
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Busy Living Life

First off, thanks so much to Lois, who found a TON of great WordArt potential quotes for me in magazine she was looking through the other day. This is only one of about 10-15 awesome quotes or sayings that she found. So, THANK YOU!

I thought that this WordArt turned out quite well. And how true it is. Sometimes, I think I'm way too busy, and should just stop and enjoy where I am in life. Now, I don't work outside the home, but that doesn't mean that this quote can't apply to me too! Making a living means the things that we do, not the money that we earn. We shouldn't get so wrapped up in the "good" things that we do that we forget, or neglect, the "great" things that we could be doing!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.


  1. GREAT quote, GORGEOUS word art. Thanks!

  2. love this, comparable to "it's no use thinking about the past or the future if you don't enjoy the ride " (quote from along came Polly)

    txs again

