
Friday, May 29, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Hey girls! How was your week? Are you SO excited that it's Friday? We sure are :) Only today and 4 more days of school until SUMMER VACATION!!! Woohoo for summer vacation :) I'm looking forward to sleeping in. Or at least not getting up and rushing around.

We had a new girl join us for walking yesterday. She has 3 little kids, and only a double stroller. So, I pushed one of her kids in my jogging stroller, and Laurie pushed Jimmy and her son in my double stroller. Everyone fit! We were quite the caravan. 7 moms with kids pushing strollers - LOL! We all had fun, though.

I stayed at Andreas house after the walk and hung out. Her kids were sick (puking), so she didn't get to walk. Poor thing needed some company :) We went home at lunch time. Captain America needed to check in at the Battery at 1pm, and I wanted him to come and run some school errands with me afterwords. So, Jimmy and I went with him to check in, then we all headed to the school.

This school makes you re-register EACH year. There's such a problem with move ins/move outs, that they just make you re-register. What a pain. Oh well. We also got some information about the GT program. That's Gifted/Talented. We called it TAG back in Oregon. Talented and Gifted. We got the paperwork to go to the district office to get the kids tested. We'll see if they're GT, or just smart kids :) Our appointment is sometime in June.

The counselor lady we talked to was really friendly. We also met the military liaison. She seemed nice too. We saw the Vice Principal in the hall, and he said that he recognized our last name, but couldn't remember where. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that it was from Thomas (3rd grade). Tom, apparently, is getting a trophy for his grades at the awards ceremony next week. Woohoo for Tom! The VP remembered the name from making the nameplates. How cool is that! I'll be sure to come to the ceremony :)

Jacob's school (6th grade) was having an end of the year party today. They were told that they could bring Water Balloons and Shaving Cream for a GIANT war last period. We dropped off the shaving cream to Jakes school before we went to the elementary school. On the way back to the truck, we saw the mahaym going on next door at the middle school. It was craziness. Kids and shaving cream and water balloons. But they looked like they were having fun. Someone was there with a hose, hosing them off - LOL!

The middle school party's theme was Luau. They could wear Hawaiian shirts in leiu of School Uniforms for the day. Captain America and I had gone out to Wal-Mart the day before at 11pm to get him one. Aren't we good parent - LOL! He looked pretty sharp :) I should have got a picture! What was I thinking???

We got back home, and relaxed for a bit. About 45 minutes later, I sent Captain America to school to pick up the kids. I usually make them walk, but Jacob's school was paying for them to go to the movies at 4pm, and he woudln't have time to walk home, AND make it on time. They were SO excited to see their dad and the truck. Happy children!

Captain America dropped off Jake at the movie theater (night at the museum II), and stopped by the gun store on the way home. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get ammuniation these days. He was SUPER excited to find a box of ammo at the store. He wanted to buy both boxes, but they'd only let him get one. He was there for 20 minutes, and someone else had bought the 2nd box before he left. Dang! Kinda scary when there's a "run" on bullets.

Meanwhile, back that the ranch, um, er, back at home, the kids wanted to go and run in the sprinklers in the big grassy field near our house. I went and sat on the curb and "supervised". It was my 4, and my neighbors 2, the other neighbors 2, and 2 other neighbor kids. Neighborhood sprinkler party - LOL! They had a lot of fun.

About 30 minutes later, it started POURING. Who would have ever guessed that that would have happened. It was a BEAUTIFUL clear day ALL DAY LONG, until then. Crazy weather here. It rained for about 2 hours. Not hard, but rain, none the less.

At 7pm I had a Primary Presidency Meeting (church - childrens leaders). I think it was the fastest Primary prez. meeting I've ever had. It only lasted about 35 minutes. So, I was home before the kids went to bed. Captain America was just getting them ready.

Jimmy wanted me to snuggle with him for a few minutes, and I coudln't turn him down. He's so snuggable. He was out in 5 minutes. Very tired boy :) Joe's decided that it's good to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag, so after Jimmy fell asleep, I moved down to lay by him for a minute. Literally. He was sound asleep in 1 minute.

All in all, it was a good day. I think I got a little bit sun burned again. I need to remember to put on sunblock. I have it. My friends have it. I just forget to use it. I'll do better on my walk today :)

Well, it's Friday again, and I have a bunch of new stuff in my store. Since Father's Day is right around the corner, I have 2 Father/Dad packs for sale. Also, I thought the shoe ones were funny :) And Graduation. Although that was last week, right? LOL!

Click HERE to go to my store to check out my new products. And remember, they're on sale for 20% off the first week, making it $2.00 a pack.

Layout by Jen (Graham Like the Cracker)

Layout by Trina

Layout by Trina

Layout by Tammy

Card by Trina

Card by Jaimee

This request is from Tiffany. Hope you like it, girl! Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Fun - Rage Italic
In, The - Pussycat
Sun - Pharmacy

Kit - Krystal Hartley's "Oh No You Didn't"
Elegant WordArt by Bethany :)
Some really AWESOME giltter styles, by a wonderful designer, whose name, unfortunately, slips my mind. So sorry!


  1. oh it will be WONDERFUL for your children to get out of school this summer and really get to know the new neighborhood!
    My son works outside and is ALWAYS forgetting the sunblock too!! Got to remember that stuff out in the desert sun!!
    LOVE your new products! GREAT layout too! Thank you for sharing your FUN wa! Have an AWESOME day! :)

  2. great wa! lovin your stories :O) make sure to get out that sunblock!!!! and on the kiddos too!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing the awesome freebie word art. I love it !

  4. Thank you so much for this awesome word art and the Daddy word art! Love them!

  5. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on May. 29, 2009. Thanks again.

  6. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 29 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 30 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  7. Thank you very much! So sorry to hear you are sick. Sounds like you should have stayed away from your friend's house with her kids sick! yuck.

  8. Thank you for the FUN IN THE SUN. You were quick to do it too. You're awesome and I appreciate you sharing your talents.
