
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Childhood Friends

First off, I just wanted to share a few "wet" pictures with you guys. It actually rained yesterday. And it was a BIG storm. Thunder, lightening, drenching rain. The whole works. I felt like I was a back in the midwest again - LOL! Check out how hard it's raining, and how it's puddling all around my yard :)

After 4 months, I was SO excited to see some moisture falling from the sky - ROFL!

Happy Saturday to you all :) Are you all doing something fun for Memorial Day weekend? The kids and I are going to the National Cemetery here at Ft. Bliss to put flags on the graves. It should be a great experience. I'm definitely bring my camera :)

AND, Captain America should be home TODAY!!! Probably late tonight. I'm SO excited! I'll no longer be a single parent :)

Yesterday was a good day. Andrea and I walked again, for about an hour. It was a good walk. Over an hour long. Then, after coming back home, getting a snack, checking emails, and playing a little FarmTown, Andrea and I went to Ross to get a b-day present for Laurie, then on to El Taco Tote for lunch. Mmmmmm, El Taco Tote. I like that place. Granted, it makes my tummy hurt when we're done, but YUMMY it's good :) I'm not used to spicy food. It burn my lips, and burns my tummy - yet I keep going back for more. I'm a glutten for punishment - ROFL!

I got a little nap after lunch while Jimmy watched a movie, and then went to a Speed Scrap. Those are fun. But you know, they stress me out - LOL! I get all anxious, and feel the need to rush. I'm so weird :)

When the kids got home from school, two of my kids went to Andreas house, and one of hers came to my house. Everyone seemed to have a good time.

I chatted with Captain America for about an hour yesterday. He's was in Texas , at least :) Only a matter of hours till he gets back :)

So yesterday I went to another Speed Scrap at Ginger Scraps. I was napping at the time it started, and when I woke up and checked me e-mail, Jen (Graham Like the Cracker) had emailed me and told me it was starting. So, I showed up (45 minutes late) and jumped right in. I made a WordArt to use on my layout, and thought that I'd use it for today's freebee. No point wasting a perfectly good WordArt, right - LOL!

Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


  1. Thanks for the lovely WA!

  2. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on May. 23, 2009. Thanks again.

  3. I love speed scraps too! and they also make me nervous, but it is a lot of fun!

  4. Wow, love your layout! I never think of your word art as anything other than black, what a great way to make it match the page! Very nice, thanks for the freebie :)

  5. Thank you for the great wordart.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your talent
