
Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So I saw this saying, and just HAD to make a WordArt out of it. It TOTALLY sums up my day (week) - hehehe. Captain America got in Monday night at 3:00 am (so I guess that's Tuesday morning - lol). He woke me up long enough to help him carry the bed (WOOHOO!) up the stairs, then I went back to sleep. I can't explain how much I've missed my bed - hehehehe. I've been sleeping in a cot since August 08. My bed is my favorite. It's old, large, and SUPER firm, but I love it. It's a King size bed, which I LOVE. I don't sleep well if someone is touching me, so with the King size bed, I have my 1/3, Captain America has his 1/3, and there's the 1/3 buffer zone - LMBO! I can be in the buffer zone, but he'd better stay in his zone - LOL! I'm so bad :) How did this turn into Captain America staying on his side of the bed? ha!

After I got the kids to school, and let my poor hubby sleep in a bit (I watched Monday night's "The Bachelor" episode on line (my guilty pleasure), so I didn't mind too much), we got started on unloading the truck. HOLY CRUD! Where did all of this crap come from? And why are we moving it from place to place? I haven't used most of this stuff since July of 2007. After we moved from Chicago to Ohio, we had most of our stuff in a friends garage the whole time. I'm gonna have to go through this stuff, and figure out what we need, and what we don't. This is ridiculous :)

Like this couch. WHY did we bring it. Look how nasty it is. It went straight to the trash pile here in El Paso. There was mold and nasty-ies on it. Gross.

Every room in my house is filled with boxes and messes. OMGosh. But, we did get the entire truck unloaded. We were hustling and bustling to get it unloaded, and get the truck back to the rental place before it closed. It was a little tense at times, but it was done at about 4:45pm. We realized that the rental place closed at 4:30pm. Crud. Then Captain America says, "Oh yeah, I rented the truck 2 days later than I'd originally planned, so it doesn't need to go back until 2 days later, so it's not due until Tomorrow". Nice. Glad I busted my butt to get it unloaded. Oh well. At least it's done. AND, I have a FRIDGE!!!!! and my WASHER/DRYER back - WOOHOO!!!!

Now comes the "fun" part. Putting it all away - hehehehe. Check out our mess :)

The computer/media/library room

The living room

The tiny pathway through the garage

Ha! We didn't have enough room in the garage, so we just started putting stuff along the side of the house. I know, we're SO white trash. Oh well. We'll get most of it in today. Don't you wish you were my neighbor? ha! We had ladies from church come and bring us dinner again tonight. After our LONG day of unloading, I was SO grateful not to have to worry about food. Thanks, you guys! It was TASTY :)

Oh yeah, and here's my kids with their Christmas presents from Captain Americas brother/sister in law from St. Louis. When Captain America stopped off at their house on his trip/move, he picked them up for the kids. They were SO excited to open them yesterday.

Joe got a Star Wars toy (he was SO excited)

Tom and his toy

Jake and his toy

Eme with her BEAUTIFUL Barbie - International Barbie from Holland - so pretty!

Jimmy got the SOFTEST, most adorable stuffed animal (horse), but I didn't get a pic of him. He LOVED it so much. Captain America got the new Batman movie (which we already had, but LOST right before we moved (dad, if you find it, you can keep it)) WOOHOO!!!, and the new Narnia movie, which we haven't seen yet. I just LOVE movies :) Thanks, Illinois Hartys! We love you guys :)

OK, Mom, was that enought pictures for ya? Nothing exciting, but they're technically pictures :) ha! And, now on to WordArt. Another WordArt Wednesday for ya :) Can you believe it's already week 30? Holy cow! Click HERE to go to Scraporchard's gallery to download the zip file, and remember, you need to be logged into the gallery in order to get the file :)


  1. fun wordart - thanks! glad your hubs and your stuff made home.

    any chance you could do this wordart with "we" instead of you?

    thanks so much - i love your work!

  2. How you get time to do wordart i don't know, its sounds like a mad house over there. Love the pics, good luck with all the unpacking.

  3. Thanks Bethany! Loved your Word Art so much that I HAD TO go over to Scrap Orchard and sign up... only to realize I was already a member!!! Duh!
    Anyway, HUGS, Cris

  4. i hear you on the STUFF!!! we have some in storage from when we moved from Illinois to Calif. and it is overwhelming to think about ALL that stuff and WHEN will we get it out of storage and WHERE will it go!? hehe
    YAY!! on the appliances!!! :D
    Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME wa!! Hope you have a FABULOUS day! :D

  5. I'm glad you guys got all of your stuff back -- even though it's a mess right now!! :)

    LOVE the WordArt -- a little sassy, but I know the PERFECT picture for this!! Thank you!!

  6. do I see a garage sale coming on? I'm in Australia...

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