
Friday, June 6, 2008

Loss & Death WordArt Mini Pack

When I originally made this WordArt Mini Pack, I wondered if there was a need - but after thinking about it for a while, I decided that, yeah, everyone dies at some point, and we all know a loved one who has died. Wouldn't these make a great element for your layout of your loved one. I'm gonna start on a layout of my Grandpa, who died 4 years ago. Miss you, Grandpa Lucky.

Click here to visit my store :)

Also, I'm kicking around the idea of having a Monthly WordArt club thing - where you pay $3.00 a month and get 12 WordArts per month. Haven't worked out the details yet. Does this sound like something anyone would be interested in? Just post a comment here and let me know. Thanks girls!!!


  1. I think that's a grand idea! *Ü*

  2. These are touching and very much needed for those of us who have lost loved ones...Grand idea indeed! Thank you again for sharing your talent and creativity with us. Hope you and your beautiful family have a great weekend! God Bless!

  3. I would be up for the "club".

  4. Hmm...I wonder what genius gave you that idea..LOL :) Catch ya later.
