
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Official Halloween Candy Taste Tester

Hey all! Another good day :) Went walking in the AM with the girls. Jake and Jim came, and Jake walked Katy's dog Apollo. He's a lot bigger than Athena (Jake walked her on Monday). He really seemed to like it, though.

After the walk, I came home, showered, got ready, and headed to the mall. I so needed to get my eyebrows done. I'd been "growing" them back out, so that I could get my money's worth. LOL! Well, I sure did get my money's worth. They looked pretty again after threading. Lunch, threading, The Jewlery Box (CHEAP jewelry - 6 items for $5.50) and playing at the kids play area at the mall, and I was back home again.

I printed off my shopping list, left Captain America in charge of Jake/Jim, and headed back out. I was at the commissary for about an hour and fifteen minutes. Not too bad, eh? I came in under budget again! Woohooo! You don't know how happy that makes me :)

I was home shortly after the kids got home from school. And guess what??? Joe gets to go back to KINDERGARTEN!!! The principal called, and said that his boss at the district level had decided to put Joe back in Kindergarten. Thank goodness. A little bit of faith in the system has been restored. Little bit. hehehe. He gets to start on Thursday. I'm gonna drive the kids to school and meet his teacher. He's pretty excited. But he was also pretty excited that he'd lost a tooth. LOL! 6 year olds are pretty easy to keep happy :)

I spent most of the late afternoon/early evening designing. I only needed to make one for the weeks quota, but found myself with extra time and designing energies. I made 4 WordArt packs for next week, and one for the one after that. Dang, Jackson! I was so on a roll. I'm gonna try and get ahead for when my parents come to visit. The last thing I'm gonna want to do is sit down and design when they are here.

Captain America took the boys to Scouts at 7pm, and I put the little kids to bed at 7:30pm, and kept designing. Captain America and the boys came home a little before 9, and Captain America and I watched part of a movie together. Now, I'm blogging, and I'm gonna watch the 2nd new episode of Medium from this season. I'm SO glad that instead of the series dying, CBS bought it up. It was WAY too good to kill.

You know, the ore I listen to the new Muse CD, the more I love it. Really, you should get it if you don't already have it. WONDERFUL. And, my mom says that it must be good because Glenn Beck likes it. ROFL! I swear she has a crush on Glenn Beck. hehehe.

I personally find this WordArt hysterical. I don't know if you all do what we do in my house, but it's become a tradition. Kids emptying out their candy bags, and Mom and Dad "testing" it. Picking out the yummy ones. And you know what? We've been doing it for so many years, the kids know what our favorites are, and offer it to us before we even get to the "inspection" stage - LOL! My kids are SO nice - hehehe.

Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Candy - Impact
Halloween - Vinyl George


  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

  2. Love your word art. And-d-d, I LOVED the Wolverine pic the other day. It made me LOL!!! Keep up the good work! :0) P.S. Just a little request? I would love it if you did more color WA. I don't have photo shop or anything like that, so I can't change the black to color. Thanks!

  3. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Oct. 08, 2009. Thanks again.

  4. OMG this is perfect! I have pictures of my cat sneaking the halloween candy out of the trick or treat bucket last year hahahah thanks so much hun!

  5. HOORAY for Joe!!! Keep us posted! :)
