
Sunday, June 21, 2009

True Faith

OMGoodness, but yesterday was a long day! I started my day with a SCARY nightmare about dinosaurs. Not Barney dinosaurs. Not Land Before Time dinosaurs. Think Jurassic Park dinosaurs. In my dream, we'd found a way to bring dinosaurs back, and about 3 of them ended up near where we were. In my dream, my hubby wasn't too pleased about that. "Why did you bring back the MEAT eaters???" he wanted to know! So we all ran screaming for cover. It was my family and I and a few others. The T-Rexes (yep, THOSE scray ones) chased us, while we ducked for cover. We thought we were safe inside this low ceilinged room, but they managed to find us. The only shelter was a king sized bed. We all scrambled for it, but there wasn't room for everyone. I was under it, and I managed to grab one or two of my kids, but the others didn't fit. About that time, my alarm went off, and I woke up. Dang! Scary dream!

I woke up at 6:05am to get ready for the yard sale. I quickly got dressed, fixed my hair, put on some make-up, and gathered my stuff. I got a card table from the garage, and a folding table from Eme's room. My truck was already loaded up from the day before, thank goodness.

I got my breakfast real quick, and drove down the street to Andreas. We were sitting up the garage sale between Andrea and Adela's house, on the little bike path inbetween. It worked pretty good. We lined either side with our stuff. I must say, my junk was a different class of junk from everyone elses. A lower class, that is - hehehe. We must be more rough on stuff, or maybe we started off with lower quality to begin with.

We were all ready to go by 7:00am. The girls put up posters on stratigic streets, and we were all set. We sat around for about an hour before our first customers showed up. Oh yeah, did I say that it was my first garage sale???

We ended up selling quite a few things. From about 8:30-10:00, we had a slow, but steady flow of customers. Then, the well ran dry. No one else came. We just sat around in the sun, and chatted. Later, we found out that our signs had blown away - ROFL! No one was coming because no one knew about it - hehehe. Next week, when we try it again, we'll secure our signs a bit more :)

I ended up selling an old fan, 2 bathroom shelves, a tile cutter, and some clothes, for $10.50. That was more money than I came with :) And after next week, the stuff that doesn't sell is getting donated. Adela sold the most (she had a TON of SpongeBob room decoration thing and baby/girl/boy clothes), then Andrea (end table set), then me, then Katy, then Laurie. But we all sold something. And that's important :) We'll do better next week, though.

At about 1:00, we closed up shop. Since the flyers blew away, there was no point in continuing. We didn't really find out until then, though. The Scout people called to tell us that they were back in town, and to come and pick up Jacob. I told Captain America that I'd take the kids, and he could go and get him.

The kids and I hung out with Andrea, Katy, and Adela at Andrea's house for a while. I wasn't ready to go back home, and the kids seemed content to play. I didn't end up getting home until about 4:00pm. I was ready to get ready for my date.

Unfortunately, I found this when I got back home:

My poor little baby Jacob didn't put sunblock on his face when he went on the Canoe trip on Tuesday. 8 HOURS on the water. Not good! Captain America sent him with sunblock (45) and a bucket hat. Both of which would have worked. But no. The child didn't put any on. And the leaders didn't check to see if he had. The water reflected and BAKED my childs face. It looks even worse in real life.

I called the Tel-A-Nurse to find out what to do for it (what kind of salve to use), and after explaining the situation, the said that he needed to go to Urgent Care to get checked out. We suspected that he had 2nd degree burns all over his face. His lips, all around his lip, his cheeks, on his forehead, the top of his ears, part of his chin, around his eyes. And it was scabbed over, and super red and dry. Gross. He looked like he'd got in a fight.

So, Jacob and I loaded up in the truck, and headed for Urgent Care at Del Sol Medical Center. We had to park in a parking garage (I'm always afraid my HUGE Suburban is gonna get stuck - hehehe - I get that from my mom - DUCK!), and searched for 15 minutes to find the right spot, but finally did.

When the Doctor examined him, he said that it looked like a Chemical Burn. Dang! We waited in our little waiting room for over an hour, but they finally came and washed Jacobs face with saline to make sure it was VERY clean, then put some Antibacterial cream on it. She said that our biggest problem now was keeping it clean so it woudn't get infected.

Here's what he looked like after getting it cleaned and creamed:

You can't tell in this photo, but he looks like a zombie. With rotting flesh. Nasty! Poor, poor guy! I really hope that he's learned his lesson, though. SUNBLOCK!!! I wasn't there to do it for him. He's not always gonna have his mom there. He needs to learn and remember - SUNBLOCK!

We were out of there by 8pm, and home by 8:30pm. Unfortunately, it was too late to make the game. Captain America's friends had to go by themselves. Another time, I guess. But, it gave me time to work on my Primary (church) lesson (I'm teaching Sharing time all month long), and WordArt for today. The long I work on it, the more tired I get. I'm feeling my 6am wake up. I need sleep :) And the sun. That'll do it to ya, too!

So, if your kids wanna know why they have to wear sunblock, just click on the photo of Jacob to enlarge it, and show them what will happen if they don't wear sunblock. They'll "get beat up by the sun", as Jacob says. Not a pretty picture.

AND, before I sign off, I just wanted to wish the men in my life a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! My dad is wonderful! He taught me the value of hard work. He continues to make me laugh. He taught me how to drive. He was great company for the 6 months that my hubby was gone. I love you, Dad!!!

Paul (my father in law) is a great guy! He's always first to praise. He's loving and kind to me and my family. He's a great example.

And, last, but certainly not least, my hubby, Captain America. He's just fantastic. I love him more than I can say. He's WONDERFUL with our children, and truly loves them. He wants to see them succeed, and will do what it takes to help them learn and be happy. He gives of himself to his family, his church, and his country. He's my hero! Love you, babe!

Well, since I was SO busy yesterday, the freebee isn't a request, it's the first church saying that popped into my head. Hope you like it!

Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!



  1. Thanks - sorry about your son. That looks miserable.

  2. Dang! That sure brings back memories of the time I went skiing and our car broke down so I ended up leaving my sunblock in the car when we got a ride to the lifts. BIG mistake! Make sure he doesn't get ANY sun on it. And you might look at a mixture with tea tree oil - take some oil and add it to some aloe vera gel ( stop the burn. Poor kiddo!

  3. Oh gosh I hope your day is better today :) Thanks for the wonderful freebie again.

  4. oh how i hate dreams like that!!
    your first garage sale?! how FUN was it? i LOVE selling! :)
    oh my goodness that poor Jacob! i sure hope he heals up fast! that looks painful!
    KUDOS to you on teaching at the church!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL wa!! wishing all the men in your life have a SUPER Father's day! :D

  5. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 21, 2009. Thanks again.

  6. Thanks for posting the bit about your son. I've been in a struggle with my 9 year old about wearing sunscreen, but he battles me anyway. I showed him pictures of your son and, hopefully, next week during baseball camp he'll remember what the sun can do!! BTW, we live in SUNNY Florida!

  7. Sad to hear about ur son.....hope all will be better...

    Lovely wordart...thanks for sharing..downloaded it today

  8. This is exactly what happened to me one time at the beach. I forgot to put sunscreen on my face. My whole face was a solid blister. We stopped at a rest stop, and an elderly lady told me what ever I done, I had to use tea bags on my face and to get in a pool. You just get the tea bags wet, and then blotch them all over your face, leave it on, let it dry and sleep with it on your face; wash your face the next morning. She said the pool has the chlorine which dries it out. So I did, and I was perfect within a couple of days. I swear by it now. lol It might sound crazy, but it does work. Thank God for that Lady.

  9. oh face looked JUST like that about a month ago!! we went to the beach and NO ONE remembered to bring sunblock. my face got soo blistered and scabbed (and i had huge marks from my sunglasses =(). i tried to put makeup on for work the next day and it looked so awful that my work sent me home! my savior was Paul Mitchells Awapuhi Moisture Mist. it is an aerosol can that sprays cool water with a mild conditioner in it. i LOVE that stuff for sunburns, it for sure helps dial down the amount that i peel too! hope he feels better soon =)

  10. I'm just wondering, in your dream...which two kids did you manage to grab?? hehe just curious lol. I always use a face moisturizing cream that already has SPF in it, cuz I never remember to put sunblock on my face, and sunblock is so greasy and thick...yuk. But with my lotion I'm still protected and then my face never burns! Poor Jacob, it looked a lot better after it was cleaned up though. Hope it heals up quick :)

  11. OMGoodness, your poor baby! Thank you for sharing that story and pictures with us, I am babysitting several Cub Scouts this summer and just called them in to see the pictures and told them not to argue with me next time I tell them to put sunblock on! Poor baby. Hugs!

  12. Oh my!!! I hope it will heal fast. We all need sunblocks during summer and that I have to stress with my son, too. Sometimes they have the tendency to either avoid doing it coz it's messy and takes too much of their play time (lol) or simply because they are too excited. At the end, we mothers get to be affected.

  13. Sorry about the sunburn. From personal experience, though, you will more than likely have to remind him about the sunsblock again...

    Thanks for the lovely word art!
