
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

WordArt series, JUST FOR YOU!

Since I saw how much everyone liked the Baby's First series, I decided to try my hand at another one. My mother-in -law does a (almost) daily newsletter (online) for her high school - Newport News High School (Virginia). She has a quote at the top each day. Well, today the quote was quite long, but very nice. I decided that if I broke the quote into chuncks, and make a WordArt out of each chunk, it would be an AWESOME series. Imagine, 6 pages in a row, each page with a different quote in the series (don't worry, I saved them with the number sequence on the file :). So, over the next 6 days, starting tomorrow, come here to get your Tony Robbins Series. Hope you all enjoy :) See you tomorrow :)

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