
Monday, April 6, 2009

Worn Alpha

You know what? It was a MUCH better day yesterday. Sometimes, it's all a matter of attitude and perspective :) And a good nights sleep. That'll do wonders - hehehe.

The kids and I listened to General Conference at 10am on the internet. We hooked up the external speakers, and the kids brought their blankets and pillows into my room, and we all sat around and listened to it. Well, I listened to it, and to them play around and bicker. LOL! I don't know which was more distracting. The happy playing or the fighting playing. Sigh. I know, one of these days, when they're old and grown and gone, I'll look back on these days and be sad, but right now, I'm just tired - ROFL!!!

I listened to the 2nd session by myself. It was much more peaceful - ha! I think my favorite part was when President Monson talked, and he said "Your future is a bright as your faith". GREAT quote! I feel a WordArt coming on.... hehehe. But how true is that?!! Great thought for the day :)

The kids and I drove onto post today, to look at our new house again. They hadn't seen it yet, so again doesn't really apply to them - ha! We drove by the park that's 3 houses away from mine (AWESOME, eh???), and saw lots of families with little kids there. That'll be nice, friends for the kids.

Jacob didn't enjoy himself, because he was mad at me. Apparently a kid had gone into his room, and broke one of his toys. I hadn't been adequately upset about it, so he was mad at me. He got an earfull about being upset, from me - ha! I told him that I bought him a lock for his door (for the outside), so that when he left his room, he could lock it, and keep people out. They can't reach it, because it's too high. Anyway, he hardly ever remembers to lock the door. I told him that if he can't remember to lock the door, then he's just asking for someone to come in and break his stuff. I was concerned innitially, when I took the steps to get the lock. If he can't even remember to lock the freakin' (yeah, I was a little mad - lol) door, then he should be mad at himself, and not at me.

He was still pouty about it when we got home, so I had him talk to his dad on the phone when Captain America called for the evening. I don't know what they talked about, but after he got off the phone, he apologized for getting mad at me, and seemed to be in a much better mood. THANK YOU, Captain Americat, for the long distance parenting session - ha!

The kids and I played CARS Uno before bed. It was kinda fun. We only played 3 rounds. I won one, Joe won one, and, um, Jake maybe won one round. Can't remember who the last winner was. Eme was SO disappointed that she didn't win. She was in tears. Needless to say, the kids went to bed early. Way too many emotions flying all around. I mean, what could they be upset about? It's not like their dad left, or they're moving to the 4th house in 1 year, or the 3rd school in 1 year, or anything like that - hehehe. Poor little guys :) Acutally, it's amazing how well they're handling it all. Resiliant little buggers, aren't they?

I spent some time today designing, and reading some in my Twilight book. I don't know why I keep starting these. I know how addiciting they are, yet I can't seem to pull myself away from it. Kinda like chocolate - ha! Anyway, I'm almost done with New Moon.

Today, I'm gonna call all my utilities and tell them when the shut off date is. I hope I remember to do everything :) I need to remember to do the mail forwarding thing sooner this time. I don't wanna have to drive clear across town each day to pick up my mail. Sigh. The joys of moving :) I think I'm gonna start going through our stuff, and separating out the few things that I don't want the movers to pack.

Anyone out there know what the Army movers will/won't pack? Things they won't pack I'll load into the trailer. Do they pack liquids? Like cleaning supply stuff? Or medicines? What about food? Or food storage? Come on, Army wives out there. I know you know the answer - LOL!

So, I promised you on Saturday that I'd give you my Alpha on Monday, and, well, it's MONDAY! - hehehe. I LOVED the way it turned out. I like this looked. The Worn/Distressed look. Anyway, click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


  1. as far as I understand they won't pack anything food related that is already open or alcohol.
    well, that is for overseas moves though, where they also will not let you take any of your plants...

  2. Thanks! I love to collect alphas! :)

  3. Love the alphas! Thanks so much for your beautiful work.

  4. Very cool alpha...thanks for sharing!

  5. WONDERFUL alpha and thank you for sharing! :) so glad to hear you have a park so near your new home! That will be GREAT for your children! :) Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

  6. The movers won't pack up any liquid cleaning supplies or anything combustable. They will pack up your garbage in the trash can and any rocks you leave laying around in your house. Adds weight to their truck and they get paid by weight. Probably won't take any plants. But, you'd want to move them anyway since it's just across town. Watch the kids and take a head count after the fact. They may have packed one of them for the weight! hehe

  7. OMGosh! That's just the laugh I needed for today :) Maybe the movers will pack a kid - it would be easier than supervising them all weekend long - ROFL!!!

    So, liquid cleaning supplies, and take out the trash - ha! What about candles? Will they pack them?

  8. Thanks for the alpha Bethany!

    I also loved that quote from Pres Monson. It was just what I needed in this really uncertain world. I've had lots of fear about the future and now I know what I need to do to get over my fear. :)

  9. Candles depends on the movers. My understanding is they aren't supposed to but we've had movers that have let us box it up ourself and they still moved it. I moved at least a hundred pounds of wax the last move.

  10. Thanks for all the freebies and great ideas. I love your work! I just posted about your site on my free samples blog. Take care!

  11. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Apr. 06, 2009. Thanks again.

  12. Thank you so much for the Alpha! Way cool!

    Good luck on your move this week. Moving is no fun. Especially when you're moving so soon after.. MOVING!

    I wish I had advice for you about the movers. I'd have to ask my sister (she's an army wife for nearly 12 years now). My husband is going to see a recruiter tomorrow himself -- so I may just be in the same boat as you in a few months!

    Thanks again for the alpha! I'm really excited about this one!

  13. Thank you once again! I love your work!

  14. This is great! Thank you very much.

  15. What great detail. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love this! Thank you so much!

  17. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 06 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 07 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  18. Hope all goes well with your move!
    I used one of your Dr. Suess word arts on a layout of my dd here's the link:


  19. Thank you so much for this wonderful alpha.

  20. It's great, thank you :)

  21. Thank you for the nice alpha! And good luck with your move!

  22. You always have something special to share, and I appreciate that! Thanks Bethany! Bright blessings, Mystic_Mom

  23. When we moved, they wouldn't take our propane tank for our grill so we had to dump it and take the canister ourselves. They woud not take open food, but they will take canned foods and unopened boxes. My girlfriend got moved from NC to CA and they actually took a box of pizza that had on slice left over...that wasn't pleasant. We had a horrible experience. They packed our gardening shears and planting shovels with our bedding...nearly ripping the bedding and covering it with dirt If anything in the garage has any mouse droppings on it, they will refuse to move it. Mice tend to get into garages here and there (especially if you keep your dog food in there) and we had a bass amplifier in the garage that had a couple droppings inside of it (the backs of amps are open) and they made us move that several hundred pound thing ourselves, leaving no room for anything else. It sucked! We had a couple pictures out of frames on our desk and they crumpled them with tacks we had in the desk drawer in packing paper. So if you have any lose photos, take those yourself. Goodluck! ove the alpha!

  24. Great alpha -- thanks!

  25. thanks a million for sharing

  26. Love your word art Bethany! Thanks for the alpha and good luck with the move!

  27. I love your word art, you do such beautiful things! Thank you.

  28. Fabulous!!!! Thank you!

  29. I love it, thank you! :) This can be recolored right?

  30. Great alpha, Bethany, thanks so much for sharing it!

  31. For a local move with military movers, they'll typically take everything (including the trash), except for living things (plants, critters and kids), liquids (food, cleaning supplies, shampoo, yard care items, etc). If they are putting stuff in storage for any length of time, there are lots of other things they won't take (candles, flammables, oil, etc).
    I hope your move goes wonderfully.

    Thanks for the alpha. Its AWESOME!

  32. I just love your work! Thank you very much for sharing all these gifts with us!

  33. very nice alpha. thanks for sharing.
