
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Joy in the Journey

Here's a few pics of Emeline, on her 7th Birthday :) Isn't she a cutie! This is one of the new tops that Grandma and Grandpa got her. She was so pleased that her hair was getting long. You're so pretty, Em!

Here she is, with her mini cake, her wand, and her tiara. She thought she was hot stuff - LMBO!

And, she got a Rescue pet from Grandma and Grandpa. She was THRILLED with it! It was soft, and snuggly, and made sounds, and moved it's eyes. She was in hog heaven! She also got a phone call from her dad, a card from Joy Simco, money from Grandma Ida, and money from Aunt Sue/Uncle Steve. I got her a helium balloon and new socks (yeah, lame present, but the paycheck isn't in yet - LOL!) I did go to the dollar store, and get some little goodie bags filled with candy and stuff, and took them to her class. That counts, right - hehehe.

Yesterday was day 8 of jogging. Someone was asking what kind of pace I have, and it's really quite slow. We ran a 12 minute mile. That's not very fast, but it's faster than walking. Captain America and I used to walk a 17 minute mile. So by jogging, I cut off 5 mintues. That's not too bad. And, after the mile, I could have ran more. That's really saying something for me. It felt good. No stitch in my side today. I think I'm gonna bump up my distance next week. 2 weeks at 1 mile, then maybe 2 weeks at 2 miles. We'll see how it goes next week :)

AND, I'm on the re-feed part of my diet now. Did I tell you this? Can't remember. Anyway, I'm gradually adding more and different foods to my diet. Today, I got to eat a pear. It was tasty :) I'm up to 3 pieces of bread a day. The pineapple I got to eat was AWESOME! And, my stir fries are SO much bigger than they were before. This is kinda fun - hehehehe. I'm now at 140 lbs. It's so much fun! (My heaviest was about 240 (I may have been prego, but can't remember), so I'm 100 lbs lighter than then - ha!)

Today is Day 3 of our Autumn Festival in the orchard. And guess what? It's a freebie my ME!!! I REALLY liked this quote, and was so excited to be able to give it away to you all. Don't you just LOVE it?!!! Click HERE to go to the orchard to download this freebee - but remember, it's only good for one day :)

Yep, it's WordArt Wednesday again :) Week 18 - can you believe it. My does time fly :) I really liked this saying. And it's SO true!

BUT, Shauna from the Orchard (on of the owners), decided that 2 freebies from me in the same day was a bit of overkill (LOL!), and that I should save my WordArt Wednesday for next week. So, you all get to see the preview :) This will be available next week. Sorry about the confusion. I didn't realize this was happening until I woke up this morning. So, next week. Same time. Same place - LOL!


  1. Happy Birthday to Em.
    Thank you for the word art.

  2. The link isn't working out. I get this message.

    Photo not found in the database!

    Thank you.

  3. I got the same message.

  4. This was one of my favorite quotes from General Conference! thanks!!!
