
Friday, December 13, 2013

I'm Getting Married!!!

Hey everyone!   I just wanted to pop on here and announce that Bob and I are getting married!  December 28th, 2013, we will be married in the church in Spanish Fork, Utah.  We are packing up all of my possessions, and heading up to Utah on December 24th!  What a crazy twist life has given me.

Bob is truly my best friend.   I have known him for 133 wonderful days.  Each day, he has made me laugh, smile, and feel beautiful,  inside and out.  I am ready to start our new life together.

I'm sitting at the Army PX right now, waiting on a refill of a prescription for Jake,  blogging on my phone.   I have missed blogging so much these past few months.  Sharing my stories and hopes and dreams.  I hope that once I get moved in in Utah, I can take back up designing and blogging.   It truly is a love of mine.   I have missed being a stay at home mom to my kids.  Working all day and dealing with 5 kids in the evening is not fun.  My hat goes off to you working single moms.  I know how hard you have it.

I wanted to post my wedding announcement,  but I can't find a spot on this mobile app....  maybe when I finally get done with my errands for the day, I can sneak it on here :-)

Love and miss you guys! !!