
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Little House

OMGosh!!!!! Captain America came home early and surprised me!!!!! Seriously :) I was sitting at home, playing online on Friday night, and he called to check in for the evening. He does that when he travels. Well, it was about 10pm, and I asked him where he'd stopped for the night. He was like "Well, there's a flag out front, and the street numbers are X X X X Waters St." That's our address. I was like "NO WAY!"

I threw the phone on the couch, and ran outside. There he was! I was SO excited. He'd tricked me, and driven like a madman to get home. Awe, what a sweet guy!!! I was SO not looking forward to the weekend, waiting around all Friday and Saturday, wondering when he'd finally get home. While all my friends' hubbys had the days off (4 days weekend), and I was stuck at home, by myself. Woohoo for Captain America! He saved me :)

On Saturday, we woke up early to go to the National Cemetary here on post, and put flags on the graves. Jimmy was so cute. He saw the grave stones, and said "Look out, mom. Those are Skeleton Rocks". So funny :) The things that 3 year olds come up with - LOL!

All of the scouts in town had met there to put out the flags on the graves. They had these really cool metal holders that slid on the grave stones, so that the flags wouldn't poke holes in the ground. All the scouts and grown ups 13 and over could put out the metal holders, and the little kids and younger scouts went along behind them and put out flags.

Here's the group, when we were finished with the flags. Jacob wasn't a happy camper. He's so moody these days. I think he was PMS'y. LMBO! Do 11 year old boys get PMS? No? Are you sure? I could have sworn that was what it was. Could have fooled me :)

I just LOVE this picture of Tom. He looks very Pacific Northwestern in this picture - LOL!

After we were done with the flags, we caught up with our friends, the Reays, from down the street. You know, my buddy Andrea and her family. Here's a pic of Andrea and I. Aren't we cute!

The scouts provided hot dogs, cookies, Dairy Queen popsicles, and punch for everyone. It was great! We sat around and ate and chatted. The kids ran around, and ate some more. Ben, Joe, and Jim had popsicle ALL over them by the time we were done :) Too funny. Jacob refused to eat, and just sat and poutted. Finally, about 5 minutes before we left, he went through the line and got some food. And he magically snapped out of his foul mood. Again, it sounds like PMS, doesn't it :) hehehe.

We got home at 10:30 am, and just hung out for most of the rest of the day.Captain America ended up taking a HUGE nap, since he'd driven the majority of the previous 2 days. Poor guy. The kids played computer, played outside, and played in their rooms. I was finally able to get Farm Town to work( Facebook Game). Apparently, Florida and Texas residents who use Time Warner cable for their internet couldn't get on Farm Town. That was me. How random is that??? But, the problem appears to be fixed now. As I'm writing this, I'm remembering that I planted grapes, and I bet they went bad. Sigh. If you farm, don't plant grapes - ROFL!

After a very light dinner, Captain America Jimmy, and I went grocery shopping. Because Captain America had spent a WHOLE lot less on his trip than I expected, we had money left over for groceries - score! We're set for the week now :)

We went to the commissary, and got our groceries. Then we headed over to the PX so Captain America could return something. We picked up some Taco Bell at the PX for the kids, and headed to the Shoppettee (gas station) to rent a movie. Captain America wanted to see "Taken". We watched it after the kids went to bed. It was pretty good. Kind of a rough subject matter. It was funny watching it with Captain America, though. He kept critiquing the bad guys for how bad they were at "clearing rooms". I guess that's how soldiers think - LOL!

This WordArt request is from Kathy. I loved it as soon as I heard the saying. Hopefully I did it justice :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

I'm too tired to link the rest of these up - maybe later :)

LIttle - Hyrule
House - Hursheys


  1. First of all: thanks for all the wonderful wordarts you are sharing!

    and: being a mother to an 11yo boy myself - I'm sure they're pmsing! LOL

  2. Once again, THANK YOU for the great word art, and thank you, too, for sharing stories of your family. I really love seeing notification of your blog on my email. One, I love to see what you have created, and two, I love to catch up on what you guys are doing. Thanks for all the sharing you do!! Glad that Brent is home safely.

  3. Woohooo!! Glad that your hubby get home safely! What a sweet husband he is to surprise u like that :)
    Thanks for the word art, that one is really great one... will make sure to do an LO for that :)

  4. Oh, I am so glad your hubby got home early and surprized you. Yes, 11 is a wierd year for boys. Mine went thru the same thing. Big mood swings. TY for the awesome word art. Love it!

  5. thank you for the word art!'s absolutely perfect for us, as our house is very much a "little" house...but it's our home, and we love it!

    thank you for sharing about your family as well...i'm glad ur husband is home!

  6. So glad your hubby got home safely! I had to LOL at your comments about your 11 yo. My son just turned n12 and he's still in the same mode. Plus I have a 15 yo daughter and I can do no right at the moment. Sigh. This too shall pass (I hope and pray)! Thanks for the word art, I love the saying!

  7. My son is in the Navy and told me he would not be able to be here for Christmas. Then he showed up! Gotta love them men:).

  8. i absolutely ADORE your photos! :) Thank you for sharing your AWESOME wa too! i even downloaded yesterday's! i am sooooooooooo GLAD your sweetie came home early and surprised you that way!! very COOL! have a safe & WONDERFUL holiday! ;)

  9. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on May. 24, 2009. Thanks again.

  10. What a wonderful surprise. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  11. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 24 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 25 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  12. Thank you Bethany! The word art looks great... I can't wait to use it!

  13. Thank you so much for your family's sacrifice and for the scouts and all for placing the flags. We go out to Fort Snelling in MN every year to visit my Dad and brother and it's so touching to see the flags everywhere. I truly appreciate you and all those who give their time to make that experience so meaningful each year. Thanks for all of your wordart too.......

  14. I too am a mother to an 11 yob. Lord, get me strength and lots and lots of chocolate!

    But, the memories you are growing are priceless. I thank you for sharing all of them with us. They motivate me to get up off my rump and do more with my son.

  15. just one of the Nerds Unite poppin' in to say hey!

  16. My husband and my brother in law are both retired Air Force. Recently I found this saying that I just love. You do such beautiful work, is there any chance that you could make this into a word art?

    A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check Made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.

