
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Playing and Pretending

Well, it was another long day yesterday :) I woke up with yet another headache. This one wasn't quite as bad as the day before, but still not fun. My oldest, Jacob, came in from his tent smelling like moldy mattress. He didn't really have time for a shower, but coudln't go to school smelling, so took one anyway. And yep, he missed the bus. Luckily, my mom took him on the way to work.

Jim and Joe and I went to some friends home for "home preschool"at 9am. It was a lot of fun. It was really just a very organized playgroup. We had playtime, story time, a bit of arts and crafts, outside time, and learned a bit of science. My kids really did have fun. My head was even starting to feel much better when I got home.

We got 2 boxes of pears from our church today. I went up to the church at 1pm to pay for them and take them home. Yummy!!! Too bad their not on my diet - LOL! Apparently, this farm down in Medford supplies all of the pears to our churchs cannery. They need something like 1 million lbs of pears a year. Well, the orchard made 1 million and some change, so decided to sell the excess to it's members. Yeah for us! We got 2 big boxes of pears for $30.00. Great price, eh?

While there, I saw a new friend I'd made, and invited her back to my house to hang out for a while. She's a very nice girl, and I enjoy her :) She came over, and we hung out until she had to go and pick up her son from school. Her hubby is in the Coast Guard, and she's close to my age. Her son, Clay, is in the same grade as my son, Jacob. We got along nicely. Yeah! I made a friend! Aren't you proud of me! Shy, ole me! Who would have though! hehehe.

Kids came home, and we had a whirlwind of cleaning, homework, and heading off to football practice. 1 1/2 hours later, we were dropping off friends at their homes, headed home ourselves, eating dinner, homework, bedtime routine, designing, and off to bed again! Wow, the days are full. But, I'm SO glad for the fullness of it all! The opposite isn't too fun to think about :)

Here's the latest WordArt Wednesday, just for you! I thought it would be fun for SO many layouts! Click HERE to go to the Scraporchard gallery to download the zip file. And, remember, you have to be logged into the Orchard's gallery in order to download the Wordart :) Thanks!


  1. Gosh girl you need to slow down, no wonder you have these headaches! How you find time to create these amazing wordart in all that is amazing!

    I LOVE this one! I just made a layout that I was looking for a great one for, but I'll be able to use this one A LOT! Thanks again!!!!!!

  2. Hey sweetie, thought you might like to see how I used this one. Hugs Crystal xx
