
Friday, June 26, 2009

Success in Life

All right, let's start our Friday off right with some Fresh Fruit in the Orchard (hehehe, I'm SO not a salesman - LOL) Here's 4 new WordArt packs, just from me! I hear that Canada day is just around the corner, so here's a Wordart pack for your Canadians, just in time.

And some baby attitude, some "flashback" wordart, and even a Collab. I did the collab with "Faba Scrap Designs", and think her elements are just DIVINE!

Click HERE to go to my store, and don't forget, all Fresh Fruit is 20% off for the first week, making each WordArt pack only $2.00. Hurry!

This layout is by Trina - don't you just LOVE the 80's - hehehe :)

So, I know I've been promising you guys a re-cap of day 2 of the marriage seminar, but this is not that day. I was out late again. Bad, bad, I know.

I started my day off at 8:15am, when the kids woke me up. I dragged my tired butt out of bed (3 hours of sleep), got my breakfast, and tried to stay awake. We did a few things around the house, but honestly, the morning was a blur. I know that I took a shower and shaved, since we were going to the pool, and I didn't want to scary anyone. LOL!

At 10:45am, Jimmy, Tom and I made sandwiches and got lunch ready for the pool. I like to bring a little extra, to share with everyone. We made Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, but into quarters, chips and salsa, and sliced apples. Plus water. Plus the left over juice drink from Scouts last night. Plus the left over cookies from Scout too. All in all, it was a tasty lunch.

We got to the pool a little after 11am, and had the pool to ourselves. There were a few people there, but not many. I was wearing my new swimsuit that I got from Adela, and it was BEAUTIFUL. I just love it :)

Jacob had to stay home, because I didn't want him out in the sun while his burn is healing. And let me say, his face looks FABULOUS. All the scabs are gone, and only a pailer color skin is left. He'll be good to go next week, I'm sure.

The kids and I played in the big pool for quite a while. It actually felt warm. Katy and her kids showed up at about noon. I'd gotten out, and the kids ate some lunch, and when Katy got there, we all got back in again. It wasn't quite as warm the second time around. Why is that, I wonder?

We played for a while, and Katy even went down the big water slide, at the insistance of her 13 year old daughter. I woudln't let them talk me into going. I didn't want to go underwater, because I always get water stuck in my ears. Not my favorite thing :)

Laurie and her kids got there at about 1:30pm, and we chatted and visited for a little while. Katy and I were both EXHAUSED from staying up so late the night before, so I'm not sure that we were terribly great company for poor Laurie :)

We went home at about 3:00, and Laurie took Tom and Emeline with her. They were SO excited about playing over at the Timmons house. I was excited to come home with only 3 children and take a nap.

The kids watched a movie, and after starting a load of my own laundry, I took a nap. I slept from 3:30 to 4:15, got up, checked on the kids, then slept again till about 5:15pm. It felt good to get a nap. Andrea called and said that she needed to make cupcakes for one of her kids' camp party today, and that she didn't have frosting. I told her I'd make up some, and bring it down later. Jimmy and I had fun making the frosting, and he was a GREAT help at tasting it - hehehehe.

I cooked dinner for the kids, and cooked dinner for myself later. Captain America was home by 6:00pm, and we ended up going on a walk together after Laurie dropped the kids back off. I think that was around 8:30pm. We walked for about 28 minutes. Just in the neighborhood. I showed him where all of my friends lived, and he told me all about class.

At 9pm, I headed down to Andreas house. I helped her frost cupcakes. Adela was over with all her kids playing, too. We noticed something out the kitchen window, and it was Katy dancing in her kitchen, trying to get our attention. Funny girl! She came over and hung out too. They all left at 10:30pm, and Andrea wanted me to stay and watch a movie. It didn't take much to convince me to hang out. I'm a sucker for hanging out :)

We cleaned up a bit (well, she did, and I was moral support - LOL), then started a movie. It was called Ghost Town. We were each laying on a couch with a blanket, and Andrea was out in 3 minutes. I think I held out for about 15 minutes, and didn't catch much of the movie after that. I woke up for the last 5. Hehehe. Not to self. Don't start a movie when your beat tired, or at least not on a comfy couch with a thick blanket. hehehe.

I got up, put on my shoes, and made my way, slowly, to the door. We chatted for another hour or so, but I finally went home. 2:30am is much better than 4:15am. Andrea is going on Vacation to Idaho next week, so I had to get in all my girl time before she left. I should sleep well the week she's gone. Sleep well, but be bored :) See, Andrea, you'll be missed!

This WordArt request is from Lisa. I thought it was very nice, and just love, visually, how this WordArt turned out :) I can't wait to see your layouts for it! Click on the link below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Success - Felix Titling
In, Life - AL Verdirgis


  1. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 8 post on Jun. 26, 2009. Thanks again.

  2. Wow, you are fast!!!!! Thanks for the word art. I LOVE that quote.

  3. thank you so much for sharing your LOVELY wa!! :) Have a GREAT day!

  4. Hi! I thought you might be interested in this website -

    They have free downloadable Twiglight bookmarks.

  5. Loved the baby ones!! It was an instant sell:-)

  6. Your word art is always so "On target" and true to life! I love it! thanks for sharing your talent with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
