On the way home, Captain America drove us over to the "Tram" station, where they had a run last week. OMGosh it was steep. Glad it was him and not me - LOL! Anyway, the road was a bit windy, and I was getting car sick, so I took a few generic dramamine. Yep, I have a whole MEDICINE cabinet in the truck. Seriously. It's kinda humerous. I have tylenol, advil, motion sickness drugs, stay awake drugs, peptobismol, and childrens tylenol. The Boy Scout motto IS "Be Prepared", you know - hehehe.
So, by the time I got home, I wasn't motion sick at all, BUT I was so drowsy, I was of no use to anyone. I did my best to make some lunch for Captain America and I, and cooked some Mac N Cheese for the kids, and headed upstairs to bed. I slept from 12:30 to 4. Seriously. I was wiped out. This coming from someone who can't nap during the day. It was awesome :) hehehe.
The rest of the day was nice and relaxing. We had a little family council in the evening, and talked about getting more serious with our family prayers and scripture study. We talked about our daily routine, and keeping the house more clean. We talked about respecting parents, and how to treat each other. It was a pretty good meeting, and well received, I think.
So anyone else amazed that it's MARCH already??? How did that happen? Seems like just yesterday it was Christmas. Holy cow, time does fly :)
And, I just wanted to say THANKS to all of you who took advantage of my sale this past weekend. I'm over my quota (yeah!!)!! And for that one anonymous poster who said that I was a loser for asking for sales, well, maybe I am a loser. I've never pretended to be anyone but who I am - hehehe. I actually found it quite comical that someone would take the time to come to my blog, read my post, (maybe grab a freebee or two) and call me a loser. LMBO! So, loser I may be, but I'm a nice one. And a happy one :) And nice and happy and important in my book :)
Cheri found this quote for me - isn't it great?? I just LOVE it :) I don't want my soul to be wrinkled - hehehe. Wrinkles aren't good - LMBO!
So, click on the image below to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
OR, click HERE to go to my keepandshare account to download the PNG file.

Enthusiasm - Calvin and Hobbes
Enthusiasm - Calvin and Hobbes
Obviously, "anonymous" doesn't know you!
ReplyDeleteOh you are anything but a loser! I am glad you didn't take that comment personally, shows just how nice a person you are!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the terrific wordart, and for you daily generosity to us for providing it. (((hugs)))
I guess Anonymous doesn't like sales! :) I can't believe someone would post that, but whatever - glad to see you let it roll off your back!
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with everyone else... the person who called you a loser... is well... a loser... LOL... I thought it was an absolutely hilarious reason for a sale, and as always you brought a big smile to my face, and made my day a little brighter!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI knew what was coming when you started off with "generic dramamine..." arghhhh! That stuff will put you in sleepy land for a long time. I try to have all that in my car too, LOL! It's really from having so many kids (I helped raise my sisters so I had 5 (ages 2-8 for a couple of years...I learned a lot fast!)
ReplyDeleteI Love LOVE love this new WA...totally precious, thanks Bethany! YOU ROCK! YOU ARE THE BESTEST! Keep being yourself girly bop, because you are so REAL LIFE, even in a cyber world!
Here's to more happy scrapping, and
(¨`•.•´¨) Hugs
.`•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) from the
(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ HEART,
.`•.¸.•´ Jeanette
Come Scrap your Blog with me…
Easy Custom Blogs
Love the quote this morning, but mediafire is not loading. Panic! ha.... when are you going to do a 'mafia' related wordart?
ReplyDeleteOMG I am not sure what the deal is with my google account, but I cannot log in! So somehow it is posting to Wayne's account, and this is really 'Pat in Houston'
Hmmmm, it seems to be working from my end. Anyone else having a problem with mediafire??? I see that it's already been downloaded 54 times today.
ReplyDeletepeople can be so rude! forgive annoymous for they don't know better! :) Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME wa! :) Have a GREAT day!
ReplyDeleteI've been getting the same types of comments on my blog too! I love your wordart and make sure to try and visit everyday to see what amazing gifts you have for the day! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWell, you are one of the nicest most enthusiastic and generous people I have ever known! Boo to anonymous loser!!!
ReplyDeleteSo far I haven't been able to download the freebie either, but I'll keep trying.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do.
Same here...can't seem to download it. It keeps saying the link is broken. BTW, if you didn't know it already: your wordart is awesome!
ReplyDeleteObviously "Anonymous" feels very confortable in he shadows and while you're a creature of light, it's kinda natural that she (or he???) feels envy... sad... sad
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous! Watch out for Karma, cause you know what they say Karma is a ...
I love your wordart and the kind of person you are. Keep up the good work, he he.
Hugs, Cris
I think it is simply amazing that you still offer a freebie each day even though you are selling in a store! Most designers don't offer a freebie each day. You are amazing to spend the time to find these quotes or come up with creative ways to use quotes people suggest. Thanks for not paying attention to Anonymous ... there always has to be at least one complainer in the bunch. :)
ReplyDeleteHee, Hee, Hee, I see that I've gotten under your skin! I know Bethany and if you did too, you'd say she was and always will be a LOSER!!! No matter how much she acts like she's a sweetie and a Church go-er, she is nasty! Don't be fooled by her so called generosity and nicey nicey attitude! LOSER!
ReplyDeleteO.k., o.k. I really am not one to leave comments but I am shocked that someone would take the time to make a rude comment on someone else's blog. If you don't like someone, don't read their blog. And, what is with hiding behind "anonymous"? Don't you have a name to back up your words?
ReplyDeleteHey Bethany,
ReplyDeleteIf someone is to scared to leave their name they are not worth bothering about. We in the digisrapping community really appreciate what you do. I for one also enjoy reading your blog. Just remember, 'Sticks and stones...'
Sounds to me like someone is a bit jealous of how successful you are and that so many stalk your blog for your work. I, myself have showed a number of people your site and we all love it! Keep the great attitude up, the person "afraid to post who they are" is certainly having issues! Thanks for all you great word art, I have used many of them!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your site! Thank you for all the WordArt! You are SO creative! Thanx especially for including the fonts you use with each WordArt.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the quote! I'm so bummed I missed your sale - I had the page open all weekend, but was too busy to take a good look. Maybe next time! :)
ReplyDeleteWoah.... what ever happened to being respectful and polite, Anonymous? It just breaks my heart that Bethany makes such wonderful and beautiful word art and then someone has to make such an awful comment.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bethany, for sharing your talent with us! I love you word art - it just adds so much to my layouts! I really do appreciate it! (I also love to hear what you have to say each day - such fun posts to read!)
I can't believe how nasty and jealous some people can be. Your wordart is fantastic, I have done so many LOs using your brilliant work. Please don't stop, there are loads of us who truly appreciate your talent and are so grateful to you for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteOh, so I read your post anonymous, it seems as if you just live to be hateful. I say you get a life! Obviously, you have no friends or family to spend time with if you think she is a loser and are still taking the time to visit her blog...hmmmm... Who is the loser? Anyways, Bethany, you have a heart of gold, and there will always be more of us that appreciate you than this anonymous person! Thanks again!
ReplyDeletewow someone actually called you a loser? um wow someone has no life! thanks for the wordart!
ReplyDeleteFrom my observations, You(Bethany) have a hubby who loves you, five kids who love you and countless of us out here who love you and your talent at word art. If that's what makes a loser then thousands would love to know how and where to sign up. Anonymous is one of those little cowards who sits in his underwear at the computer and goes out to insult people just to see who responds. He's a troll... probably a member of Congress... LOLOL
ReplyDeleteYou're my word art hero and I love your artwork!!!
Seriously, isn't part of having a blog being to self promote. I am quite happy to have you tell me about your sales, so I don't miss them. Though I did miss this one since i was out of town. Thank you for all the freebies, you do give us!