
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Love You Dad

Another busy day in the Harty Household yesterday :) After getting the kids to school, (yep, they were all healthy enough to go - gotta LOVE the 24 hour variety of sicknesses - LOL) I made some phone calls. I set up an appointment for Tom for speech at the doctor. Apparently, the doctor can refer us to a specialist, and hopefully help the kids during the summer. Maybe he can start 4th grade without his speech issues. Woudln't that be nice :) So, today at 6:45am, I'll be at the doctors office with 4 children (Jacob is capable of getting himself ready and getting to school on his own. The others? Not so much - they'll be with Tom and I)

I tried to get an appointment for Jake to get his wart removed, but they were all filled up. They said trying calling back the next few mornings at 6:30 am and seeing if they had anything those days. Yeah, like I don't have anything else going on at 6:30am. SLEEPING, people! LOL! I have some warts (yeah, EMBARASSING!) on the soles of my feet that need to get removed too. But again, unless I wanna camp out on the phone in the wee hours of the morning, I'm stuck with them. I did find the number for the migraine medicine refill place. It's gonna be ready on Thursday. So don't go saying your me and trying to take my medicine. I wouldn't be too happy about that - LOL!

I called the Housing place, and got a few work orders put in. The bathroom fan doesn't work, the front door jam and screen door is all jacked up, and the backyard sprinkler head was ran over by a lawn mower before we got here. So there's a little lake in the backyard when the sprinkler turns on. They're coming on Monday of next week.

Then, it was off for a walk. We made it short, because the other girls had Doctors appointments for their kids at 10am. Captain America got home from his meeting at about the same time that I did, and we hung out for an hour or so. After Andrea was done with the doctor, Captain America, Jimmy, I, Andrea, and her little one headed out for El Taco Tote for lunch. It was a lot of fun. But BOY was it spicy. I'm still not used to this spicy food. My lips and throat were BURNING. Good thing El Taco Tote has Diet/Caffienne Free soda! Light Lemonade is the BEST. hehehe.

Captain America headed back to work, and Andrea and I headed back to her house. Some woman almost ran us off the road, but we were fine. Good thing Andrea has good breaks. Dang! Crazy woman drive - ROFL!

We had a fun afternoon, hanging out and cleaning at Andrea's house. Remember, Maren, when I used to come to your house and help you clean! Miss you, friend! I watched Andreas little boy so that she could go and pick up our kids from school, then we headed to the park at 4pm.

It was a BEAUTIFUL sunny day, and the park had just the right amount of wind. It was a GRAND time :) Captain America came too, and taught 3 of the little boys how to throw, catch, and pass a football. I think they had a good time :) Andrea and I help watch the little kids of a lady at church who's hubby just deployed. I'm SO loving the Army community. They really watch out for each other.

I got a 1/2 hour nap after dinner, and cleaned up the house a bit. I'm sure there was some facebooking in there somewhere too - LOL!

My neighbor was telling me about the new Twilight Trailer yesterday, and then one of my CT girls ALSO sent me the link. Thanks, girls! It was AMAZING! Can't wait until November! Check out the trailer yourself below:

<a href="" target="_blank">The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Trailer'</a>
Did anyone watch The Tonight Show last night? What do you think about Conon O'Brien? Like him? Think he's gonna do good?

This WordArt request is from Allison. I just LOVED it, and had to "wordart" it - LOL! Hope you like it too :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work ;) thanks!


  1. Okay my heart is pounding now!!! I can't wait to see the movie! I have forgotten what happens in the book, I guess I'll have to read them all again before the movie domes out. WOW!!! That's the first trailer I've seen yet and I'm impressed so far!
    Thanks for posting it!

  2. Love the wordart (as usual)!

    Do you think you could make two variations of it -- with "his" and "her" so that it could be used by parents with only one kiddo?


  3. Wow! This is an AWESOME wa! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. GREAT wa! Thank you for sharing! :)
    We watched Conan... and thought the beginning was FUN, where he couldn't get a cab in NY and ran all the way to CA! LOL i hope he does well, in that time slot! :) Have a TERRIFIC day!

  5. May I echo a request here - a singular version? I've many photos of my hubby and FIL and that sentiment [singular] would be perfect for a Father's Day album. Thanks for the word art - and, yes, the trailer's pretty cool.

  6. Love this word art.Sometimes you out do yourself.
    Sandra from Germany

  7. Conan has been, and will continue to be the best late night host. I'm just glad I don't have to stay up as late to watch him anymore.

    That opening sequence when he ran to L.A., and ran past the Arch caused some commotion here in Edwardsville. At some part of the day of filming, he and the camera crew came in to the DQ in Edwardsville. Why they came to Edwardsville and not one of the other metro east communities, I have no idea.

  8. Fantastic Word art once again. I've been a fan of yours for several months now, and really enjoy getting to know you and your family. Thanks again for all you do, and glad to hear your family is well.

  9. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Father's Day Theme post on Jun. 02, 2009. Thanks again.

  10. Thanks Bethany! Love this one. Your daily posts just make my day! Glad you're all feeling better.

  11. really gorgeous your wordart!!!
    Gonna look at the trailer now :D

  12. Thanks for the WordArt!!! (As for the warts - try putting a piece of duct tape on them. Don't remove them for at least one week. The doc told us to do this for my son and it worked! We had to do it a couple of times though!)

  13. this is great thank you, is it possible to get one that says his dad instead of their dad? I only have one son

  14. Bethany,

    Thank you for all of your work. I make sure I check with your blog every day to see your newest creation and to hear about your sweet family.

    I have a request. I have been looking around for WA on friendship...or I have over the past few months. I am amazed that there are so few. Would you make some about friendship...just different kinds of friendship. Long-term friends, a new friend, childhood friends renewed, etc.


  15. Thank you for another great wordart...and for sharing another day in the life of, Harty Family! You Rock!

  16. Hello - just discovered your blog. I've downloaded some of your nifty word-art. It's really sweet of you to share and greatly appreciated. I like the way your write about your daily life and hope to stop by again. Best wishes for you and your family! :)

  17. This goes perfect with what I'm working on! Thanks!

  18. This is amazing! I love it! With so many of my girlfriends going through divorces with deadbeat dads, it's a very true statement for my husband right now.

    Thank you thank you!

  19. Thank you much for the words! I couldn't have put it better myself.

  20. This is such a wonderful saying! Thanks for posting it :)
    I also posted the New Moon trailer, I totally can't wait! At least it gives me something to look forward to when winter returns lol

  21. thanks for the word art. perfect timing for father's day.

  22. Oh gosh your word art is simply amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  23. What a terrific quote! Thanks for sharing.
