
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dirty Kid

Wow, it was a busy day yesterday. It's gonna be a short blog post today. I'll write more tomorrow. I had a FABULOUS last day of the marriage class. We learned about being ready for deployment (my hubby's not deploying any time soon, but the people who the class was for are), a class about conflict, and a class about sexual intimacy. All three were GREAT! I'll share some more tomorrow about these. We learned some really good stuff.

The kids had fun at the childcare place again. Some were disappointed that we weren't coming back today. hehehe. When we came home, Joe and Eme went with Laurie and her kids for a play date. I went home, and got the kids some left overs for dinner. I waited about an hour, and ate a late dinner. Captain America had already beat us home.

He and the big boys cleaned out the garage last night. We couldn't even walk through it last week. Sigh. One of these days, we'll get it cleaned :) I finished off my Twilight series (Breaking Dawn), and started WordArting for the day. I didn't even get done until 11:30pm. Hence the short post. I promise, though, tomorrow I'll share the info about the marriage conference.

Today we need to go grocery shopping. And I'm going mall shopping with Andrea and her friend. Well, I'm just going along for the ride, really. I'm not shopping. I'm saving my dollars for food. hehehe. Come to think of it, Andrea isn't shopping either. She saving her dollars for her family vacation next week. They're going to Idaho. I guess we'll just watch Andreas friend shop - ROFL! Living vicariously has its advantages for your pocketbook :)

This WordArt request is from Sheri. And you know what? It's SO true. My kids are never more happy than when they're dirty (and wet). Funny kids :) Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, you must be logged onto the gallery in order to get the download. Thanks!

Well, it appears that Scraporchard's freebee server is having issues. And no one in management is returning my emails....... So, until they decide to talk to me again (lol!), I'm gonna off site host this. Cause I like you guys THAT much :) So, unil the above link works, click on the link below to go to my account to download the ZIP file.


  1. thanks for the great freebies, including todays. i tried to download but kept getting an error about the site being disabled. Just wanted to let you know.

  2. I'm getting the same error. Thanks for all you do!!!!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! have a WONDERFUL day! :)

  4. Thank you - I was getting the same error. Glad to be able to download another of your fabulous word arts!

  5. So cute! Thanks! I love this.

  6. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Hybrid Project(s) post on Jun. 24, 2009. Thanks again.

  7. Awesome of you to host it yourself!
    Thanks so much for the WordArt, it's one to fit many pictures! :)

  8. This is cute! Thanks so much!

  9. If you are like me, I am a little depressed that I finished Breaking Dawn!! I want to read more!! Kathy

  10. I have so many dirty kid pictures that I can use this for! Also, here is a request for a word art (and I know you are behind on e-mail so I'll forgive you if you don't get to it right away!!) "A good mother has dirty floors and happy children"
    Thanks for the freebie!

  11. Sylvia from AlabamaJune 25, 2009 at 6:19 AM

    What a perfect statement! Thank you so much.

  12. Thank you!!! It's beautiful as usual! I just love your wordarts! :)

  13. HA! LOVE IT! I have long said "if they're not dirty they're not having any fun" so this is awesome! THANK YOU!

  14. Thank you for the word art...believe this or not...I have 3 boys...and I only have a VERY VERY few pictures of them ever being dirty...and it was when they came home from Cub Scout Day Camp and were hosed down by the fire department and they fell in the mud! I have very "clean" boys ... they don't like to take showers...but they never get DIRT on them. lol

  15. This is definitely my grandson - thanks!

  16. do you know my little baby daugther?
    you must have seen her eating icecream ;-)

    thanks for the cute WA!

  17. omg, seriously, you ALWAYS make the perfect word arts for my photos!!

  18. Thank you, tahnk you, thank you ever so much for sharing your talent with us! Absolutely looooooove this wordart. Hugs, Cris
