
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Cash Was Stolen Sale

OK, girls - I'm having a one day sale. In honor (ha!) of my money being stolen out of my purse, I'm giving out a 50% off coupon! To EVERYONE! It's only good for one day, but still. It's there for ya, if ya want it. Good for anything I sell in the WordArt category. Click HERE to go to my store.

Even if I'm having a crappy day, at least everyone doesn't have to - ROFL!


Good for 24 hours


  1. Gee, I hope at least it wasn't a fortune!

  2. Hey girl! I was hoping to find a way to help you in this dilemma, and this sale gave me the perfect excuse. I just finished shopping. I would love to see a Special Needs word art pack (I teach special needs students). I could give you some quotes if you like, probably enough for 2 packs! I'm really excited because I ordered a custom word art....can't wait to see what you come up with! You are the best!

    Hugs from the heart,

  3. Oh my you are just so darn generous! I'm so sorry this happened to you but I just placed an order and hopefully you'll get lots more today!

    And I second MemoryKeeper. I would love some special needs word art - I have a child with autism.

    Thanks Bethany!!!!

  4. Thanks for the sale. I just shopped. I'm telling all my friends so maybe you can make up the money that was stolen.
    Janice Ingram

  5. Sorry to hear that happened!!

    Thank you for the discount...I bought a couple of packs...would have liked the movie pack but it was already on sale and wouldn't give a total 50% off of retail on it....

  6. I firmly believe that whoever took the money from your purse, will "pay his/her dues" at some point. The good news I guess, is at least you aren't still looking for the purse. Thanks for your generous coupon.
    What comes around, goes around!

  7. that happened to me once...I was in Boston for the summer, just got paid, just cashed the check and that along with my id was stolen. Gratefully the license was found the next day but $$$ gone. You feel so violated. Its too bad it happened to you. You have an amazing attitude

  8. Sorry you lost your money!! But I am super excited cuz I was able to pick up 4 wordart packs that i've had my eye on for a while!!!!

    I hope your sale helps you get back some of what you lost!!

  9. Thanks Bethany for this great coupon. I'm zooming off to the store right now!

  10. I just discovered your wordart and I LOVE it!! Thank you!!!

  11. Bethany,
    I faithfully check your blog daily. I adore your word art, thank you so much for sharing so much with us free. I too have had a similar experience and it seriously does suck. I hope that you were able to make up for some of your loses with this special sale.
    Keep up the wonderful work!
