
Monday, September 29, 2008

All Dressed Up

So, after church today, we went to Sweet Home to visit with my Dad's side of the family. My grandma Mavis moved into an assisted living home over there, to be close to my Aunt Sherri and Uncle Rick. They picked her up, and we met up with them at the park. We had a nice little family cookout/reunion. I hadn't seen them in SO long. It's been at least 5 years. 2 of my cousins were there, and their husbands/boyfriends, and their children. The other cousin was on vacation with her family to Disneyland. It was a LOT of fun, and a great day :)

But now I'm tired (pre-publishing - remember!), and I haven't had a chance to answer emails in at least 3 days. Goodness. My inbox is growing again. I think I'll have some time tomorrow to look at them, but I still need to pack for my trip (WOOHOO!!!!!). I haven't flown since September 11th, so I know it's a lot more tricky than before :)

Can I bring my contact solution in my carry-on? Or is it too much liquid? What about my SUPER thick hair gel? Is that a no-go on a carry-on too? Do all of these "fluid" regulations apply to under the plane, or just carry-ons? I'm flying Southwest (woohoo! - gotta love Southwest).

This WordArt request is from Laurel. I know I've got a few pictures that it would definitely work on :) And not because we're fancy - hehehe. Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Dressed - Tingle Institute
All, Up - Felix Tilting


  1. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 29 Sep [LA 12:00am, NY 02:00am, UK 07:00am, OZ 05:00pm] ).

  2. Hi Bethany,

    I was allowed my contact solution the last time I flew, and it was one of the big size ones, but I think technically you can only have it if it's a certain size or smaller. I have no idea about the hair gel. And these only apply to your carry on, not anything you check. Speaking of which, I just have to add that it's incredibly disturbing that some airlines are now charing you to check baggage (even your first two bags that used to be free!). Grrrrr. I guess if you have to fly though, you have to fly! Have a good trip!

  3. only 3 oz size liquid are allowed. They have 3oz size bottles at both Wal-mart and Fred Meyer. Then they have to be in a 1qt plastic baggie. That way they can be seen easily by the scanners. This only applies to carry on items. You can bring larger size things in your suitcase. Southwest (as of August anyway) didn't charge for the carry on or 1 bag to check but they did for the 2nd bag to be checked.

    Bethany, you will have to ask your family if they know Artie Miner (my grandmother who passed away in May) she lived in Sweet Home until she was 93. Or my Parents who used to live there and taught school. Harold and Ruby Miner. (my Dad also coached Basketball and Cross Country)

    Small world isn't is :)

  4. Good luck packing, and on your trip. :) Thanks for the word art :)

  5. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  6. Thanks, Bethany! I'm sure your trip will be awesome; I"m so excited for you, that you get to see your beloved again for a bit! Tell him THANKS for us!

  7. Thank you for sharing your hard work! I love it!

  8. I'm glad you had a good visit with your hubby! I remember how hungry I was during and after plebe summer at the Naval Academy. We only had about 180 seconds to eat during our basic training, and it is honestly a habit I have never completely broken. I am always the first person done at any meal.

    Many years ago, I knew an MP in the Army who was stationed at Ft. Meade, and he was from Sweet Home. How strange is that? I was under the impression it is a pretty small town.

    I'd love to visit the Northwest sometime. It's one of the only places in the US I haven't seen.


  9. Thanks for sharing! It won't be hard to use this at my house!
