
Monday, March 17, 2008


Today's WordArt is inspired by Jamili, who sent me some of her WordArt. She said I "inspired" her. Well, I don't know how "inspiring" I am, but thanks :) I really liked one of the quotes that she did, and wanted to try my hand at it too. Actually, I like the font she used for Caffeine better, but didn't have that one on my computer. Thanks so much, Jamili!

As for this quote, I thought it was hilarious. I don't do caffeine (if you read my post on Chocolate, you'll understand why), but know lots of people who can't live without it. Such a funny quote!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Papers by Sindiego - Meltdown Madness
WordArt by ME!

Thanks so much to Deb for sending over this layout! So cute! I'm sure many of you can relate :)


  1. He,
    Like it like this!
    The font was Ramrod. I downloaded it from (great site!)


  2. Thank you - based on the quote my oldest daughter and I thoroughly enjoy a good vitamin.

  3. another great one for my recepie box thanks
