
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Another busy day yesterday. I see a pattern developing :) I met up with my walking girls at 8:15 am, and we walked for about an hour. I hurried home and got changed and headed off with my hubby and my 3 year old to the bankruptcy court. Sigh. Yep, that was yesterday.

We waited in a room with about 20 other people, waiting for the to call our name. It wasn't what I expected the room to look like. It was just a room in the basement of an office building. The guy was officiating from a folding table. LOL! We were sitting on padded folding chairs. But, it worked for me.

We were called up 3rd, and were sworn in. He asked us for ID, then asked if we were familiar with the case, if there were any changes needed to be made, if we'd covered everything. He asked if anyone was there representing the creditors (there weren't), then said that it was all good, and to wait for final notification in the mail.

20 minutes, and we were done. Sigh. I really HATE to do it, but because that house didn't sell, we had no other choice. We could have handled the credit cards by ourselves, but the house was a losing battle. BUT, at least it's all done. No more worring about it. No more thinking about it. It's done and over. OK stress, you can go away now :)

After the court, we went to the Scout office and got the numbers for our Scout shirts. We're Pack 8/Troop 8, apparently. Also, we saw that the council is doing a Scout Night at the Baseball Team (Diablos, maybe). They're having a game, then camping on the field. We did that in Chillicothe, OH last year, and had a BLAST. I think we may go this weekend. Sounds like a fun time. If your boys are in Scouts, and the opportunity arrises, I'd DEFINITLY recommend it :)

After that, we stopped by Captain America's batillion office so he could sign in, then headed to the Commissary. We were having lunch group again, and I needed to bring a "Brunch" item. I'd have LOVEd to cook something, but simply didn't have time. I bought bagels and cream cheese, and cinnamon rolls. Yummy! Bagels and cream cheese are my very favorite.

We got home in enough time for me to arrange my food, and walk down the street to my friends house. Jimmy and I had a TON of fun eating, playing, and chatting. Friends are a GOOD thing.

We got home at about 3:30, and the kids came home from school shortly after that. Joe managed to slam his fingers in the door from the garage, squishing them pretty good. Poor thing. We put ice on them, which he carried around for hours. I put Captain America in charge of the kids, and went to the bedroom for an hour to design. After about 20 minutes, my friend Andrea called me, and asked me to come and hang out with her at the park. I hurried and finished up the pack I was working on, and headed out to the park.

The kdis all had fun playing with their friends, and the sun felt really good. I'm LOVING the weather in El Paso. Pretty much, every day is a sunny day :)

Scouts was tonight at 7pm. It was Pack Meeting. Our CubMaster did a GREAT job! There were games, and songs, and awards, and flag ceremonies, and cookies. It was a great time :)

Back home, kids to bed, and more designing. I really need to design some other time than Wednesday. Between Scouts and Lunch, it's not a good designing day :) You know, I think I made a plan NOT to design on Wednesday last week. Hmmmm, maybe next week will work out better for me - LOL!

Since I'm coming out with some Dad and Father WordArt on Friday, I thought I'd give you guys a freebee, keeping with the same vein :) Maybe you can make a NICE Father's Day card, or gift, with this WordArt. And if you think of something REALLY clever, PLEASE post here and let us all know. It's not nice to keep these things to yourself, you know :)

Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.


  1. Wow what a day for you!!! Thank you for still creating for us though!!

  2. thank you for the wa! I'm sure I can find plenty of pictures to use this with!

  3. Busy busy day for you definitely!
    What a great wordart, will keep it when my hubby becomes a daddy :)

  4. you are about the busiest lady i know! :) GLAD that bankruptcy court is all done! Thank you so much for sharing your FUN wa! :) Have a GREAT day!

  5. Glad the bankruptcy court is done; know wasn't what you wanted to do, but ... thx for the word art.

  6. Thank you very much. Hope you're having a good day!

  7. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Family/Mom/Dad/Daughter/Grandma,Grandpa,etc... Theme post on May. 28, 2009. Thanks again.

  8. Thank you so much!

  9. I just love this quote, and I hope you could consider to do a Word art of it.

    "Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his self-respect and his chastity depends upon his sense of honor. ~ Hazrat Ali"It fits for Father's day celebration..

    Also, here is a page I did using one of your WA: IMAGINATIONAnd thanks for always generously sharing your gems to us! God bless you and each of your family!! :D

  10. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 28 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 29 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  11. what a sweet word art! Thank you!

    I'm kinda curious though...why you were homeschooling but now the kids are in public school? We went the other way around...public school to homeschooling.

  12. Thank you for this WA. I know exactly what to use it for. It's perfect!
