, I'm aware that they're not very long. hehe. This is good for me, though :) I thought they looked pretty :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Awe, SWEET old people, Sharon! LOVE LOVE LOVE it, my dear!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


blog blog blog sports camp blog blog cleaning blog blog childcare blog blog lunch blog blog cleaning blog blog pool blog blog home

Yeah, I'll come back on here tomorrow and fix this. I'm WAY too tired to even think about blogging...

OK, I don't know what happened last night, but I was SO exhausted that I just went to bed. I did get the freebie posted and the pictures uploaded for the blog, so I did do something, right? hehe.

I was up yesterday at 7:30am, and had the kids ready and to the sports camp by 8am, then headed back home. Jake and Jim and Joe were sound asleep, and slept until 9am (11 for Jake). So I had an hour of uninterrupted cleaning time. I started on the kitchen. The boys woke up, and watched some TV, and I kept them from trashing anything. hehe. Check out my finished result!

Jim was SO cute sitting on the couch, watching TV, petting the dog.

OK, so I got a comment about me posting lost of pictures and appearing Vain. Well, it IS my blog, so I would think that there could be pictures of me, right? This is my journal. I want my kids/ husband/family to see/remember pictures of me. And I don't only post good pictures of myself. I post bad/funny/embarrassing pictures of myself. hehe. I have been accused of over sharing things, you know. hehe.

I'm not posting pictures of myself on here to that y'all think I'm vain, or trying to get attention. Really, I'm just documenting my life. And it SHOULD include pictures of myself. Plus, my husband is 1/2 a world away, and he LOVES seeing pictures of me on here. Please don't begrudge him of that :)

Anyway, here's some blatant examples of my vanity in pictures (hehe). (You know, Prozac is a wonderful thing - I don't get offended at anything anymore - ROFL!)

I'm singing in this picture. In case you wondered.... ha!

Jim came in, saw my bright green eye shadow, and said that I looked like I was turning into an Alien mom. ROFL!
At 11:40, I got Jim and Jake and Joe ready, and headed to the Youth Center on main post to pick up Tom and Eme. I grabbed them, and we all headed over to Biggs. I dropped Jim off at the CDC, Tom, Eme, and Joe off at the SAS, and Jake off at the Youth Center. And I was kid free!!!

I headed back to main post, and met up with my girls at Amanda's house. We were going out to lunch. Kari is leaving for a month to visit family in Wyoming, so we wanted to have lunch with her before she left. Terra and Amanda and Kari and I all went to Cattle Barons. It was a WONDERFUL salad bar.


Terra (LOVE the slightly darker hair, my dear!)

And me
We had a TON of fun at lunch. I was feeling in a joking/playful mood, so when Terra headed to the bathroom, I put this on her water glass, wanting to see if she'd notice. ROFL! She eventually did!
And when Amanda went to the bathroom, Terra hid her phone, I hid her wallet, and Kari hid her purse. Yeah, HOW old are we? 13? ROFL! It was one of those days. We ended up sitting and chatting and laughing for a good 45 minutes after we finished eating. hehe.

We headed back home, and this is how I found the backyard. Boxer had managed to get himself ALL twisted up with his tie on cord. Oops. Gonna have to fix that next time I leave him on the cord...

And today was the day to tackle my room. I didn't take a "before" picture because I was embarrassed by the HUGE mess. But here's the finished result. And yes, this IS clean for me!

I went through all of my purses (I have SO many, all with a little bit of stuff inside) and found ALL of my missing lip glosses. I didn't realize I had so many.

At 4:30pm, Kari's kids came over, and we loaded up and headed to pick up the other kids. I got Jim from the CDC, and Joe and Tom and Eme from SAS, and dropped Tom off at the Youth Center with Jake. And headed to the pool. I'd brought swim clothes for everyone to change into. We met Amanda there, and got about 20 minutes worth of swimming time in.

And they blew the whistle for Thunder. Sigh. I REALLY think it was just an airplane. But 15 minutes later, yeah THAT was thunder. And it unloaded and rained quite a bit. Since we have no AC in the truck, we left the windows down, and got a bit wet as we drove back to Biggs to get Jake and Tom.

We headed to my house after getting them, and I let the kids watch a movie. And I fixed dinner. And Amanda came over, and we played on our computers while the kids watched the movie. And yeah, the reason I usually don't clean is because it upsets me when things are clean and the kids make messes. Whereas, if it's already messy, it doesn't bother me quite a bad. hehe. I almost cried when someone spilled coolaid ALL over my freshly mopped floor. LOL.

We had ice cream and brownies for dessert, and at 9pm, Kari came to pick up her kids, Amanda headed home, and I was exhausted. I got my pictures loaded, my wordart hosted, turned on some 24, and laid down on my couch. And yeah, that's all I did. I went to bed relatively early, and slept SO good last night. hehe. I was tired!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


Awe, look at those SAD SORRY eyes! Great layout, Sharon!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Were Meant for Me

Hey, peeps :) Another busy day today :) I woke up at 7:30am, and rushed to get everyone ready to go. Eme's neck hurt, so I rubbed it for a bit, gave her some Tylenol, and she was good to go. I dropped her and Tom off at Sports Camp at 8am. And filled out a ton of permission slips.

They were going to the Franklin mountains for a hike today. Mini golf, some adventure playland place, and I can't remember the other one. They missed the paint ball one... Tom as disappointed, but Eme was happy. LOL :)

And I headed home. Jake was still asleep, Joe and Jim were at Amanda's still. And I had an hour and a half to clean the bathroom. And I was gonna need all 90 minutes of it. Holy crap, those kids are messy!

There was dried ketchup on the shower curtain, 2 tubes of toothpaste squeezed out on the counter, green after sunburn gel ALL over the place, toilet paper stuck to the floor, shoes, clothes, pieces of bagels (really????), spilled Scentsy wax.... I live with pigs, you know...

Anyway, here's my finished result! Doesn't it look nice???

At 9:30am, I stopped cleaning, got ready, and headed to my therapy appointment. I got there with a few minutes to spare. We talked about how my eating plan was going (um, yeah, er, no comment...) and about taking it in smaller chunks. I wanted to focus on the spiritual things that I need to improve on. Family prayers. Family scripture study. Personal prayer. Personal scripture study. Family home evening. I have too many stresses in my life at this point to focus on too many different things. Weight and exercise and spirituality and work and kids and being alone. Yeah, I have a full plate, you know :)

Anyway, we finished up, and I headed out. And since there was a Fallas on the way home, I stopped in to look for some bathroom decor. I grabbed a few towels, a bathroom rug, a toilet paper holder, a picture frame, and fake Spankx. ROFL!
Just the necessities, you know - hehe. I headed back to post, switched cars, and headed to the Youth Center to get Tom and Eme. They'd had fun, and had lunch there. And we headed to Amanda's house. But my truck was ALMOST out of gas (I was afraid it wasn't gonna start!)

So we stopped by the Shoppette for gas. Tom was pretty excited about getting to help :) I ran in and got a soda for me and one for Amanda, then decided that I'd be nice, and get all the kids a Slurpee. Because we'd talked about getting a free one yesterday 7-11-11 day, but didn't get around to it. You should have seen me with my 2- 44 oz sodas, and 6 large Slurpees. Yeah, it was comical...

We finished up the gas, managed to get all the drinks to the truck, and headed to Amanda's house. We picked up Jim and Joe and Austin, and headed home. Amanda was gonna stay home for a few hours and clean, since her hubby was coming home tonight/tomorrow morning.

And the kids were "pissy". Well, the little ones were, anyway. Bickering with each other. I think everyone was tired. I made the little boys go to their room until it was cleaned. And the big kids did their chores, then got electronics. I cleaned up some more :)

Amanda came over after about an hour or two, and she and I and Austin went to a different Fallas. She wanted to look for some more storage baskets. And since Big Lots is in the same parking lot, we poked our heads in there too. Then we headed back home. She dropped me off, and headed to her house.

At 5pm, we headed to the pool. And I even convinced Jake to come, too. I really like him to come with us, but it makes it harder, too. He tries to play with the other kids, but doesn't understand that they way he plays with the other kids is NOT good. He hurts them, or offends them, or annoys them.... But what do you do.. I can't just make him stay home for the rest of his life. But limiting the outings to a few times a week for my own sanity is a good thing...

Kari and Amanda and Alena and I were all at the pool. We swam for a bit, then hung out while the kids swam. It was a good time. I'd brought stuff for cheese and bologna sandwiches, and carrots, and apples for the kids. Easy dinner. hehe.

We headed home at 7pm, and everyone got changed. Joe started cleaning his room so he could go and play at Leo's house. Jake and Tom and Eme were on electronics. Jim was coloring at the table. Amanda dropped Austin off at the house, and he and Jim colored for a bit, and she and I went to her Sushi place to pick up her "to-go" order. She's a Sushi lover. Me? I've only had it once, but it was good. But then, I think I was just liking the rice, since I usually don't eat it. hehe.

It was a super quick trip, and we headed back to post. The kids' had played nicely, and Joe had finished cleaning his room and was at Leo's house. Good! I sat down for a bit to design. And I got all of the October freebies designed. Sweet! And my schedule made up, and sent to Sharon :)

At 9:30pm, Kari and Alena and I went on a 4 mile walk. Joe and Jim and Eme went to bed, and Tom and Jake watched some TV. It was a nice walk. Alena is gonna start walking with us :)

I got home around 10:30 or 11pm, and put Jake and Tom to bed. We had a family prayer (yeah, should have done that one earlier when everyone was awake) and I started blogging. Here it is, 11:57pm, and I'm 1/2 way through with season 6, episode 17 of 24. Oh yeah, got me a date with Jack tonight. hehehe :)

Kids have sports camp from 8-12 tomorrow, then Tom, Eme, Joe and Jim have childcare from 12-5. And Jake is going to the youth center. And then Tom may go to the youth center from 5-9 with Jake. Haven't decided on that one yet. And we're walking again tomorrow night, probably at 10pm.

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks~!

Awe, it's me and my sweetheart!!!! Thanks, Sharon :) LOVE this one!