
Friday, May 8, 2009

Three Generations

OK, first off, I have to post some more pictures. My mom's gonna think I've been a bad daughter if I don't update her on her grandchildren - LOL! Here's what we've been up to the past few day :)

Tom reading a book on the couch (I know, I know, don't the all of the excitement overcome you!)

Eme and Jim in the pool - it was about 95 degrees this day :) I think this was on Wednesday.

Joe's never been big on water. He'd much rather play on the "beach". hehehe.

Jim and Eme jumping in the water. You go, you guys!

Jacob played long enough to get wet and cooled off, then back inside for his computer time. He watched the Gollum movie and LOVED it too :) Just like his mommy :)
Yesterday we went to "game group" (yeah, I can't remember what they call it) at my friend Laurie's house. We played a game called "Go Goddess". Kinda weird, but we learned a lot about each other. It asked deep questions about yourself. Really made you think. But you know what, that's not a bad thing. It's a good way to get to "know" a person. More than just the "top layer" of the person, know what I mean? Jimmy had a fun time playing there too :)

Boy was it hot yesterday. I almost didn't make it from my house to Laurie's house (yeah, like 3 blocks away). We have no A/C in the truck - dang! It was 99 degrees outside. I must say, 99 degrees in the desert is MUCH better than 99 degrees in the midwest. I wasn't sweating. I could still breathe - LOL! BUT, it was still hot. Kinda like standing too close to a campfire.

I felt like cleaning, for some reason, when I got home from my friends' house. I know, SO not like me. But, I did the dishes, cleaned the dining room, cleared off the counters, and started to gather the mess in the living room when the kids came home. And my POOR kids looked miserable when they walked in the door. Jacob practically collapsed on the couch. They'd been walking for 15 minutes.

Well, I knew how to fix that. I made them go change their clothes, and put on shorts and a teeshrit. Then, we headed off to the grassy field by our house. The sprinklers were on, and the kids had a BLAST running through them. I snapped a few pics on my phone, but don't have a clue how to get them to my computer - LOL :) Anyway, it was very refreshing in the sprinklers. I don't know if it's against the rules or anything, but until someone tells us to stop, we'll probably be making frequent trips to the grassy field :)

Last night was the Mother/Son dance at the Elementary school. We really had a blast. Little boys are SO funny :) Here's some pics of us getting ready -

Tom and I

Joe and I (Joe has the most GORGEOUS eyes, don't you think?)

Jacob took a pic of us before we left. He stayed and watched Eme and Jim.

Me taking a pic of us at the dance

The lady sitting next to us volunteered to take our picture - that was sure nice. So, I took a pic of her and her boy too :) Us mom's gotta stick together :)

Laurie and her boy, and Andrea (from down the street) and her 2 boys hung out with us. Also, my neighbor (who we share the driveway) hung out with us too. The Moms had fun chatting, and the boys had fun, um, dancing? running? whatever it is that boys do at a dance - LOL! There was a lot of laying on the floor and spinning (I think it was supposed to be break dancing - hehehe)

Joe was just MORTIFIED that he had to come to a dance. He BEGGED me to leave him home, but I told him he could just come and hang out. That seemed to make him happy. Well, near the end of the dance, I noticed him and Tom actually DANCING. I snapped a few pictures.

See Joe busting a move

There he is again.

Um, yeah, no so much dancing as fighting - LOL! About this time, he wandered over and said that the kid was trying to get him. hehehe. I told him to dance somewhere else. I WASN'T DANCING was his reply. Yeah right! I have proof - LOL!

Here's my neighbr and her son, Noah, dancing

And here's Andrea and her son dancing.

Really, it was a GREAT time. I'm glad that I went. The Vice Principal told us that they wanted to do a family dance near th end of the school year. Woohoo!!! I'm all over that. Hopefully they'll do it after Captain America gets home, and we'll all be able to go as a family. I bet Jimmy would LOVE dancing - hehehehe.

Allrighty, enough about me. On to WordArt :) Here's my new products for the week. Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to my store :) And remember, they're all 20% off this week only, making them $2.00 a pack :)

Here's a layout from one of my newest CT Girl, GrahamLikeTheCracker (or Jen!) - Check her out at SYTYCD!!! Platinum Butterfly is there too!!! My CT is gonna be FAMOUS!!! Anyway, what an ADORABLE layout!

Layout by my newest CT Girl, Thunderdragon - Isn't this one AMAZING!!!

Another layout by my Newest CT Girl, Thunderdragon :) AWESOME job!

And a layout my CT Girl, Charmedeebop - LOVIN' it!!!

I also wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who shopped at my store this past week/weekend! You guys are WONDERFUL!!! Big hugs :)

AND, here's my Grab Bag reveal! Jammed packed with WordArt Goodness - LOL! If you missed my Grab Bag, you can pick these packs up individually in my store :)

And one more thing. I'm gonna be giving away my "wall decoration" wordart on Sunday :) A few of you asked about it, and I thought Sunday would be the PERFECT time to give it away. So, be looking forward to that :)

This request is from Adriana. She had a 3 generation photo that she needed some wordart for :) Hope this helps! Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Four Generations


And, she even sent me a layout when she was done! Isn't is BEAUTIFUL!!!


  1. LOVE your new masks!!! Miss you tons!

  2. Oooh, I hate desert heat. It's like standing in a blow dryer all day. Give me some good old fashioned humidity any day.

    I like the Benjamin Franklin quotes and can't wait for Sunday.

  3. Love this 3 generations wa! TYFS. When you get time,could you make a 4 generations word art?

  4. I love this. Thanks a bunch!

  5. GREAT new products! and WONDERFUL layouts too!
    you do such FUN things with your children i think it TERRIFIC!! i LOVE all the photos!! Thank you so much for sharing ALL that AND your LOVELY wa too!!
    Have a FANTASTIC day!! :)

  6. thanks a bunch! If you ever need another ct lady let me know! hehe ( little nudge nudge there lol) the dance looks like a blast. Love little boys, they are too funny!

  7. I really enjoyed your post today! And you don't know what you are doing to me with all your wordart, I am trying so hard to stick to freebies and quit purchasing stuff!! (times are tough everywhere!) Love the date frames and the stuff in the grab bag, too bad I missed it lol

  8. OMGosh this is perfect! Could you make one that says "Four"? (or did I miss it?)

  9. Crud, I meant to click the email response on this one hehe, oops!

  10. Do you have any of the frames for days of the week?

  11. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Beach/Sea/Fish Theme post on May. 08, 2009. Thanks again.

  12. Love all your Word Art!

    I lost my Mom 2 weeks ago. I will make something special with this. :) Thanks.

  13. WOW a 3 generation word art! What timing! My great Aunt just came in town and I got a picture of me, my mom, and her together! TY

  14. Thank you!

  15. thank you for these 2 wordarts! I have the PERFECT picture for the 4 generation! (It might be the ONLY one from our side also!)

  16. Awesome new products! Thank you so much for the 3 and 4 generation word art! I so LOVE your creations!!

  17. Thanks so much for doing "Four" - I've got at least 3 photos to do, 2 need scanned... hmmm, I wonder where they are!? Thanks again!

  18. I love all your new items. Thank you so much for the 3 generations.

  19. I just found your 4 generations word art. Thanks so much! It is perfect for a layout I am working on!

  20. Thanks for the 3 generations word-art. :)
