
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Baby's First Step

I still remember when my oldest learned to walk. We had friends visiting (on their way moving from Alaska to Maine (Coast Guard family)) who had a little girl about 8 months older than Jacob. He was 9 1/2 months old, and was fascinated with the fact that Sariah could walk. He watched her for a day, studying all that she did. The next day, he stood up and took off! Ahhhhh. Life was never the same since :) It's funny how we're so excited for our oldest walk, but with subsiquent children, we realize how much trouble they can get themselves into!!! hehehe.

Hope you like this 7th (is that right?) and final installment in the Baby's First Series. Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

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