
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Seize the Moment

Well, we're 1/2 way through the week already (have you noticed that the older we get, the faster time seems to go - holy cow!). I'm hoping to have a nice relaxing day at home today. Walking to the library with the kids at lunchtime, and designing in the afternoon. What could be better :) Don't you just LOVE summer!!!

Oh yeah, and make sure you check out my new Elegant WordArt by Bethany @ Scraporchard blinkie! Alice did a FABULOUS job on it. Isn't it pretty :)

WordArt Wednesday, yet again! Aren't you excited (OK, so maybe not so much with the excitement - lol!) But, it is a COOL WordArt :)

Ha! I even spelled seize right :) lol! I first had it sieze, and i just knew that something was wrong - hehehe. I thought that it turned out pretty well :) This request is from Tina. What a great saying!!! Lovin' it :)
Click HERE to go to Scraporchard and download the file. Remember, you have to be registered with the gallery to get the freebie :)

Seize, the - Al Sandra
Moment - Pharmacy

Ha! I knew those fonts by heart, and didn't need to look them up - hehehe


  1. LOL I am getting better at recognizing some fonts but not that many so am happy you always list what font you use even if it is the same as one used yesterday. At my age I forget things from an hour ago!

  2. Thank you for the great word art! Brillant as usual!

  3. Thanks for sharing your beautiful word art! I really appreciate them!


  4. Beautiful word-art indeed. I really like how you have put the two different fonts together. Looks cool.

    Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.

  5. I just wanted to share my layout with you since I am the one to request this. Thanks for looking.
