
Monday, March 17, 2008

Send In Your Layouts!

Hey all. I was just thinking, it's a shame that not all of my WordArts have a layout to go with them. I, frankly, don't have time to make a layout to go with each WordArt, as much as I'd like, my maybe you all could help me! If you have a little extra time, make a page with one of my WordArts, and send it to me with the credits, and I'll post it here. That would be awesome.

Oh, and one other thing. A few weeks ago (could have been shorter or longer, the days all seem to run together), one of you sent me a lovely layout, and somehow I misplaced it on gmail. I would really like to post it, but can't find it. I don't even remember which quote it was, but it was a lovely pregnancy layout. If you could please send it to me again, I'd love to post it! Thanks :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I've been searching the internet to find a quote to ask you to fancy up if you have time, but I just can't find what I'm looking for. Do you already having something that would work for a page with Daddy and kids being fun and silly, but Daddy is the one who started it all? Know what I mean?

    I've found this:
    Going a little crazy sometimes and doing something out of the ordinary is almost always rewarding.

    but it doesn't refer to Daddy's at all.

    Or this:
    Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad.

    but I am trying to find something to emphasize how silly and fun Daddy's can be?
