
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Blog Freebie Alphabet J

Yes, I know. My blog is TERRIBLY late. Incredibly late. And it's not gonna be very good. hehe. It's 11:38pm. On Friday night. And it should have been written on Thursday night. And I took a double dose of Topomax about 4 hours ago because I forgot to take the morning dose, and it's made me stupid again. hehe. Anyway, here's the blog from yesterday...

Here's one of my new rings! Isn't it pretty. It's my shrimp ring. Doesn't it look kinda look like a shrimp? hehe.

Jim and Joe before school, playing with balloon. They're silly boys :)

CPT's new skates. Both ics skates and in-line skates.
After I got the kids off to school, I went back to sleep. I was supposed to go to the pool and go swim laps, but I was SO sleepy that I went back to bed. Tom and Jake had doctors appointments at 10am. I had just enough time to get laps in. Nope, not gonna happen.

I slept until 9am, then hurried and got up and hopped in the shower. I was taking too long to get ready, so CPT America drove the boys on up to their appointment, and I followed on up. They had just got called back when I met them. He headed home, and I took on over.

Going to the doctor with a 12 and 14 year old was SO much better than with a 6 and 8 year old. ha! Jake and Tom did super good. It was calm and quiet for the most part. Jake started to get bored towards the end. And started to be a bit "jerkey"... And I caught him with cap gun caps in his pocket. He was lighting them off in the corner... um, not a good choice. "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to". Can you say, "Confiscation?"

We swung by the house on the way home, Jake took his meds (he'd forgotten them), and then I signed Tom back into school, then I dropped Jake off at school. Then hurried back to the elementary school. I was meeting Kari, and we were gonna eat lunch with the little kids.

I made it there JUST as Jimmy was finishing up eating. Pfew! I didn't miss it :)
I forgot to get a picture of me with Joe, though. I did get a picture of Eme and I :)
Kari and I had fun chatting with the kids :) After their lunch, we decided to go to lunch at Olive Garden. No one else wanted/could come with us, so we just went with us. It was fun :) And we were STARVING. Yummy soup, salad, and breadsticks.

After lunch, we headed over to Cowtown boots and western wear. I needed a hat. And a western shirt. I didn't like most of them in the store, but Kari helped me pick out this one! It was a little big, though. CPT is gonna have to help me put an insert or something inside of it to make it fit better. It was the only red one that they had. And really, the only hat in the store that I liked. I got a shirt, too.
We got home, and picked up the kids from the bus stop. Here's the shirt that I bought. What do you think of the head band?
I can't remember what I did the rest of the early evening, but at some point, Kari and I went to the PX to pick up prescriptions. I needed to get Eme's inhaler and some liquid Albuterol for the nebulizor. We looked at the Miche stand (hehe), then headed back home. And CPT and I got ready for the Gabriel Inglaces concert (Fluffy!). Here's me, ready to go!
We headed on over to UTEP area around 7:30pm, and parked FOREVER away. Parking was super crazy. We walked for 8 blocks, then were finally there. We found our seats, and snapped a few pictures.
The show was HILARIOUS! I enjoyed the whole thing! "Fluffy" was supposed to preform for an hour, and was on for 3 hours! The crowd enjoyed every minute of it. We didn't get home until close to midnight! So yeah, that's why I didn't blog last night - hehe.

Anyway, that's the short version of the day :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Blog Freebie Alphabet I

New goodies in the store, girls!!! Single file line, no pushing, no shoving, you know the drill. hehe :) Lets play nice, here, there's plenty for all! Click HERE to go to the store :) Layouts by the FABULOUS Sharon!!! She rocks, you know :)

Well, all the right kids got to school this morning at the right times. Thank goodness! Unfortunately, Tom managed to go to school with CPT's keys... Oops. He's sent Tom off to start his truck, and Tom had been so busy taking out the trash and the recycling, and trying to catch the bus on time, that it had slipped his mind. The keys went into his pocket, and he caught the bus.

After I got the other kids on the bus, and CPT left for the gym, I headed on up to the Middle school, pulled Tom out of class, retrieved the keys, then headed back home. I sat down, designed a Wordart pack, and was in the shower by the time that CPT America came back home. I made an excutive decision, and was skipping yoga. CPT had asked me to come with him when he got his offical army photo taken today, but I said that I had Yoga. And that I'd skip it if he really wanted me to. He said to go to yoga. But you know how they SAY that, but sometimes really want you to pick them. I wasn't sure it if was that case or not.

So, I decided to just PICK him. I texted the girls, let them know what was going on, and hopped in the shower so I could be all ready and pretty when it was time to go.

We drove on over to the Army hospital, and were running a tad late, so I let him off at the main entrance, and I found a parking spot in the parking garage. By the time I found a spot, and walked inside, he was done. It didn't take long. Snap a photo, fill out a picture, and you're done. hehe. We walked back to the suburban together :)

We got home, and we took the opportunity to take some pictures of CPT in his Dress Blues. He's such a cutie!!!

We finally went inside, and changed. I'd only had 3 minutes to get dressed, and didn't like my outfit. So I put on something else. hehe. Kim and Tim texted, and wanted to know if we wanted to do lunch at 12:30. SURE! Too bad it was only 11... We were gonna starve! LOL :)

CPT ended up ironing for a bit, or something else... Not sure what else he was doing. We were hanging for a bit. I designed another WordArt pack, I know that. Time flew, that's for sure. Before we knew it, it was time to go. Carlos and Mickeys!

I headed to the suburban first, and messed around with the camera, of course...

On the way to the restaurant, I was SO wishing that I had some sunglasses. I'd forgotten mine. These yellow range glasses were all that were in the suburban... Um, yeah, NO! hehe.
And, since we ALWAYS take a photo outside of Carlos and Mickeys, we posed before going inside. Kim and Tim could wait for a minute, right? hehe. Aren't we cute!
Kim and Tim had already ordered, and their food got there when we sat down. She had remembered that she had a doctors appointment in 45 minutes. Oops. So they had to hurry. But we still had a fun lunch.

CPT and Tim ordered some kind of Surf and Turf fajata thingy, and they both really liked it. Kim got the taco salad, and I wanted the chicken soup that I'd gotten that one day. Yeah, they didn't have it. I KNOW they said that they had it for a winter special. Um, February is still winter, right? Right??? Apparently not. They no longer had it. So, I got the beef equivalent of it... It was still good, though. I did like it. The beef was super tender :) Lots of veggies and cabbage and rice to add in. I just wanted some tortillas to go with it. I ended up eating part of Kim's taco salad shell when she left - ha!

They headed out, and we finished up our lunch. Then we paid, and headed over to El Paso Saddle Blanket store. CPT wanted to get a new pair of boots. He was waiting for the tax return to come in before he got them. And it was in! So it was time. And, since we WERE going to a Brad Paisley concert next week, I probably needed a pair of boot, too, right??? Can't go to a concert without boots? Isn't that how it works??? hehe.

And I think I want a hat for the concert, too. But not this one. One that looks like this one, but not that's made of Super Glue. This one was SOOO stiff!
CPT and I tried on EVERY pair of boots in the store, I think. They had quite a few pairs of tall boots that I really liked. But they were sweaty on my legs. I didn't like that. And they were pointy toed. And to get the rounded tip, then they were $200+. What's up with that? And, the ones that were $150 didn't fit my left foot. They were too tight. Once you got to the $200 range, it all fit PERFECTLY. Sigh. Why do boot makers do that.... hehe :)

Anyway, I went with comfort. Instead of getting the cheapest pair of boots, I went with one that FELT good. And one that I still liked how they look. Snake skin. Python, to be exact. I think they're hot!
We went to pay, and got distracted looking at the sterling silver rings. They had some bigger ones, and we both ended up picking one out for our new "wedding bands". LOVE that we did it together! And that they are silver :) I'll take a picture of them tomorrow :) They are pretty cool!

We paid, and headed to the West Side for our couples therapy session. CPT called Tom and had him pick up the kids from the bus. Our session was starting just as the kids got off the bus. And got to the office RIGHT on time thanks to my stellar driving. hehe. The therapist asked us what we wanted out of our time there, and what we should focus on. Apparently I differed to CPT too much. OK, I'll work on that.

I think, all in all, I've done pretty good in staying true to who I am. To not falling back into patterns from before he deployed. I like the new me. I want her to stick around :) She's pretty cool, I must say! hehe. Before we left, Dr Slade shook my hand, pulled me back for a minute, and said "make sure you don't loose your voice". I knew what me meant. Good advice. I just need to remember that throughout the week. "Don't loose your voice". I need to speak up. Poor CPT. That's all he needs. Me remembering to speak my mind. hehe ;) I love you, honey :)

We loaded up, and headed back to post. We swung by Kim's house to pick up Kari's kids (Kim was gonna watch them until we got back), but they were still at Kari's house. So I showed Kim my new boots, then headed to Kari's house. And I snapped a few pictures of Kari and Brian. They were going to see Wicked tonight, and I was watching her kids until Justin (16) got home from Rugby practice at 8pm. Aren't they cute???
We got home, and we decided to try on the new boots, and take some pictures out by the blue truck. Yeah, I think I need a better outfit.... I'll work on it between now and next Friday :) And yeah, I totally thought that I looked better in this outfit than I really did. OK, so maybe the white skirt is gonna hit the donate pile. Cause it can't be that I'm getting SUPER fluffy. It's gotta be the outfit, right??? We took a TON of photos, and I can't bring myself to post them because I look SO horrendous...

The hat is CPT's. It doesn't fit me. It's just balanced on my head. It's way too bed. But I want one similar for the concert. On my list of things to do :)
CPT looks smashing, though!

After the photo shoot, we came back inside, and I started designing, and I sent him on a pizza run. The kids did homework and they played electronics for the evening. At almost 8pm, Justin came over and collected his brother and sister, and walked them home. CPT and the kids were watching Dukes of Hazzard, and after the next episode, they went to bed.

I continued to design, then after I was all finished, I ordered some Miche business cards. I have found myself wanting to pass them out recently. Like the El Paso Saddleblanket chickie today. She totally would have taken one if I'd have had a card! Soon. They'll come in soon :)

Then I started blogging, but kept getting distracted by Facebook and friends. Yeah, that happens. Leslie and Amanda and CPT were all distracting me. hehe. And my phone. And the music. OK, so really I was distracting myself. I admit it!

Anyway, I'm done blogging. The store is loaded. It's 11:07pm. Bedtime. Tom and Jake have doctors appointments in the morning, so they are NOT to go to school in the morning. I hope they remember. LOL :) I'm supposed to go swimming laps in the morning too. Lets hope I have more energy in the AM than I do now - ROFL! I'm pooped right now...

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!