
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roses Are Red

Remember the whole "Life is better when your kid pukes in the toilet" routine from yesterday? Yeah, TOTALLY jinxed myself - hehehe. Captain America was up ALL night long puking and diarrhea-ing. Poor guy. He was really hurting.

He called in at 5:30am that he was WAY too sick to come in. And he went back to bed. I went out at 7am to get kids ready, and Tom said he was feeling icky. So was Eme. Jim was sleeping on the couch, and Joe woke up, but was still feeling icky. I sent them all back to sleep. I gave Tom a few pepto pills, and sent him to bed. At 7:30, Eme informed me that she was all better, and wanted to go to sleep. OK, hurry and get ready, I told her.

I called Andrea, and she came and picked her up on the way to school. SO nice of her. About that time, I hear Tom upstairs. Puking. But not from the bathroom area. Sigh. I went up, and he puked RIGHT on the carpet, all the pink pepto. Nice. THAT doesn't come out easily, you know. SO not cool. So the 6 year old can make it to the toilet, but the 10 year old cant. Doesn't make much sense, you know.

About that time, Jake came down stairs, and puked in the downstairs toilet. Dang, they were dropping like flies. We watched a movie for a while, but I didn't sit and watch the whole thing. I like to wander around - hehehe.

Captain America was up a bit later, and called the Brigade Doctor, and got a prescription for anti-diarrhea and anti-nauseousness called in. So I drove on over to the TMC (don't know what this one stands for, but it's the doctors office)(maybe Troop Medical Center?) to get the drugs. I also got some pepto, some anti fungal cream, some ibprofrin, and some sudafed. THANK you army and free OTC drugs. 2 times month we can get 4 products. Sweet!

Anyway, I got home, gave Captain America his drugs, cooked food for the sick and non sick kids, got them all situated, and headed out with Andrea. I had to get out of the sick house - hehehe. We went to the mall, and as we were pulling into the parking spot, Ryan called. So we sat in the car for 20 minutes while they talked. I checked my email on the phone, texted my sister, kept busy :)

We went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch (did I tell you I was down another 2 lbs? That makes 7 total!), and I got a Grilled Chicken Garden Salad with double chicken and a water. I picked out the tomatoes, carrots, cheese, and broccoli, since it's not on the diet at the moment. It'll be back on re-feed. I was feeling pretty good when we were done. Although baby Luke's fries did look awfully tempting :)

Next, we went downstairs for Andrea to go threading. I'm saving my dollars for next month. I'm running out of funds - hehehe. Anyway, she got her eyebrows and her lip done. It felt SO smooth when she was done - LOL!

We went to Old Navy, but decided that even with their sales, we still didn't want to pay that much. We're both thrift shop girls, through and through. We couldn't see paying $10 for a pair of jeans when you could get a pair for $2-4 at the thrift shop. Sigh.

Next, we went to Bath and Body Works for a sample of lotion, because our hands were dry (ROFL!), and then back home. It was a nice afternoon. BUT, when we got back home, we realized that it was time to go and pick up the kids from school. SO, I ran in the house, grabbed and apple and crackers for Andrea and I, then headed back up to school. We were a few minutes early, so we sat and chatted.

We were home at around 4pm. Captain America was asleep again, but the kids were in bed with him watching Star Wars Episode 2, I think. They were all having a good time. I did a bit of computer work, cooked dinner (French Toast Loaf), cooked my dinner, and prepared for the Cub Scout Committee Meeting, that I was running. Busy day again.

Andrea came and got Emeline and I at 6:40pm, and we headed off to church. And let me tell you, it was our best committee meeting EVER. We had a 3 den leaders there, the cub master, the committee chair (me), and a parent. SO good. Everyone was laughing and having fun ,and we got the pack meeting planned, the pine wood derby talked about, and the blue and gold talked about. It was a very fun and productive meeting.

I got home at almost 8:40pm, and most of the kids were still up. Captain America said that he'd put Tom in charge of putting Joe and Jim to bed, but since Tom was sick, it didn't really happen. I re-put them to bed, put the rest of the kids to bed, and came in to blog and design. Here it is, 9:24, and I'm gonna watch some internet TV and go to bed. Another long, but good day.

Thursday, I need to go grocery shopping, and have an FRG meeting in the evening. The kids get to go to the Bowling alley for childcare. It ought to be a ton of fun for them :) Not sure what I'm gonna be doing in between shopping and FRG-ing. I'm sure I'll find something entertaining to fill my time. I always seem to :)

OMGosh, I just couldn't resist! Irene Alexeeva, from Scraporchard, posted some of these in our forum, and I just laughed and laughed and laughed. This one was one of my favorites. I thought you'd like it too!

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


  1. ROFL!!! Girlie that's hilarious!!! I knew you'd portray at least one of these... thanks for the awesome wordart!!!

  2. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 13 post on Jan. 21, 2010. Thanks again.

  3. You were close on TMC...Troop Medicial Clinic...I had to ask my DH. lol

    Love the word art, thanks!

    Hope everyone feels better soon!

  4. Unable to resist! This is TO perfect! Thank you!!!!!

  5. This is REALLY funny - thanx for sharing and for making me laugh :o)


  6. I enjoyed reading your blog entry - even though I'm feeling a bit queasy after visualizing all the puking going on at your house... blech (not to mention the other end happenings.)
    The word art is so cute and made me laugh. Thank you very much, Bethany.
