
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A World Of Adventure

So how was your weekend??? Did you guys have a nice Memorial Day? Did you go to the cemetary? I know that Memorial day isn't all about honoring everyone who died, or even about honoring soldiers in general. It's about honoring those who died in the service of our country. But Memorial day HAS become a holiday to remember those who have passed on. I know that my parents went to the local cemetary and "visited" those loved ones and friends who have passed on.

I got a new calling at church on Sunday :) At our church, it's all volunteer service. The members "hold callings" and teach all the classes and such. Well, I'm now the 2nd counselor in the Primary orginazation. hehehe. That's the same calling I had in the last ward :) I REALLY enjoyed it, so I'm looking forward to doing it again. AND, it's the counselor over Cub Scouting, so I'm excited about getting Cub Scouts all straightened out too :) We need a Wolf leader and an 11 year old Scout leader. Hmmmmm, I think I know JUST the man for the job (of 11 year old leader).....oh Captain America..... :)

After church, our back yard neighbors invited us over to a BBQ. It was a lot of fun. It's the same group of neighbors we BBQ'ed with a week or so ago. But this time, Captain America got to come with us. The kids had a BLAST, and the food was very tasty.

It started raining while we were there ( I KNOW, it's not supposed to rain here, but since Captain America go back, the weather has been CRAZY), so the kids RAN to the picnic table and hid under the umbrella. It was TOO funny :)

I got to go walking on Monday morning WITHOUT children :) That was a change. The other 2 girls had their hubby's home too, so it was just the 3 of us. Let me tell ya, we can walk faster without children - LOL! It was a good time :)

Captain America, the kids, and I made a quick trip to Wal-Mart today. I needed new "summer" make-up, and we just wanted to get out of the house for a little while. They're remodeling our Wal-Mart, so it was a mess there. But, I think it's gonna look very nice when they're all done :)

We spent a lazy day at home for the rest of the day. The kids played in the slip-n-slide with their friends, and Captain America and I just relaxed. Here's a pic of Joe and the 3 little neighbor boys. The one in the blue shirt is the same age as Emeline, and the 2 little ones are twins that are the same age as Joe. It was their house that we went to the BBQ on Sunday night.

And here's the big kids playing on the slip-n-slide. OK, I know this is supposed to be fun, but running full steam, then flopping oneself onto a piece of wet plastic and sliding the length of the yard does not appeal to me. Like a sea lion sliding down the ice. Um, no thanks. And doesn't it hurt? When you flop? Ouch. I'd rather just sit under the sprinkler. Or better yet, stay in my nice air conditioned house - ROFL!

So after taking a few pics of the kids outside, I turned the camera on myself - LOL! Captain America was in the kitchen doing something, and grabbed him and got a quick pic of the two of us. Sorry about the no eye make-up - LOL! Some days are like that :) But see, my face isn't pastey. The new foundation did it's job. One of these days I should take a before/after picture of myself with make-up - THAT would be scary :)

And, I had to get a pic of Jim. Here he is getting a refil of Frozen Peas. Are we SURE he's my child? ROFL!!! I can't stand peas, but this kid thinks it's a TREAT to grab a cup of frozen peas to much on. Good for you, Jim!

I must say, I was VERY frustrated with my TV last night. I found that if I positioned the antenna just so, and had Captain America stand by the door with his arms raised in the air, I could watch Medium on NBC. But, he refused to stand that way. I seriously almost burst into tears. ROFL! I guess I'll just have to watch it later online. I mean, come on. How hard is it to stand with your arms in the air for an hour. It's not like I wouldn't have given him a break during the commercials. I guess to his benefit, he DID give me a hug and pat me on the back. I GUESS that makes up for it - LOL!

I've been feeling the pull to go back and read Twilight again. Sigh. I really don't have the time, but I'd SO like to read it again. OR, do you girls know of any other good series that I could get into?

I found this title, and thought it was SO cool! I just had to WordArt it. Hehehehe, I just used WordArt as a verb - ROLF! Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)


  1. Lovely word art, very versatile too. Thank you!

    Sorry to hear your husband wouldn't stand and function as an antenna... lol

  2. Thanks for the word art!

    I think Twilight has spoiled us for any other reading at the moment. I only just read the first two in a matter of a couple of days! Now I have to go & get the last two in hardcover b/c I can't wait til they come out in paperback which I prefer. Ugh...I'm totally addicted! Why can't we all have our very own Edward Cullen?? lol


  3. Hey! I think we had the same weekend! BBQ in the rain, a little slip and sliding and new Primary presidency callings. I just got called as the President. I'd take you as a counselor any day and I may be e-mailing you with cub scout questions!!!!!

  4. I can think of lots of uses for this wa! Visit to Epcot, any traveling - especially outside US. This will definitely get lots of use from me! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Very nice. Thank you.

    I've been reading a series by Maria Snyder. The first book is "Poison Study" followed by "Magic Study" (the one I'm currently on), "Fire Study" and I forgot the newest one. I'm liking the books. There are twists and turns and little jaw droppers every once in awhile. My next series to tackle is the "Mortal Instruments" series by Cassandra Clare. I don't really have time to read either, but I listen to them on my iPod while doing things around the house.

  6. Try the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon; huge books that are historical and seriously romantic. Its kinda about time travel to the Scottish Highlands, weird to explain but really good!

  7. Ok, I never comment but I actually came out of my RSS reader to give you a reading suggestion. Try these - The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward. They are vampire romance but for big girls :) Seriously - really really good!

    Oh - and the frozen peas thing - my middle daughter did that too. Weird kids!

  8. I haven't read any of them yet but I heard that the "House of Night" is a good series. It is about vampires.

  9. Thank you for faithfully sharing every day. I do love your work!

  10. Thanks for the wonderful WA! Not sure if my taste in books aligns with yours very well. but some of my favorites (including ones from when I was a teen that I still re-read) include pretty much any Janet Lambert book (not sure if her series had names, but most of them centered around the same few families - military families at that!), L.M.Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables and Emily of New Moon, Lenora Mattingly Weber's Beany Malone series, Jan Karon's Mitford books, Janette Oke's Love Comes Softly books, etc. etc.

  11. Sharon from TexasMay 26, 2009 at 4:24 PM


    Thank you for your word art. I look forward to your daily blog. Your life reminds me of mine when my kids were younger.

    One series I always read as they come out is the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. It starts with One for the Money and goes up to Fourteen (can't remember the name off hand). I know that Fifteen comes out in June.

    These books are soo funny! When I read them in bed at night, I have to cover my mouth with a pillow to keep from waking up my DH with my laughing. LOL

    I see Julia Dreyfus (don't think I got her name right) as Stephanie and Monique as her sidekick. You just have to try them...


  12. If you haven't tried Fablehaven by Brandon Mull, you should. Also "The Princess Academy" and "Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale. Our primary presidency really liked these!

  13. I know what you mean about Twilight, I'm ready to re-read too! I was able to borrow 3 & 4 so I can wait to buy in paperback ;-) I really liked Wicked & the sequel, Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire; not quite as intense as Twilight, but I read them in pretty short time. (Wicked is The Wizard of Oz from the Wicked Witch of the West's point of view) So glad for you that Brent is home! Hope he doesn't have to leave again for quite some time (like never!) Hugs, Angel

  14. Thanks for another great WordArt! And I don't think Jim is strange at a kid (and now as an adult), I really enjoy eating frozen corn kernels. I like it better frozen than fresh. It's just one of those things.

  15. Fun pics of the kids, hiding from the rain and then in the hose!

    I love frozen peas, too LOL!

    Our phones used to be have like your TV, frustrating! We just got new ones and I'm dancing around the house talking ;-)

    Thanks always for the fun word art.

  16. Love the WA. Love the blog! I check in everyday even when I am not downloading your WA! I am hooked on your down to earth personality! Good luck in Primary!

  17. So I loved (LOVED) the Twilight series, nothing even comes close... but here are some of my other favorites:
    *the Sookie Stackhouse series (also known as the Southern Vampire series- very adult version of Twilight) written by Charlaine Harris
    *Uglies series (Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras), surprisingly good (don't know the author off the top of my head)
    *City of Bones series... SO good. Just got done with the second book and I can't wait until the 3rd one comes out in paperback.
    *some of my other favs-Bitter is the New Black, Love the One Your With, the Shopaholic series...

    hope that helps! =)
    and, as always, thanks for the word art!

  18. oh it looked like you had a WONDERFUL day! even the rain looked fun! :) Thank you for sharing your AWESOME wa too! Have a SUPER evening! :)

  19. Awesome word art! Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me the name of that awesome font that you used for the word "adventure" I'd love to be able to journal with it on my layouts.

    I'm another one voting for the Sookie Stackhouse series!!

  20. Thanks for the WA - so cool.
    I've read the Twilight series 3 or 4 times now - and decided I needed to give it a rest and get some things done around the house :) But if you're wanting ideas: my fave author is Lynn Kurland. She has 3 diff. series going. One is fantasy, the other 2 are historical romance w/ some time travel - very fun to read. :) Get the reading order at (fyi - she writes "clean" romance, not rated R :)) I would also second the vote for LM Montgomery - I may have to pick those up and read them again myself.
    I have also heard good things about Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series and Wicked, but haven't read them myself yet.

  21. I have only read Twilight once, but am currently listening to the audio books. I have it on my ipod and listen while doing dishes and when I go for walks. I decided this way I could still drop myself into Twilight world without spending hours on the couch sucked into the books. I do plan on reading them again one day though, just lol I also wanted to tell you that I love that you take pictures of yourself and post them all the time! I hate taking pictures and admire that you do that. I have a word art request also - "be where you are while you're there"


  22. Brenda from OdessaMay 27, 2009 at 1:53 AM

    Thanks for the word art.

    The weather is strange for May/first of June. The storms "railroading" like they are is more like the monsoon, but that usually happens in July, not May. At any rate, it won't last long enough or come often enough. As a Northwest transplant myself, I hated rain for many years, but now I really look forward to long as it doesn't last more than a couple hours.

  23. someone mentioned the Uglies Series of is by Scott Westerfield and they are really really good =)

    i would also recommend The Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith and The Luxe series by Anna Godbersen. They are all very good =)

  24. Thanks for the word art! I laughed at your slip and slide description and even read it to my DH. As far as books go, I second the Janet Evanovich recommendation. I also read the "In Death" series by JD Robb (aka Nora Roberts). The language is a little rough, so if that bothers you don't go there. But I like them and they are my guilty pleasure! There are a bunch of them out there (20+) and if you have a used bookstore around I'm sure you can find them there. Our library has them too,

  25. this will be perfect for our Walt Disney World vacation! TYVM

  26. So glad to hear that you sweetie is home!! Thanks for all the wonderful WA! I read your blog faithfully lol!

    I am off work for the summer and plan to read Twilight again. I would also second the opinion on someone who suggested Janet Evonvich..she is sooo funny and is the only person that I read that makes me LOL while I am reading. husband would listen to me roll in bed at night with laughter and he finally read them all and he really loves them too (and he's more of a sci-fi guy...although he did read the Twilight series and sometimes I can get him to read Nora Roberts...who btw is another good one to read). If you like the vampire stories then you may want to try Nora Roberts Circle Trilogy (Morrigan's Cross, Dance of the Gods & Valley of Silence)


  27. Bethany,
    The Twilight series IS great, and I have read them over 5 times each in the past 12 months! But have you read The Host, Stephenie Meyer's other book? I loved it MORE than all of the books in the Twilight series except Breaking Dawn :) Another book that caught my interest that gave me the same contentment as Twilight was Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder, it is the first in a series of 3!
