
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Learning Everywhere

I thought I'd share some 1st day of school pictures with you all! The kids all had a wonderful time on their first day of school. They were happy, and excited, and ready to go back tomorrow. Everything a parent wants to hear! Good job, kids!!!

Here's the whole gang on the first day of school. Joe had a Kindergarten Orientation meeting at noon, but still wanted to get dressed up and walk to the bus stop with the others. Jimmy is getting sick, but wanted to come too. My kids are sure getting big! (hehehe, you'd think they got along from this picture - LOL!)

Isn't Eme cute? Grandma Lyn bought her this ADORABLE outfit for the first day of school. Such a cutie!

Ha! Look how funny I am in this picture! The "What Not To Wear" crew's gonna fine me for SURE!!! Hair not fixed, glasses on, capri sweat pants (hehehe), wool socks, and sandals. Yep, I've got style. My man doesn't have anything to worry about while he's away - LMBO!!!

After school, Jacob had his Tackle Football practice. All the kids came, and had fun playing at the park. My brothers daughter, Taylor, met us there to play. She and Eme have a lot of fun playing together. She's a kindergartner too, just like Joe!

Although this pic is a bit blurry, I thought it was super cute of Jimmy and I. Like I said, he's not feeling well today, and just wanted to snuggle the whole time. That's always a sign that he's not feeling well. That, and the fact that he didn't eat. He had food several times, but he just held onto it. A 2 year old that holds a sucker and doesn't eat or lick it is definitely sick - LOL! Poor little guy. I sure hope he's feeling better tomorrow.
And, finally, a pic of Jacob playing football. He's gonna be on the line. He's a tough, big kid, and loves what he's doing. Great going, Jacob! He's the 4th one from the left, wearing the dark blue shirt.

Here's my WordArt Wednesday WordArt! I thought it was pretty cool. I hope you can all use it, especially since school is getting back in the swing of things!

Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file from the gallery. Remember, you need to be logged into the gallery to download the file. Thanks!


  1. CUTE first day of school picture! When did you get old enough to have kids that old?

  2. Love the pics.
    Your " what not to wear" comment cracked me up...I love that show but am always terrified they will see me on the street and call me out :)

    Thanks for the word art! Perfect for 1st day of school layouts

  3. My request:
    You light up my life! Nancy Boone

    This is a song that was sung at our wedding 30 years ago.

