
Monday, June 8, 2009

My Brother/Sister, My Friend

Hey girls! Well, remember how I was betting that I felt better yesterday? Well, I think I jinxed myself. I went to bed right after making the post, and woke up at 5:30 am with the migraine. I took more meds, and still felt crappy when I woke up at 7:30 am. Captain America got the kids all ready for church, and left at 9am. Yep, church actually STARTS at 9:00 am, so I'm pretty sure they were late - hehehe. He told me right before he left, that if I ever get sick again, we're ALL staying home from church. Some people were not cut out to be mom's, and he's definitely one of them - hehehe.

I went back to bed for a little while, and decided that I wasn't really tired. I turend on the closet light, and read New Moon (Twilight, #2). I found that if I sat really still, and kept the light to a minimum, it didn't hurt my head. If I moved, that wasn't so good.

By noon, I was ok to get up and fix lunch for my soon-to-be returning gang. I walked slowly, and didn't make any sudden movements, and, of course, it was quite, so I was ok. They were happy to have food when they got home. But BOY were they loud. I hid in my room for a while longer, and felt better. My headache never really went away, but it diminished. As long as I didn't make any sudden movements, I was ok. That afternoon, we turned on a movie we hadn't watched yet (we'd found some sci-fi movie for $0.75 at some store when we lived in Ohio), Battlefield Earth. I really liked it. Who knew? hehehe. I folded laundry, and the kids sat on my bed to watch the movie. The little ones were in and out of the room, cause it didn't really hold their attention. But the big kids liked it.

Captain America and his brothers are playing on-line games for an hour or so, then it's off to bed. I think I may have to go ask them to turn it down a bit. My head is only mildly better. The computer isn't helping. And neither are Captain America's brothers - ROLF! It's not them, it's just the volume - hehehe. Love you guys! Have fun shooting each other up!

Oh yeah, and I realized why I was so upset with everyone the other day. "Johnny" came to visit. I really should keep track of such things. Like make a little dot on the calendar when "he" comes to call. It would make my (well, my husbands) life much easier - hehehe. It's amazing how much of a relief, emotions wise, I feel after I "start". Know what I mean? And that would explain why I've been feeling like eating anything that MOVES. I've done really well on my diet, considering. I'm down to 158.0 this morning. I've been down almost a pound a day since I got back on my diet. I know it'll slow down any day now, but until then, I'm pretty excited :) Pretty soon, and I'll be back in my nice skinny clothes :) Woohoo!

So, here's a request from Tracie, from Texas. Ha! I'm in Texas too - LOL! Anyway, here ya go! Hope you like it :) click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.


  1. Hope you feel better soon Bethany.

    You really do suffer with your headaches don't you. I get migraines sometimes but they are no way as bad as yours hunny, you have my sympathies.

    I too suffer badly when jonny comes, but lately I am finding that my mood swings and cravings are at ovulation now as well, it's unbearable sometimes and I have to tell my hubby to just leave me alone for a few days as the smallest things irritate me so badly.

    We women suffer so, they just ahve no idea!

    (((( Big Hugz )))) xxx

  2. I really love this wordart. Thank you and I hope your head feels better.

  3. Thank you, this is exactly what I was hoping for.

    I hope your health improves. I hate my normal headaches, I don't know what I would do if mine took me out for a full day.

    Thanks again.

  4. I really hope you feel better soon. I miss you my friend.

  5. These are cute! Thanks :)

  6. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Family/Mom/Dad/Daughter/Grandma,Grandpa,etc... Theme post on Jun. 08, 2009. Thanks again.

  7. Thanks I love your word art!!! It is an amazing work of art!! thanks for sharing!

  8. i'm so sorry you had a migraine - they sure suck! I was also ROFL at your ROLF, I must confess. ;)

    Thanks so much for the wonderful WA!

  9. Hope you're feeling better now. Thanks for the freebees!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing - you have a gift!

  11. Thanks for the cute WA!!

  12. My mom found out that her migraines were hormone related. Wonder if it could be the same for you? Praying your migraines will go away.

    Both of the word arts are great! I can use them both! Thank you!

  13. Hi Bethany. i used the "My brother My friend " For his 40th birthday card. Thank you so much for prividing such inspiration.

    you can see it here .

    Love Karen x
