
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Antique Smile

You know, I think I need to start my pre-publishing routine a little earlier than 11:00pm the night before. I'm just not on the top of my game - hehehe. I have all sorts of fun things to talk about when I'm not tired. When I'm not battling to keep my eyes open - ha! BUT, my so-called friends Maren and Andrea convinced me to start playing "Farm Town" on Facebook, and now I have NO time - ROFL!!! Just kidding, girls - LOL! I can see how that one's gonna be addictive - sigh.

I did some decorating yesterday. I knew that if I was gonna have friends over on Wednesday, I was gonna need to get my house looking presentable. Mostly I focused on the kitchen. We have these WONDERFUL cabints in the kitchen, that were just begging for some decorations on top of them. I had a few things, but knew that I'd been needing a trip to the store :)

First, Jimmy and I went to Goodwill looking for some decorations. Um, why would I pay $4.00 for a red vase. Really. For someone elses used decorations? I don't think so. I did get a few pairs of dressy shorts for Jacob for school, so the trip there wasn't a complete waste - lol. I'm pretty picky about my thrift store. I like them cheap, and lots of selections. I got SO spoiled with "The Unique Thrift Store" in Chicago. It was the BEST. I'd also like a Deseret Industries, like my sister has in Utah. I guess we just take what we have, though.

Right next door to that was a Family Dollar store. They had a few things that worked for my house. 2 Red Asian-ish vases, for $2.00 each. I aslo got a rooster picture thingy for $2.00. And a curtain/window covering for my living room for $12.50. It said it was 5 pieces. Had 2 panels, a valance, and 2 tie backs. More on that later :) I also got some curtain rods. And I was good about not buying snacks. I got some raisins for Jimmy, and headed off to the next store.

I just love the Dollar Tree. It's good for inexpensive decorations. I bought some baskets, some greenery, some "color" flowers, a few picture frames, and some decorative bottles. I also didn't do so well at this store with avoiding of the snacks. Dang. I bought a popsicle for Jimmy (managed to not get one for myself), some cheese puffs, and some chocolate covered graham cracker cookies. Yeah, I ate a few of those. Drat!

We came home, got lunch, and started decorating. I must say, it looks pretty cool. And, I found a good place to store some of my books - LOL! There being used to raise my decorations a bit higher. LOL!

Yeah, I already had those elephants. They're bookends, or something like that. hehehe.

Then, I moved to the living room to hang up the curtain. Well, unfortunately, it was too small for my window. What do ya think?

So, I moved it into the dining room. (sorry, no pics of that yet). It looked much better. Unfortunately, there's 2 windows like it in the dining room. So, after the big kids got home from school, we loaded up in the truck and headed back out to Family Dollar. I bought another of the red curtains, and a larger one for the living room. It's cream, with red accents. It's nice too. I ended up spending about $40.00 on curtains instead of about $10, but still, that's not bad. Some curtains are that much for just one, let alone 4. OK, maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better - hehehehe.

We had dinner, played a round of Superman Uno, then went to the park to play. By 7:00, the sun had hidden a bit behind the mountain, and it was starting to cool off. Lovely evening. Tom and Joe played lightsabers and kickball (I know, what a combo). Eme and Jimmy played on the swings, and Jacob went back home because he was mad at me. Or something like that. I don't know. I didn't feel like dealing with hormonal tweeny boys - lol. You mom's of boys. Does it get better? He's 11. Geesh! I can't imagine what it would be like if he were a girl!

Little kids got put to bed, the big kids and I watched some TV, big kids went to bed, I played some Facebook, which brings me to now and pre-publishing. It's now midnight. Sigh. One of these nights, I'll get to bed before 11. One of these night. But not this night - ROFL!!

Allrighty, girls! I must be off to bed :) I may be napping today (Tuesday). Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks!

Antique - EpoXY HistoRy
Smile - Pharmacy


  1. Thanks for the wordart.

    As for the curtain in you dining room that is shorter in width that the window, you could try adding a pair of sheer cream curtains.

  2. Your decorations look lovely! I too love the Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and Dollar General. I really love finding bargains. I agree with LovelyMissKait, I have added a sheer panel of different shades, cream, white etc. when a set of curtains that I really like for a room isn't quite wide enough for the window. I just add the panel in the center with the others tied back over it. Looks great that way too. As for the moody tween son, I feel for you, I had two boys and two girls that when they went through these stages I thought I'd be crazy before it was over. LOL Now they are all grown and I have to say they have finally outgrown all of that. So yes it does get better on into the future. :) Thanks for sharing the great WA.

  3. yeah-i have a 11 year old girl-that's not fun either...i feel your pain...maybe it'll be a little easier when your hubby returns home! thanks for the word art!!

  4. the kitchen looks WONDERFUL!! i really like the way things look like you grouped them together over your cabinet doors instead of filling it up all the across!! GREAT job! :)
    and as for your curtains, well i think your first commenter, LovelyMissKait, had a GREAT idea with a sheer curtain addition!! oh how i have missed those dollar stores!! we recently got one that opened and it isn't too bad but its NOT a Family dollar by FAR!! lol LOVE the wordart and thank you soooo very much for sharing!! Have a TERRIFIC day! :)

  5. I love how you decorated the kitchen, and those red curtains are gorgeous!

    Thank you so much for the Awesome WordArt!

  6. thanks for the great wordart
    at my blog is an award waiting for you

  7. I love your new decorations, and especially the framed wordart. As for your curtain, I would have put them all on the same rod with the valance in between the panels...would have saved you some money! LOL...
    Love your word art...I use them on the walls in our counseling office.

  8. very cool! love the decorations! I totally just made jay all of his bday presents from the family dollar and dollar tree since Im still jobless at the moment, and he was so stoked, didnt know a thing until I told him hahaha

  9. Just remember each child is different and you will probably handle each phase differently. Lend him an ear then do as you feel your should, but don't judge yourself harshly or second guess yourself too much. Kids tend to forget and bounce back quickly. As parents we do the best we can. I tell my grown kids now that we do our best and hope they can look back and realize that. Hang in there and stand your ground, it will be worth it.

  10. Bethany... thanks for the Antique Smiles! I always love your wordart!

  11. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 12 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 13 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  12. Your sure sound to be having fun, love your wordart, thank you so much

  13. you did great on finding cheap decor - nice! Thanks for the WA - I love it.
