
Sunday, May 3, 2009


So, did you guys all have a fun time at NSD??? I know that I did :) I went to some chats, and even did a scrap :) Can you believe it??? I scrapped - LOL!

When I woke up yesterday morning at 6 am I had a POUNDING migraine. Not a good sign. I went to the freezer, and got the ice pack, and iced my neck, hoping it would help. I went back to sleep. I was hoping that it would help. Um, no, it didn't. At about 7:45 am, I took an migraine pill, and laid back down. I was online for a while, trying to see what was up with the chats, but dang, the headache wasn't letting up.

By 9 am, I was puking. Have you ever had that. Where your in such pain that it makes you throw up. By 10 am, I'd taken another pill, and went back to bed. I woke up at noon-ish, and felt MUCH better. A little druggie, but better. I still stayed in bed most of the day, just to make sure I didn't push it too far.

What did my kids do, you ask? Um, not sure - hehehe. I know that the computer was played, that the wading pool in the back yard was played in, and the TV was on later. A whole bag of tortilla chips was eaten, along with a whole jar of salsa and a whole container of sour cream. That bag of Hersheys kisses got eaten, a loaf of bread disappeared, as did 1/2 of the GIANT package of tortillas. Sigh. It's a good thing I'm not sick often. Poor kids.

I made sure the the doors were dead bolt locked so Jimmy wouldn't be streaking the neighborhood. Yeah, stop laughing - it's not funny - hehhehe. He really does that. How do you keep clothes on kids? I don't think my others had quite this problem.

So, I think next time I'm sick, I need to tell my boys to put sun screen on the little kids before thy let them in the little wading pool. Jimmy is SO sunburned. Poor kid. Joe got a little burn, and Eme? She just soaked it up and turned brown.

I didn't quite eat on my diet 100%, but I didn't go too crazy either. All in all, considering how sick I was earlier in the day, I was pretty pleased. I didn't eat the whole bag of Kisses like I was afraid I was gonna do, so it was a success - ROFL!!

Check out this layout I did at Amy's Template Challenge :) It's done using Irene's new kit, and has a few of the WordArts from my Grab Bag.

I still say designing WordArt is SO much easier and more fun for me :) Layouts don't come naturally. Templates sure do help, though :) Thanks, Amy! I had fun at the scrap :)

I was also at the Designer Trivia Chat hosted by Jennifer, and the chat with SuzyQScraps. I actually won a prize there, too! Thanks, girl :) I think it may have been that I was drugged up, but I had a fun time at the chats. So much for shy - hehehe. I just need to pop a few pills before I go to social situations - ROFL!!! (totally kidding, i'm not condoning that kind of behavior - hehehe)

You know, my email is getting behind again. So, if you sent me an email, just be patient with me. I will eventually get to it. Eventually :) hehehe. I know that's not a good excuse, but it is an excuse - LOL! Ha! My drugs must still be in my system - hehehe. Like at the chat when someone asked how I found time to design when I had 5 kids, and I told them that the kids were neglected - ROFL! Sigh.

Anway, here's your your freebee for the day :) I really liked how this one turned out. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG files, and leave some love if you like my work.

Walk - AL Professor


  1. I'm new to your blog. I just happened her by chance. I love how the Lord works! I've looked through and love it! Can't wait to do more exploring.

  2. Thanks so much for more nice word art. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm glad both you AND your kids survived your migraine.

  3. You have a great talent for putting the right fonts and words together. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. I can so relate to the migraine. Got one right now and had hubby bring me home early from church. I'm just eating something so my tummy doesn't rebel and I can sleep a bit. (Fast Sundays are not good for me. I know I can't skip meals but ...) Thanks so much for the word art. And isn't it wonderful to have kids who can entertain themselves and watch the littler ones?!

  5. Thank you for the wonderful wordart. I've been reading about your headaches lately and wanted to comment. You may want to check your hormones. When they begin to become unbalanced it can cause terrible headaches like you are describing. If you can't get the doctor to test them, keep asking until they do. I struggled with a doctor for over a year and finally got the tests and my health improved 110% within a very short time of finding the right natural treatments. I hope you find a solution soon. Keep up the good work and have a wonderful week.

  6. Wonderful! C.S. Lewis is one of my fav authors! Thank you!

  7. Commenting about the post above mine re: headaches. It's true that hormone imbalance can cause migraines. My mother suffered from them for *years*. Finally, her ob/gyn discovered she had uterine fibroids (not checking out the headaches, but unexplained weight gain). The fibroids were the size of grapefruits. Anyway, once that issue was resolved, she didn't get the migraines anymore...

    Ummm... the high amount of sugar in cookie dough might not help, either, lol! *DON'T* ask me how I know this!

    Take care of yourself!

  8. Bethany --
    I like this word art. Think I might just put it up as art in the house as a reminder:-) BUT the real reason I wanted to comment is because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the circular calendar in the grab bag. I would purchase another set with just the month name and not the year so I can keep on using it. It is totally going to be a favorite in my book. Hey, Have you considered using My Memories Suite as a scrapping program? Maybe you'd be able to scrap more---It requires less thought:o) I really love it for scrapping, even though I have PSE, too. I love PSE for other things.

    I hope you are feeling better. Have you tried chiropractic care to see if that might help the headaches? Mine are caused by neck issues. I also get them from sinusitis. Acupuncture helps too--and its not as bad as you think it will be.

  9. sorry you were soo sick with a migraine! if you have Noxema on hand, it takes the red outta sunburn pretty good and cools the skin too! :) LOVE your layout!
    Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL wa!! i really like this one too!
    Have a GREAT evening! :)

  10. Hey Bethany, I don't always leave comments,but I almost ALWAYS download, so just thought I would pop in and say THANK YOU!! I'm a bad bad blogger hehe. Also, where would we find that kit you used for your layout? I really liked the colors and the date circle you used :)

  11. Awe, thanks girls! Rose - The kit is from Irene Alexeeva, who sells at ScrapOrchard. It's one of her newer ones (they're listed in order of release). And the date circle element is in my grab bag! It'll be on its own in my store on Friday :)

  12. Bethany, I love your word art. You have a gift for laying out the words, and the quotes are always wonderful!
