
Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I made the yummiest smelling dinner tonight! White beans, bacon, diced spiced tomatoes, and Currywourst seasoning. In the crock pot. It smelled AWESOME. I'm still on my diet, so I didn't get any, but it made me want some :)

My friend, Becky, who's family is stationed in Germany, sent me a package the other day (thanks, girl!!!) full of army info, and also filled with German food. It was FANTASTIC!!! The currywourst seasoning pack was in there. There were some chocolates, some cookies, and some real Germal saurkraut. I'm saving that for when my DH comes home at X-mas. He's gonna LOVE it!

And, I got a letter from my hubby today. Poor guy, he's having a rough week (or had, it was dated last week). Apparently, a few individuals in his platoon decided to run a candy bar racketeering thingy. The Drills found out about it, and sent the whole platoon back to day one, "Red Phase".

See, the way BCT (Basic Combat Training) works, you have Red Phase, White Phase, and Blue Phase. Each phase you pass to, you get more privileges. Well, DH was just getting ready to pass into the Blue phase, where he might get phone calls. I was pretty excited at the thought, but crappit! It's not gonna happen now! OH well.

And, all because some 19 year old couldn't go for 9 weeks without a freakin' candy bar. Come on, guys! Grow up a little. I haven't had a candy bar (or bread, or sugar, or anything) since the beginning of May, and I'm doing just fine :)

OK, now that that's out of my system, I feel much better :) I'm really excited to see Captain America in October, which is now only like 16 days away!!! Woohoo!!! I've gotta decide what I'm gonna wear!

And, if anyone is still reading this extremely long post (LMBO), I was wondering if anyone wanted to be my "blog manager". I need someone to link the daily WordArts (file them away) on the side of my blog, and stuff like that. Blog management, I guess :) I'd give you a $10.00 coupon to my store each month as payment. So, anyone who is interested, just email me :) Thanks!

I thought that this WordArt would be fun! So fun, in fact, that I scrapped a layout with it! Hehehe. So, here ya go! Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Hard - Frakurika

Papers - Ziggle Designs (SK8R)
WordArt - ME!!!


  1. Thanks for the wordart! Sorry to hear about your hubby,..that stinks! Your meal sounds great..anything with curry is yummy!

  2. i'd love to help put with the links maintenance :) i'm always fiddling with my own blog so i actually enjoy the sometimes headscratching frustrating task of making and fixing links. :D

    (i use wordpress but i have several google accounts so i can also log on to blogger)

  3. That stinks about your husband's platoon!! I laughed when I read about your own self control about food. If you can do it, those guys can do it. I'm just sorry that you don't get a phone call from your husband!

  4. LMBO! Sorry it's not funny that Brent can't call you but your rant was hilarious! Candy bar racketeering! With all those darn military conspiracy type movies I've seen, I about died with a fit of the giggles.

  5. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 17 Sep [LA 12:00am, NY 02:00am, UK 07:00am, OZ 05:00pm] ).

  6. thanks for beautiful w.a. , but are you sure about name of the font "Frakurika " ?? Did a search and nothing matches that word !?!
