
Monday, November 9, 2009

Top 10 List: Thankfulness

Well, our Primary Program in Sacrament meeting went PERFECT! The kids and I got to church about 30 minutes early, partly so I could make copies, partly to get anything prepared for the program. The kids all looked nice, hair fixed, bodies washed, matching shoes/socks (hey, I have 5 kids - sometimes these things slip through the cracks - LOL!)

The kids all took their seats on the stand for the WHOLE sacrament meeting. In most wards I've been in, the kids go up to the stand AFTER the sacrament is passed. But you know what? It worked WONDERFULLY here. AND, all my kids were in the program, so they were sitting with their classes/teachers. I just had to supervice a few of the older kids, who were no trouble at all, so it was a very calm, relaxing Sacrament meeting for me - LOL!

Our Sunbeam teachers (3 yrs old turning 4 this year) deserved Sainthood. They were crowd controlling 10 little kids in the front row of the chapel. Bless their hearts! Jimmy was among them :) Actually, they all did very well. The teachers had brought board books for the kids to look at, and they were thoroughly entertained. At least from where I was sitting.

The program went really well. The kids all sang, the parts were all said, people who were not there had someone else read their parts for them. The teachers, for the most part, were all there, and those that weren't, we had someone else fill in for them. I was SO proud of them. I even started to get all choked up on the last song. SUCH great kids, we have :)

I taught Sharing time, and was busy busy busy all 3 hours of church. I must have walked up and down those stair a dozen times. Pfew! I sure got my workout :) Sharing time was good. The kids got their Thankful Turkey patterns, and had time to color it, and a few got to the cutting out stage. Mostly, I just gave them the bags and told them to take it home and work on it.

After church, we had crock pot chicken with rice. Mmmmm, it was tasty. After lunch, I set the kids up with a movie, and went it my room to take a nap. I left the door wide open so I could "supervise" while sleeping. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking.

I slept for about 2 hours, on and off. By on and off, I mean kids coming in every 15 minutes to tell me something. Or give me something. Or hug me. Or ask me something. Or I could hear them fighting from the other room. Or laughing really loud. Or running laps around the living room/dining room. Yeah, it wasn't very restful. But I know that I slept a little bit.

When I finally got up, and went out, OMGosh. The house was completely trashed. They'd gotten into the q-tips, and they were ALL over the dining room. Along with random books and shoes and cups and such.

The kitchen had little itty bitty pieces of cut up paper ALL over it. The living room had 3 boxes of crayons dumped and spread the length of the room, along with a pack of markers (all lids removed and lost, of course), and some colored pencils, regular pencils, cut up papers, scissors, and papers. Along with the couch cushions, a load of laundry, and a few DVD cases.

The garage had been ransacked also. Sigh. Well, yelling mom emerged for a little bit. Well, more like "Guilt Trip" mom. I didn't yell too much. "How could you do this to me" mom. LOL! I got a broom, and swept everything into 3 piles. Kitchen, Dining room, and Living room. Then, I told the kids to go and clean it. And clean it well. I started on the dishes. There really weren't that many to do.

I helped the kids clean up, and after about 45 minutes, it was looking pretty good. They're good workers :) Hopefully there won't be a repeat performance next week :)

We turned on the first episode of Survivor (we got through the 3rd), and started watching at about 4pm. I cooked Shephards Pie for dinner at 6pm, and put the kids to bed at 7pm. Well, the big kids read for a while. I went in and snuggled with the little kids for a while.

I chatted with my mom for about 30 minutes, then watched 2 or 3 episodes of 'Fringe" on Fox. LOVE that show :) It reminds me of X-Flies, which I just LOVED. I stopped, designed, blogged (which I'm currently doing), and am gonna go watch one more episode before bed.

Captain America and Jake still haven't made it home from the reenactment yet. I'm expeciting them at about 3am. Or later. See, I knew there was a reason I didn't wanna go :) hehehe. BUT, from what I've heard from them, they both had a good time. Better them than me, I say :)

So I've been thinking of doing one of these for a while now. You know, encourages more "getting to know you" type layouts. Something to pass on to future generations. Because the next generation REALLY needs to know how high up there I rank my laptop and trips to Sonic - LOL!

Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Kit - Megan Turnridge (she's FABULOUS!)

OK, so this list is silly. I'm tired, and I was just trying to think of something to put on there. If I had a little bit more time to think it out, it might be better. I saved the PSD file, so maybe I'll go back and edit it :) Maybe not - LOL!


  1. Thank you so much for this and all the freebies. I love reading your daily posts :-) although sometimes I'm tired just reading all that you accomplish in a day with 5 children, lol.

    I have not been able to use any of your freebies on a scrappage, but did use one of them on a card, which I thought turned out really nice. Your word art really could go on a card all by itself and be beautiful and elegant, but this card was for a design team so I had to combine it with an image. Again, thank you so much!

  2. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Nov. 09, 2009. Thanks again.

  3. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Nov [LA 04:00pm, NY 07:00pm] - 10 Nov [UK 12:00am, OZ 11:00am] ).

  4. What a perfect "thankful" list! Love it!

  5. I absolutely love this word art! Thanks so much for sharing!
