
Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Child is your Heart

This is a WordArt request from Dawn. I've seen it around the net for a while now, and really did like the quote. Thanks so much for requesting it. I'm eventually gonna make a layout with myself and a snuggly child. I have so many to choose from :)

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my work. Thanks :)

"How To Live" Series - Part 4 of 6

This so reminds me of the Yoda quote, "Do or do not. There is no try." If you're gonna do something, do it all the way. Put your whole self into it. The important part is to LIVE! Now, I take this to mean that we should experience life, not just hide away because we're too afraid of failure to try it.

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

"How to Live" Series - Part 3 of 6

Here's the next part of the "How to Live" series. This is SO me! Hehehe. Ask anyone who knows me, and I think they'll say I'm fun, definitely they'll say I'm crazy, and undeniably will say I'm weird. Everyone needs a little bit of weird in their life, don't you think! Keeps us on our toes :)

And, just as an update, the trip to the hospital went AWESOME yesterday. Well, besides getting lost in downtown Columbus (I missed my exit and got totally lost), but I did manage to find the place (but we were 15 minutes late :). We got right in for the echo (it was an ultrasound of the heart....who knew?), and got to watch Shrek the whole time. It's one of my kids favorite movies! They loved it. That lasted about 45 minutes. Then, we went to the lunchroom for our "picnic" lunch. Yogurt, and cheese, and rolls, and chips, and soda. The kids were in heaven. After that, we walked back to the "Family Center", a room with couches, cable, tons of games, books, toys. It was PERFECT to kill an hour and a half in! Plus, it just happened to be that on this particular day, there was a licensed Massage Therapist who was giving out chair massages at just the time I was there. So, I got a nice relaxing back massage for 15 minutes while my kids watched TV and played while supervised by the staff. How awesome is that.

Then, there was another place called the "Clubhouse" that children 3-11 could go for up to 1 1/2 hours while siblings were in the hospital. We checked in the 4 and 8 year old for the appointment, so only my daughter, myself, and the 2 year old had to go. They played nicely in the waiting room, and then my 2 year old fell asleep in the stroller for the actual doctors appointment. How perfect was that! So, thanks so much you guys for your positive thoughts! You did the trick :) hehehe.

Anyway, click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks you guys!!!
Sindiego Scraps - So You Want Color
WordArt by ME!

Thanks so much to Deb for sending in this fun layout! Love all the colors, and the faces are priceless! Great job :)

All products by Flergs and available from Studio Flergs at
Background paper (color altered slightly) from Dirty Papers; paint swirl (recolored) from Cool Swirls; Buckles, stud, and silver glitter from Rex & Tinkerbell kit; Glue blobs from Glue & Glitter Glue Blobs; Stitching (recolored) from Boy Stitches
except word art (recolored) from Elegant Word Art, paint stain brush from Christina Renee
Font: Pharmacy

Wow Lynn, you did an AWESOME job! I really mean it. It's one of my favorites!!! Love how the color really pops from the page!!! Awesome pictures, and great elements. and, love what you did with the wordart! fantastic :)

Anchor To Life

Thanks so much to Jeanie for sending in this WONDERFUL quote. What a great thought. I so love each of my children, and learn so much from them. They truly anchor me to life :)

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

How to Live Series : Part 2 of 6

Here's part 2 of the new series. Are you guys enjoying these? Hopefully you all will be able to use it :) I liked this one, because how true it is! We should all take care of ourselves and our friends. :) Doesn't it make you feel good to do something nice for a friend (or anybody!). I sure think so.

So, today I'm heading up to Columbus (1 hr 20 min away) with my daughter for her echo cardiogram. They wanted to make sure that after her struggles with Strep, it didn't hurt her heart. She's on 2x daily antibiotics for a year to make sure that it clears up. For those of you who missed the eariler post, she got Post Strep Reactive Arthritis, and her hands and ankles swelled for about a week, then went away. She's feeling totally fine, and no side effects, which is a huge blessing :)

My husband has to work, but said that he'd take the oldest (10 yr old boy), who possibly can sit still and be good during them meetings. I'm sending him with the gameboy, so he should be set! The charger has been lost since Thanksgiving, and was found today, so it'll be fun for him.

All the others are coming with me. It ought to be an adventure. This time, I'm bringing the stroller. Last time, I had all 5 kids, no stroller, and 3 hours at the Children's hospital. Not my idea of a grand day. This time, I'll only have 4 kids (that is better, right?), the stroller, lots of food, and the portable DVD player with a new movie. Plus, I have suckers. And gum. I sure hope they do ok.

Our first appointment is at 11:15 with the echo cardiogram people, then the follow up appointment with the rhumetology (yeah, I know I'm butchering this word :) department at 2:30. Yeah, it's a big gap in time, but at least it's on the same day. I only have to drive to Columbus once. So, make sure you think good thoughts for me today!!!

So, now that you know what I'm doing today, go ahead and click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work! Thanks you guys :)

From Studio Flergs @
Flergs and Monica (MGL)'s What Dreams May Come kit and Flergs' Dreams Borders
Word Art by elegant Word Art, "friends" filled with Carol Abram's sugar styles
Font: Pea Amy*Rica Script

Thanks so much to Lynn for sending in this fabulous layout! isn't it gorgeous! didn't she do a WONDERFUL job!!! love it!!!

Reach High, Dream Deep

This quote is a WordArt request from Dulcie. She sent me a whole ton of great quotes she's saved over the years, and thought they'd be nice inspiration for my WordArt. Thanks so much! There really was a lot of quotes that I'm sure I'm gonna use over the next couple of months on the list :) Here's one for now, though. My inbox is starting to get a bit crowded with WordArt requests. I guess that just means that you all like me :) So thanks a lot for everything :)

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How to Live Series - Part 1

Yes, I know that I called it the Tony Robbins series yesterday, but I didn't really like that. Not everyone knows who Tony Robbins is, anyway. So, since this quote talks about a life philosophy, I thought that "How to Live Series" would work. If you have any other suggestions of a catchy name for the series, leave me a message.

I thought that this would make a cute layout with an adventurous child. Doing something semi-dangerous :), or creative, or new, or different. Really. lots of applications. Hope that you like it!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Be You

This wordArt request is from Deb. I've seen it different places on the internet recently, but not together like this. What a great quote! I must say, though, I struggled with it. While I do like the finished product, I almost didn't do it. And, I haven't yet written to someone and said "Sorry, this quote got the better of me :)" So, I was glad that I finally figured out how to do it nicely. Hope you like it, Deb!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

WordArt series, JUST FOR YOU!

Since I saw how much everyone liked the Baby's First series, I decided to try my hand at another one. My mother-in -law does a (almost) daily newsletter (online) for her high school - Newport News High School (Virginia). She has a quote at the top each day. Well, today the quote was quite long, but very nice. I decided that if I broke the quote into chuncks, and make a WordArt out of each chunk, it would be an AWESOME series. Imagine, 6 pages in a row, each page with a different quote in the series (don't worry, I saved them with the number sequence on the file :). So, over the next 6 days, starting tomorrow, come here to get your Tony Robbins Series. Hope you all enjoy :) See you tomorrow :)

Love Kit in the store

After working on an anniversary project last night for someone, I decided that making a "Love" kit would be so much fun. With all the flowery and fancy fonts. I thought it turned out really nice :) Click HERE to go to the store.

Thanks so much, and HAPPY April Fool's Day :)

Children Calling Me

I found this saying HILARIOUS!!! I read in a parenting magazine one time and article about the differences between 1st time, 2nd time, and 3rd + time parents. It was designed to be humorous, but was right on the money for me :) One of them said, the 1st time mom will spend a few minutes each day gazing into their children's eyes with wonder. The 2nd time parent will spend a few minutes each day ...ummm.. can't remember this one, and the 3rd + time parent will spend a few minutes each day hiding from their children! HAAAAAAA! How did they know I do that !

This WordArt request is from Lois (she has the BEST quotes for requests). Hope you like it!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Change the World

This WordArt request is from Nancy. She had a few really nice adoption quotes for me, and I thought that this one would be most able to be used by everyone. I thought it was such a nice quote. Isn't this what we always tell our children. That what they do really does make a difference. That one person, doing good things, can change the world. Awesome thought!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work. :) Thanks!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Find Home

This WordArt suggestion comes from Tammy. I'm sure glad I know where my home is, and I sure do like living here! We have so much fun together. Sure, we get tired of each other sometimes, but for the most part, life is grand :)

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.
"Everyday" by Creative Memories

Thanks so much to Angie for sending in this layout. Your daughters are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Love Takes Courage

This WordArt request is from "Secret Secret". And, it's so true. It is easy to be hateful to others, but to truly love them, and show them kindness, and patience, and all those things that go along with love, DOES take courage!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

School Kit

Here's my newest kit at Designing Moments. Perfect for all your school-themed pages. Hope you like it :)

Click here to go to the Designing Moments store.

Baby's First Ride

OK, I know on my Baby's First Step page, I said that it was the final installment, and yes, it was number 6 not number 7. I was confusing myself again :) See, there was one more, but I didn't want to include it because I didn't know how well it would go over. It is Baby's First Ride. So, here's the link for it below. I didn't take the time to make a preview file for it before, because I didn't think I'd be giving it out. But, what the heck. I guess if only one person took it, it would be better than sitting around on my laptop, eh?

Take care :)

Click HERE to get the unofficial 7th Baby's First Series WordArt, Baby's First Ride.

Home & Family Kit

Hi All! My newest Kit, Home & Family, is now in the Designing Moments store. Click HERE to check it out :)

Family Tree - Nuts

How funny! This is very similar to the "Families are like fudge" WordArt, but different enough that I thought I'd make this one too! This WordArt request is from Sandy. I sure know that my family tree is packed full of 'em!!!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Template (turned) - Queen of the Crop Grab Bag - Jen Caputo
Oh Boy kit - Julia Makotinsky
Wordart - Elegant Wordart by Bethany Harty (Freebie)
Font - Greco

Thanks so much to Trina for sending in this layout! I love it! Great colors, and awesome photo! Love crazy face pictures :)

What Is Life?

This WordArt suggestion comes from Debbie. I always like to make my WordArt say things with the words I choose to highlight. I like how this one also says "What is life?". Tricky, eh? hehehe.

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thanks so much to Debbie for sending in this wonderful layout. It's simply beautiful! Great job :) She used Creative Memories software to produce the layout, but can't remember where she got the layout from. If you know or recognize it, drop me a line in the comment box, and I'll credit the artist. Thanks so much :)

Baby's First Step

I still remember when my oldest learned to walk. We had friends visiting (on their way moving from Alaska to Maine (Coast Guard family)) who had a little girl about 8 months older than Jacob. He was 9 1/2 months old, and was fascinated with the fact that Sariah could walk. He watched her for a day, studying all that she did. The next day, he stood up and took off! Ahhhhh. Life was never the same since :) It's funny how we're so excited for our oldest walk, but with subsiquent children, we realize how much trouble they can get themselves into!!! hehehe.

Hope you like this 7th (is that right?) and final installment in the Baby's First Series. Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Together We Have It All

This WordArt request comes from Sandy, and is perfect. This is SO me! I most of the time feel like I don't even know what I'm doing, but with my family, I'm so happy and blessed! Yeah for family :)

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.