
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Love Always

Just had to say, Happy Birthday Jacob! My baby is turning 11! Holy crap, that makes me old, doesn't it - ha! Happy B-Day Jacob! I love you!!!

Yesterday, we had a FABULOUS day at the Airport. hehehe. Our tiny little town (about 8000 people) has a very tiny little airport, and they were hosting an Aviation day for the public. They had a few Ambulance planes, the Coast Guard helicopter, and about 4 tiny planes. The little ones (4 seaters) were giving out free rides. Of course, my kids talked me into it.

As we waited in the line (slow moving, since only 3 can go at a time), the lady in charge was going down the line, looking for a single kid to go up. See, the 3 seats needed to be 2 adults and 1 child. Well, the average age of the person there was probably 70 (ha!), so I had the monopoly on kids - hehehe. They asked Jacob first, and since my kids have no fear, he went first.

When he got back, Tom got to go, and then Eme in the next plane. While they were still up there, I realized a flaw in my plan. While they got to jump to the front of the line, Joe, Jim, and I were getting closer to the front all the time, and I no longer had someone to send Joe up in the plane with. That left only me. Crud. I didn't want to go! I'm deathly afraid of heights (like dog afraid - hehehe). Remember my post about Serpent Mound, and not even wanting to climb the tower. Yeah, nice. Me in a tiny little plane. I about wet myself!

But, I made it. And, I didn't die. I was very happy when we finally landed - LOL! But, I managed to get some GREAT photos, and even a little movie of the trip. Take a look at my FAB pics :)

Yeah, see what I mean - tiny plane - how scary :)

Gotta love the Pacific Ocean. See how close my town is from it!!!

Hehehe, here I am, with my headset on and everything!

This lake is where the kids and I go swimming - it's FABULOUS!!!

See that water tower to the right side, near the bottom? We live VERY near there! Ha! Now you know where I live!!! Just call before you come over - LOL! And, if you want to watch the little 1 minute movie of our flight, click HERE.

And, on to WordArt. Again, I didn't do a request. I'll eventually get back to it, I promise. I thought you would all LOVE this WordArt, since the book is pretty sweet (but, I did have issues with the old mom sneaking into the boys house and getting him out of bed and holding him - LMBO! - that's a little creepy). Hope you like it!

Love - Impact
Always - Al Sandra


  1. Way to go girl! I always tell myself it's not about me, it's about the kid. Mostly gets me through the stuff I'd rather not do and sometimes gets me into the fun I hadn't expected. Great snaps!

  2. What a fun day! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. Love the quote today -- it's from one of my all-time favorite books.

  3. Birthday wishes to your son! Thanks for the word art...I LOVE that book!

  4. Thanks for this wordart. I too thought the same thing about the mom. LOL

  5. We are on a Robert Munsch kick in our house right now...This is a sweet story but I do agree, a bit creepy.

  6. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 01 Sep [LA 12:00am, NY 02:00am, UK 07:00am, OZ 05:00pm] ).

  7. those pictures as so cool - we recently had an air show too and we took a hellicopter ride we had never done that before it was cool but scary too - I would love the size of your town ours is about 2400 people ( and that number included the inmates at 2 prisons LOL ) so we are pretty small with little shopping i think your is perfect size and next to the water what could be better

    thanks for the word art

  8. I love that book, and I agree with the creepy part ... Beautiful pictures. I would be scared to go up, too, but I'd also love to do it.

  9. This is so perfect! My mama always used to read my siblings and me this story when we were going up. ^^

  10. Thank you so much. I have read the book to my gds. Love the quote.
