I picked out their clothes (the little ones), and laid it out in their room. In piles. Really, could it be any easier for them? - LOL! They managed to get the wrong piles after their bath, and Joe's clothes were HUGE, and Jim couldn't get his undies past his butt crack, and his pants wouldn't button. I had to strip them down and switch clothes. Sigh.
I showered, and found something to wear that didn't require my "full body girdle". And let me tell you, being 20 lbs up from my goal weight, it's slim pickin's. But I finally found something nice, yet baggy. Do those even go together - hehehe.
I wanted Tom to go out to the truck to grab my Sunday bag so I could "dump the extra weight" from all the crap that the kids seem to dump in my bag every Sunday. But Tom said the truck was gone. Sigh. The car must not have started this morning. It doesn't like the cold. And El Paso isn't supposed to be this cold. Anyway, Captain America had left for church at 6am, long before I was awake. hehehe.
Captain America came back home at around 8:30am, and we all loaded up in the truck, his car now started, and he headed off in his car to church. He's gotta say after for more meetings. Church was good. I was bad, and went through my Sunday bag there. I found a TON of stuff to throw away, and put my new rosters in the page protectors, and threw out the old ones. I know, that's not reverent. I usually sit nice and quietly. Maybe I can blame it on the headcold. Does that work? No? OK, I'm sorry. I will be more reverent next week, I promise...
Primary was busy as usual. We had the Sunbeam A teacher (Andrea), home with Luke (can't take him out for a few days, doctors orders), and we currently don't have a Sunbeam B teacher (she moved last week). Luckily, Laurie was subbing for the A class, and Kayley said that she'd sit with the B class for the first hour. There was few enough kids (usually 8-10 in each class - but only 8 total today) that we could combine A & B together, then just get an extra "body" to "crowd control". It worked nicely.
The 7 yr old teacher was gone, but actually got her own sub. Miracles never cease - ROFL! I love it when a plan comes together!
We got home at around 12:45pm, and got lunch started. Sausage and eggs with onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and some dehydrated hashbrown potatoes. It was really pretty good. I sat down and watched a movie with the kids after lunch. "Monsters and Mazes". OMGosh, it was lame. I guess it was one of Tom Hanks first movies. It was a stinker - ROFL!
It was all about how this game, "monsters and mazes" (think Dungeons and Dragons) corrupted these kids, and one went insane and almost killed himself. We play Dungeons and Dragons, and we've never gone crazy. ROFL! I told the boys that the moral of the story is to just not go Crazy. Not that D&D is bad. Or computer games. Or video games. Or guns. Same concept. It's not the tool that is bad, it's how it's used. Things can be used for good or for "evil". It's all a personal choice. So, if nothing else, it was a good "conversation starter" with the kids.
Captain America got home at about the time the movie was over, changed clothes, and went to set up the Hotwheel Race Track for the little boys. It goes from my kitchen to my computer area. Nice. It's just slightly in the way. hehehe. It's a good thing I like those little boys - hehehe.
They had fun racing their hot wheels with their dad. That lasted for about 20 minutes, then Captain America went in to nap. He and Jake had a "fireside" to go to in the evening, and they'd volunteered me to bring cookies. No problem.
I wanted a nap, but before I took one, I wanted to get the cookies out of the way. SO, I made some Oatmeal chocolate cookies. I didn't have chocolate chips, so I just put some cocoa powder in the dough. It was pretty tasty. And we even had some extras to munch on here. I know, not so good for ANY of our diets.
I laid down for a nap, but Captain America kept talking in his sleep, and was disturbing me - ROFL! He kept asking about the "slides", and if someone was supposed to be coming over to work on them, and then saying how if they weren't done, it was gonna be my fault. I swear he was awake. He even got up and went to the bathroom, and was still talking about it. I coudln't convince him that he was asleep, and to just lay back down. Really, it was funny.
After that episode, I wasn't tired anymore. I grabbed my laptop, and played on it for a while. I woke him up at 5:30, asking what time the fireside was. Thinking it was at 7:00. It was 6pm. Dang. They were gonna be late. I helped the guys get ready and out the door, then cooked dinner for the remaining Harty's at home :)
The little boys continued to play on the race track, and I designed for a while. Tom read his book for a while, and Eme.... well, I'm not sure what she was doing.
When the "guys" came back home, we started on chores, and put kids to bed. It's now 8:28, and I'm done blogging, and done designing. Wow, actually done early. What to do with the rest of the evening. Maybe the big kids and Captain America and I will play a game together.... Although, they really should go to bed if they're gonna get up in the morning for school :)
Hehehehe, I thought this one was TOO funny. I couldn't resist. I'm sure y'all could come up with some funny layouts with this one, right?
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Things that makes me say hmmm...
ReplyDelete2 packages of Moose Track Ice Cream come into my house on Monday. Friday, "Mom who ate all the ice cream, I only got 1 bowl" (only child at home this week), Saturday Noon, "Honey, where did all the ice cream go, I only got 1 bowl." Hmmmm
Which or both are not being honest cause it's too cold for me to eat any. LOL who wants it when the temp outside is only -4? The probably could get the fridge doors open. Wouldn't be a bit surprised, but she wouldn't go for the ice cream she'd go for the yogurt. LOL
I say hmmmmm all the time whenever I'm reading, studying, or anything else that requires concentration. It's a wonder I don't drive my husband nuts with it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for you gifts. Every day I look forward to reading your blog and the amusing word art.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Jan. 11, 2010. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm. . .that would be me about your dad!!! hahahaha. . .
ReplyDeleteHi! Love your everyday stories.
ReplyDeleteToday's wordart is fabulous. THANKS!!!
Bianca from Germany...
I love it! Now to decide which photos to put it with! Decisions, decisions, decisions!
ReplyDeleteThat's fun ... will have to play with this one! Thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
ReplyDeletethank you
ReplyDeleteThanks for Sharing !!!!