
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friends Worthwhile

OK, here's my shameless plug for the FUN and EXCITING sales and such going on at Scraporchard!

First, Farmer's Market. Here's the thing. I put SO many things in the Farmers Market (like 212 or something crazy like that), it crashed. Yep, I broke the market. SO, I was asked, very nicely, to limit my WordArt packs to 60. SO, what this means for you, is that there's only 60 of my WordArt in there (only 60 - hehehe). Hopefully I picked the ones that you guys like. I'm trying, you guys :)

AND, thank you SO much to everyone who came and shopped at my store! You guys are FABULOUS, you know! Seriously :) I love you all!!!

I'm excited for this one. I've never done a Grab Bag before. Seriously, there's SO much good stuff in here, I'm wondering what I'm thinking. It doesn't say it on the add, or in the market, but because I LOVE all of my blog readers, I'll give you a hint as to what's in there. 5 WordArt packs, 2 WordArt calendars/dates, and an Alpha with 5 different variations. All for $3.00. Yep, you read right. $3.00. Sweet, eh? It goes on sale on Friday.

If you happen to miss the Farmers Market sale, or can't find in there what you need, come back on May 1st for our STOREWIDE sale.

AND, if that wasn't enough, we, the designers at Scraporchard are doing a Scavenger hunt. You'll have to browse through all of our products (one in each designers store), to find the hidden free download. Should be fun. I know, I know, I had PAGES AND PAGES of WordArt, so I'll give you a hint tomorrow :)

And lastly, I'm part of the DSA Mystery Blog Train. Be sure to hop on and pick up some SWEET digi stuff. I know you wanna play.
OK, enough of that :) On to me - ROFL!!!

Woohoo!!! I socialized yesterday - hehehe. First off, I chatted on the phone with my friend Margaret from Facebook. She's AWESOME :) What a nice girl :) And any of you who know me, you know that the phone isn't always my friend. In fact, just thinking about making a phone call about sends me into a panic - SO, for me to say that I had FUN chatting on the phone with some I'd never met, that's HUGE!

Then, I went to lunch at another army wife from church's house. There were 4 of us there, and we had a TON of fun, eating and talking and laughing. As much as I like to think of myself as a social recluse, I must admit, I had a TON of fun socializing today :)

Since my truck is still broke, I sent my older kids to Scouts at church with the lady who's house we went to for lunch, 'cause she was going anyway, and had 2 extra seats. I was in charge of a game, so I sent Jacob with the supplies and the directions. Hopefully it went well - they seemed to have fun. They came home with neat neckerchief slides. Not that we know where our neckerchiefs are. hehehe. BUT, the slide was pretty cool :)

The little boy's bedroom was TRASHED when I went to put them to bed last night. So, I told them that tarantulas were gonna come in their room and live under all of the mess. I know, I'm mean and a horrible mother. Oh well. We DO have tarantulas here in El Paso. Theoretically, it may be sound. May. I told them that they giant spiders wouldn't come until the next day, though. They made a plan to clean it after school. Well, as I was sitting on the couch, after I thought they were asleep, Joe came downstairs with all of the dirty clothes, and the trash, and some other random things. "We cleaned our room", he said. hehehehe. Whatever it takes, I guess.

If the paycheck is in today, I'm taking my truck in to get it fixed. Keep your fingers crossed for me :) Historically, it come in the last day of the month, so I'm assuming it will today too. I'd really like to be able to go to the store. hehehe.

I'm gonna give my diet another go around. I know I've said that a lot lately, but really, this is just getting ridiculous. I don't like being up so many pounds. I know how to fix it. EXACTLY how to fix it. Sigh. What I've lacked these past 4 months is the willpower to do it. I feel better when I eat well. I know I can do it. I just need to take it one day at a time :)

So, in honor of the nice ladies I hung out with yesterday, here's some new Friends wordart for you all :)

Click on the image below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. - um, yeah, not working at the moment

Friends - AL Aunt Marie
Worthwhile - Felix Titling


  1. You must be psychic! I was just thinking of scrapping a picture I took a while ago of my best friend, and here comes today's WordArt! Thanks so much!
    (PS--Add me to the list of Twilight junkies--loved your Sparkle layout!)

  2. Thanks for the great Wordart, but why u want to loose weight, you are so tall and look great, unbelieveable lol

  3. i absolutely LOVE reading your posts! especially when it comes to your children!!! they sound sooooooo ADORABLE!!!! :)
    your grab bag sounds sooooo GREAT!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your FANTASTIC wa!! AND for visiting me too! hehe
    Have a BEAUTIFUL day!! :)

  4. Beautiful Truth. Thanks

  5. Thanks Bethany! This is great - perfect for NSD, Mothers' Day and my freebie templates!

  6. This is a beautiful quote. Thanks!!! I'm glad you had a good time socializing - from one phone phobic person to another!

  7. You have an award on my blog

  8. Thanks for the great word art. Appropriate for sooooo many designs

  9. Thank you for the awesome wordart! :)

  10. I can't believe it when I read your comment about making phone calls, it's great to know I'm not the only one, even calling someone as close as my brother or sister sends my stomach swirling. Thanks for all of the awesome word arts you post.

  11. Wonderful & true! Thank you!

    I haven't tried the tarantula threat. Sadly, I think my kids are too savvy to believe it. Maybe (this is evil, I know) swine flu germs??? LOL! They probably wouldn't believe that either!

  12. A very true statement put together beautifully. Thank you!
