
Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, remember how last we "talked", I was on the mend, and everyone was feeling grand. Hmmmm, not so much now. I'm still on the mend, but the same can't be said for the rest of the gang. About 10:30pm on Saturday night, Eme started off the "festivities" by puking ALL over her bed. Her nice new comforter (well, new to us - it's a hand me down, but gorgeous!). French fry puke is DISGUSTING! Take my word for it.

I was just about to go to bed, while Captain America was out on the computer in the dining room. He and I made short work of that nasty puke mess. Gross. You know how when you clean up puke, it makes YOU wanna puke. Nasty! But, I doused myself in hand sanitizer, soap, and warm water, and went to bed.

At 5am, Captain America came to bed. He'd been up, um, er, facebooking, but also cleaning up MORE puke. Tom started puking at about 1am, missing the toliet, of course. Joe started some time after that. When Captain America came in at 5am, Joe started in with another round of puke. I took over for the morning shift. Luckily everyone on my watch "hit the target". No more cleaning up puke on the floor. I put Joe back to sleep on the couch (no carpet in the living room to make a mess), and went back to bed, but with the door open.

I woke up at 7:45 am, and got things ready for church. I figured that it was best to let Captain Americasleep, and let ALL the kids stay home. No point pushing our luck. Jake and Jim may not have been puking, but I didn't know when the "fun" would start.

I left the house at 8:45 am, with Jimmy crying. Poor little thing kept saying "But mommy, I'm NOT sick!". How do you explain to a 3 year old that he could contaminate all 10 of his classmates at his church class. Sigh. Poor guy :(

Church, actually, was WONDERFUL. I got to sit and listen to the talks, undistirbued. That hasn't happened in YEARS. My friend, Andrea, and her family spoke in church today, about Gratitude in Family Life. Great talks :) Good job, you guys!

Primary (kids age 18 months - 11 yrs old) flew by in a blur, as usual. I'm on of 3 ladies in charge of all the kids. We don't have teachers for all of the classes, so things are always kinda tricky. Hopefully we'll get some more teachers in the next few weeks :)

When I got home from church, people were just chillin'. They'd watched a few videos, and were just taking it easy. As they should. At about 3:00pm, Jacob started puking. Sigh. At least he made it to the toliet the first time.

By 6:3o pm-ish, kids were starting to feel a bit better. Captain America and his brothers hooked up a server, and played a bit of Battlefield. It was kinda cool, having all the voices talking in the living room. Even though I knew they live across the country. Kinda cool. The kids love "playing" with their uncles :) And what was I doing, you ask? Farming. Sigh. I actually spent 2 hour re-arranging my FarmTown farm. Sad, I know.

I put the little kids to bed at 8ish, and spent a little "quality" time with Jimmy. We laid in his bed and "talked". It's SO fun to really talk to a 3 year old. They have such funny things to say. It's facinating to see how their little minds work. We talked for about 45 minutes. He told me that he wanted to be a Monster Truck driver when he grows up. It's gonna be Orange. Later, he said that it's gonna be an Orange Edward (from Twilight) monster truck, and he was gonna buy me a Bella truck - LOL.

He said that his wife is gonna have brown hair, and blue eyes. She's gonna be tall, and can sing. She's gonna be pretty, and they're gonna have 5 kids. He said that his kids are gonna call him "Jimmy". LOL! I tried to sell him on the benefits of having his kids call him Daddy, but he wasn't buying it.

We talked about his favorite TV shows, and his Primary class. His teacher is moving in 2 weeks, and I was trying to prepare him for it. He almost got tears in his eyes when I said that they were moving. He really likes them. I told him that we'd take a picture of them and him next Sunday. That brought a smile back to his cute little face. I'm definitly gonna have to work in "late night Jimmy talks" into the schedule :)

This WordArt request is from Janice. Her mom is in a nursing home, and she has this plaque hanging when you walk in the door. I thought it was WONDERFUL! Hope you like it too :)

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks!


  1. Thank you so much. I can't wait to do a page of my mom using this word art.

  2. Sad to know that your kids get sick as well... hope you're all getting better though!

  3. Very pretty!

    Bethany - I've left you a small token of appreciation on my blog -


  4. you are such a good mommy!! and i sure am GLAD everyone is feeling better too! :) Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL wa! Have a MARVELOUS day! :)

  5. Small and medium size 'rubbermaid' waste paper baskets
    (each with it's own roll of plastic liner bags - for quick change/disposal)
    grace each bed, comfy chair and both ends of all sofas in our house.
    They are easily grabbed on a moment's notice - for just such unexpected emergencies...
    the GIANT tupperware bowls are stable and low enough for those who are at the can barely lift their heads off the pillow stage.

    the odds are so much better than hoping they make it to the toilet - sigh

    a bit of an initial investment - but much peace of mind

    prayers for you all!

  6. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 01, 2009. Thanks again.

  7. Thank you so much, this is one of my favourite quotes.
    Bad enough that you get sick yourself but then having all the kids get sick too - not good. Hope all are better soon.

  8. use a shop invention for vomit on carpet....and it's the BEST at 2AM in the morning!! Good luck!

  9. Love this. Thank you.

  10. Thank you for sharing this lovely word art!

  11. This is just lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  12. This is such a beautiful saying. Thank you so much for sharing!
    Karen from Moscow
